If you want to see how to not let a Police Department get, look no further than the Dade City Police Department. This department has to be one of the most backwards ran places that I have ever seen in my life. They and I mean the Administration except for the Captain, has what needs to be addressed and taken care of all kinds of screwed up. If you take a look from the outside it looks like a great place, and you would go as far as to say if I were in law enforcement I would like to work there. But if you are in the inside you would see all kinds of ways not to run a police department.

For example starting with the administration. The Chief, he is a self centered old man who should have hung it up when he left the FDLE, he has no business trying to run a Police Department. He has ran his officers moral into the ground so bad that the would rather be a school crossing guard than work for him. He spends more time spending the so called budget that they don't have on a back drop that says Dade City Police Department so he can use it if the news wanted to talk to him instead of buying equipment for patrol and on dchools and training . He is more concerned with taking trips to his other home in North Carolina than running his police department.

Now to Captain Duff, what can I say about him besides I love him. He is a man that has deticated his life to this place, but has been ran down to almost nothing by you guessed it the Chief. He is counting the days until he can say take this job and shove it. Now to Sergeant Walters Mr. Messes everything up. He is a poor excuse for a cop, I mean what does he do all day? He is doing nothing but collecting a pay check for literally sitting on his big fat ass. Speaking of fat ass supervisors you have Rowe the man who got a college degree on delartment time, and thinks that he will be running the department shortly, hell he just might. Then you have Shireman the stirrer of shit himself. He thinks that he is just the end all be all of Police in general. All he does is kiss ass when he gets a chance and talk crap behind your back when ever time permits and then will lie to your face and cower behind his stripes when you call him on it. Shireman get a life sir and I use sir lightly. Moreno who claims to have been a Marine HAHA whatever what a yellow belly scared little man. Well not so little anymore wow what did you eat something that you have an allergy to? Now to Harrelson Mr. Retired on active duty 6 years early. He is another shit starter and stirrer. He says he will have you back just like all the others will but he will be the first one to stab you dead square in the middle of your back.

Now to the officers on patrol that I know which are about 3. *****, Mr. I cant show up to work because I have baby momma drama but say im sick but not really, but when I do show up I sit and watch movies all shift, you are a sack of crap dude. And you probably are one of the worst people that I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. You treat people like shit, and you think you deserve to be K-9 give me a break try doing your job right before trying to get promoted. Then there was Doty Mr. Medical problem, I have never seen a person that has so much medically wrong with him than Doty, hang it up bro before you get someone else or yourself hurt. Now Davis Mr. Drama, he has a problem it is call butthurt that is what my friends in the military told me they call someone that *****es about every single little tiny thing and makes something out of nothing. Then there is Fulford I dont really know him but he seems to be a stand up guy. Now Felix is a real work of art. I heard he was a shitbag at Temple Terrace PD, and he still is now. And Hobby he is dumb because he works at Dade City, he should have came to Pasco with the rest of us. But instead he wanted to stay in his home town, can't hate on that, but you need to wise up bro and go green. Also to the new people that were hired as favors to whom ever for whatever, you suck for wanting to work there. Oh yea almost forgot they just hired a new girl that was fired from here at Pasco for one sleeping with her supervisor and starting a domestic dispute on the job, and then she left her gun and belt in a Wawa bathroom for 3 hours before she was called and told that she left it. Wow you guys are desperate for hiring her.

All this should say to who ever reads this is that Dade City has a administration that needs to be weeded out as well as some officers, and some who should just hang it up all together.