Looking for a career in law enforcement? Do you want to earn competitive wages and benefits? If so, DO NOT apply at the Delray Beach Police Department. I could list twenty reasons why but simply pick up the phone and call City Hall. Ask for Human Resources and 'ask' the following:

1) Ask, 'What is the starting pay for police officers with a two year or four year degree?'
2) Ask, 'When did officers receive their last pay raise?'
3) Ask, 'How much was that 'pay raise' and who received it?'
4) Ask, 'What is the top out salary for (Master Police Officer)", but more importantly,
5) Ask, 'How long does it take to achieve 'top out' salary?
6) Ask, 'How much it costs to obtain medical, dental and eye insurance for a family of 2, 3 or 4?' (sit down when asking)
7) Ask, 'Is the City planning on changing the current pension plan?
8) Ask, 'Is the City planning on continuing to withhold salary increases for another 6 years?'

Compare these wages and benefits with other agencies, like PBSO as they are and have primarily been the agency worth spending a meaningful career with, as well as, appreciated for the work you do.

When you call City Hall you'll probably get an answer similar to 'dubba-dubba-dubba-double-speak,dubba-dubba-dubba yes we can' but we have no control. That is the signal to RUN...RUN as far away as you can.