Stahl concerned about Domingo when it should be Jenkins
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  1. #1

    Stahl concerned about Domingo when it should be Jenkins

    Steadman Stahl keeps worrying about Domingo coming after his throne when the one who he should be watching is Jenkins

  2. #2
    Jenkins is another liar and thief they are all cut from the same cloth. They knew too many secrets about each other. Along with the person that he stabbed in the back. We fail to realize that they all stab each other in the back and he stepped over the last regime to get a head and now he’s doing the same thing it’s in his blood. Look at how he destroyed his family and slept with friends wives. The drug dealer and cop hater that he’s affiliated with and now he stole money from our dues. But Karma is a ***** his wife’s Keeping her distance and raising kids alone while he has his latest adventure with some boy girl looking chick. The membership is only a means to the end so he doesn’t have to do any real police work. He cares nothing about the members just look at what he did last year


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