Killing of law enforcement officers
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  1. #1

    Killing of law enforcement officers

    Does anyone remember Detective Melvin
    Santiago? He was a Jersey City police officer
    who was shot to death just a month ago, on July
    13th. Santiago was white. His killer,
    Lawrence Campbell, was black. Does anyone
    recall Obama appearing before national
    television and calling for justice for Officer
    Santiago's family? Does anyone recall Eric
    Holder (what a joke he is) rushing to Jersey City to see that justice was done?

    How about Officer Jeffrey Westerfield. He was a
    Gary, Indiana police officer who was shot to
    death last month on July 6th. Westerfield was
    white. His killer, Carl LeEllis Blount, Jr. was
    black. Where was Obama? Where was Holder?

    Or Officer Perry Renn? He was an Indianapolis,
    Indiana police officer who was shot to death
    just last month on July 5th, the day before
    Officer Westerfield was killed. Officer Renn
    was white. His killer, Major Davis, was
    black. I don't recall any mention by Obama
    about the untimely death of Officer Renn. And,
    I doubt that Eric Holder rushed to Indianapolis
    to make sure justice was done. Or, maybe I just missed it.

    Vermillion Parish Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares was
    gunned down by two men just last June 23rd in
    Louisiana. Deputy Bares was white. His two
    killers, Quintlan Richard and Baylon Taylor,
    were black. Was Obama outraged? Did Eric
    Holder rush to Louisiana to make sure that the
    family of Deputy Bares found justice?

    Here in Killeen, TX, Detective Charles
    Dinwiddie of the Killeen Police Department was
    murdered by Marvin Lewis Guy, a black
    male. Officer Dinwiddie was white. This
    happened on May 11th, just over two months
    ago. I don't even recall seeing anything
    about that on the news. Certainly, the white
    citizens in Killeen didn't take to the streets
    to loot and burn businesses. Again, I don't
    recall any mention by Obama or Holder.

    Then, there is Officer Kevin Jordan of the
    Griffin, Georgia Police Department. He was
    gunned down just two months ago on May
    31st. Officer Jordan was black. His killer,
    Michael Bowman, was white. This was a white man
    murdering a black police officer. Where was
    Jesse Jackson? Where was "The Reverend" Al
    Sharpton? Was there looting and burning on the
    streets of Griffin, Georgia? No. In fact, I
    don't recall hearing about this one in the news,
    as well. Why? You can draw your own conclusions.

    Over the past 60 days, there have been five
    reported deaths of police officers by gunshot in
    the US. Of those, four were white officers who
    were murdered by black men. Blacks complain
    that white officers threaten black men more
    aggressively on the street. You can draw your
    own conclusions on that one, as well.

  2. #2
    Ever thought that maybe people are getting tired of the heavy handed tactics of law enforcement.

  3. #3
    What is the exact issue that you are trying to imply? If I am not mistaken, I do believe that more minorities have been killed by cops than vice versa.... Why not mention the other "unarmed" minorities that have been killed by cops in the city ......Maybe people are getting tired of This crap and are ready/willing to fight back. Unfortunately law enforcement as we once knew it, is about to change

  4. #4
    If the minorities would stop acting like ANIMALS and do as told by police and if they wanted to fight the charge in court.. well that's our system .. . this same crap has been going on since the 60's just an excuse to loot, burn and act lie the savages they are.. and yes.. I am talking about the handful .. because I have black friends and co workers who say the same thing.. THUGs.. and GD forbid Sharpton or Jackson address the real underlying cause in the black on black crime in their neighborhoods.. NY, Detroit, Atlanta, Miami, same all over.. facts speak volumes.. and yes.. I have been in the riots in Detroit and Miami.. so learn the facts and those animals.. well just stop killing and behave for once.. and shame on the POTUS and AG who could have been much better and true leaders during this time!

    Black Panthers and our Leaders should all be charged with inciting mayhem and riots to our nation!


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