You folks are in for some turbulence with numerous Blacks killing Blacks and hundreds of armed Black Militants marching in the streets to antagonize the white “loose cannons” out there. It is just a matter of time before a gun battle breaks out between the two sides. The KKK and Nazi’s did it in Greensboro November 3, 1979.

Doesn’t matter in America over 1000 Blacks have been shot and many killed by other Blacks since George Floyd’s murder.

A major shoot out between Black and White Militants is inevitable. Even the National Guard will be unable to stop it until it’s too late. A 5-10 minute shooting between the two sides will have the potential for dozens of folks injured or killed.

Let’s think about that for a moment? Just like Atlanta officials allowed the protests to turn into riots, looting, burning property and buildings to justify a response.....a major shoot out between the two militant sides will be a blessing. As long as no innocent folks get hurt/killed, lots of injured and dead militants will allow the left wing Mayor of Atlanta to do her job and stop the violence? Or the Governor, National Guard and State Police will take over.

The day for the militants to get it on is near. Atlanta needs to order additional body bags.