there are many withing departments around the country who are beginning to grumble and form groups talking about all the problems, corruption, and plain human rights violations they are forced to put up with and pretend to sit through unaffected daily.

Film me, I don't care. I'm not out their acting like some bullying sociopath. I've got nothing to hide and really just kind of mind my own business until something ACTUALLY requires my attention. A lot of officers are beginning to act the same way, because they just don't care to work that hard for the sake of their fat-cat, idiot bosses wallets. Unfortunately, a lot of rookies come in fresh out of the indoctrination centers (high school, college, academy) thinking that they are actually supposed to be catching real bad guys - whom they've been led to believe are stoners, drug users, tax dodgers, prostitutes, etc... The basic "social problems" we've made up over the last hundred years and convinced ourselves we need to arrest people for. I want those rookies to come in and start looking up the ladder to see where corruption might be lurking... that's where the real evil is that they need to be stopping.

There are those of us, secretly, who are doing everything we can from within our own departments to root out the evil mother****ers who are making so much money unleashing attack-dog officers on the population. We know who those officers are and if we can't reach them, we'll make sure they **** up noticeably enough to get fired. If our supervisors step out of bounds, we'll make sure trails of LEGITIMATE evidence can lead back to them. It has gotten to the point where politicians have had to be anonymously threatened by brave officers with exposure of their crimes if they didn't cease. The ire of the citizenry has come to a crescendo and the opportunity to release this message is right.

Before you lump us all into one category. We are not all the same and many of us have opened our eyes. You can't just step in front of the firing line when you're trying to stop a mafia execution. Sometimes you have to wait and plan and regroup and build secret forces that can take out the clowns who are pissing on our constitutional oath. Don't judge until you've been in the mind of an officer who's become fully awakened to the predicament we are all in - officer and citizen alike. Just like there were Nazis who were secretly hiding and helping Gypsies, Jews, homosexuals, and the like - there are officers who knowingly do not respond to frivolous calls, ignore unlawful orders knowing that their superiors can't call the cops about it, but they can call the FBI if pushed. A lot of us are on your side, citizen, and are rooting for the return of the Peace Officer, you don't hear about us because we don't have the stats or we have gotten out of that game or we need to maintain secrecy. But we're watching everything and everyone - that includes you corrupt officers who love picking on citizens and refuse to be reached by we officers who have come to stand for JUSTICE, down to our very core, and have a hope of restoring that principle once again.

We are putting up with the corruption of our own, for now - biding our time... secretly gathering evidence, confessions, we have sworn, recorded testimony from officers within our groups. Testimony of past crimes of repentant officers and the crimes of the current, unrepentant ones. You talk about sting operations against the citizens being unjust and unwarranted. Yes, most of the time they are - because it's just a way to stick your nosey gun in someone's personal business and take their shit to grow your budget and get newer cruisers and bigger guns and maybe a SWAT team, so those juiced up, ex-mil muscle heads can pretend they're in the marines again and Joe Smith is once again Mohammed TerrorJihand.

Guess what? Officers are now running stings on groups of stinking, corrupt officers and their filthy superiors. Some evidence from these stings has leaked out - some is in the news, others not. Many of you may have heard rumors or wondered about the whispering. Wondering why people suddenly bolt upright and shut their mouths and change course. You may be seeing our footprint. But the evidence is being gathered around the nation from pissed off, fed up, moral officers who see the bind we're in.

Have patience and help reach out to and inform officers who may not know the truth. The more eyes we can open to the reality of this police state, the more power we have to stop it.

Sure, it gets frustrating knowing that the person your serving a warrant on isn't really any trouble and you're only there because of a dumb statute. That person will hate you, from now on, and likely will hate any person in blue with badge. At least I wasn't wearing black with tac goggles, body armor and an AR15 with stun grenades. We understand the hate and most of us have learned to cope knowing that we inevitably will unite together to tear off the parasites who are steering us from the top of society. The hate and hard words can anger and frustrate, but those of us with compassion for our brothers and sisters - civilian or not - know that is happening because most people are ignorant of the fact that our supervisors have control over the actions of the force as a whole... Focusing on the officers is pointless because they are replaceable and being replaced by wanna be psychopaths with itchy tazer hands and trigger fingers. The dynamic isn't healthy and it's rotting away at the core of what police officers were founded for. Most of us are placidly waiting for the return of the peace officer and not saying anything, a growing minority are waiting while taking secret actions to stop it, another small but growing minority is running around like all of those douchebags playing the 'Knockout Game' . They just want to **** up someones day to make up for their wounded egos and psychological shortcomings. It's one of the Hallmark's of sociopathic behavior and officers displaying it are being filtered in because they're obedient and they're effective.

All officers are encouraged to do what you're trained so well to do... GATHER EVIDENCE!!! But do it for the REAL CRIMINALS, your corrupt supervisors and the fellow officers around you who refuse to stop violating citizens right. Make sure to inform your fellow brothers and sisters in uniform what exactly the rights are and what their limits are. If they show their sociopathic nature and continue to happily violate the rights of citizens, GATHER EVIDENCE. Technology is all around you. Smart phones have apps that record sound and video while the phone appears to be powered down. The ACLU makes an app that does that, just to WATCH US!!! That is a situation we all are responsible for - citizen and officer alike - the citizens have been too willing to relinquish their right, while the officers and supervisors have been WAY TOO willing to take them away.

GATHER EVIDENCE!! Learn to encrypt it, learn how secure information drops work, go on YouTube, learn to use TOR and to stay hidden. The day will come when shit begins to hit the fan and corruption is being exposed with in departments around the country. It will be a landslide from hell if you're one of the officers who has dirt in the mountain that is sliding toward your department doors. The Anonymous movement has reached more than just the hippies you all saw in Occupy. Intelligent, compassionate officers have been awakened or revitalized by hippy voices in that movement to the fact that we're all being ****ed hard from above. If you are a corrupt officer, we highly recommend you change now - we are, and if you don't, we will come for you and you will be wearing shackles and a jumpsuit. Exactly like the gangland thugs you pretend to be. The rest of us, the good ones who love freedom and respect our fellows, we'll be initiating the return of the Peace Officer. A force of Peace Officers will be tiny compared to the size of LE today - some of us will need new jobs and won't enjoy the cushy union protection and pensions. Fortunately, a lot of that smaller size will come naturally when departments have the filth rooted out from their insides.

Citizens, get to know your officers - learn the good from the bad, the swine from the potential Peace Officers. Officers, the god ones, meet with the citizens and attend the mixers and really get to know people and express your views on tyranny and oppression. Let them know - without explicitly telling them - you're on their side and you want this to work out for both our benefits in the end. Officers, the bad ones, you have tried before and will continue to try to infiltrate us. The thing is, we know who you are - we always have. We teamed up with the good guys who have awesome tech and fast internet and know how to use it - and the lawyers who care and also see everything, they now GATHER EVIDENCE - the few judges who aren't out of touch, they are GATHERING EVIDENCE - CPS agents are GATHERING EVIDENCE - tax officials are GATHERING evidence - officials and officers in all capacities are GATHERING EVIDENCE of wrongdoing withing their respective agencies and orgainizations. We learned from Assange, Manning and Snowden how valuable information is and how quickly it can change the status quo - we knew everything about you before while you were just finding out who we were. Good luck when the storms begin to hit. We wish the best of luck to any corrupt officer, attorney, judge, or official we will be sending away for hard prison time.

Citizens and Officers - the good ones - realize that this battle is bigger than some guy with a camera and some asshole cops. This is about WE THE PEOPLE getting screwed over and over by a small group of wealthy, powerful individuals and their minions who've been hired to order us around. Justice will once again prevail in the United States, or we will be doomed to repeat history as we slowly fall into an inevitable state of Police Fascism. We are repeating the mistakes of numerous empires before and dooming ourselves to become the new Roman Empire... the new Third Reich - looking for anyone different to oppress to keep the money flowing.

"Those in power will join us or fear us. We know exactly who you are."

A warning to newly awakened, passionate officers. This time of conflict can be incredibly tough - when you begin to see exactly what's going on around you and how disgusting it can get. We know you may want to change things fast. PLEASE! Do not attempt to go "lone wolf" and expose anything major without first consulting someone knowledgeable about it. The internet is filled with resources. If your department is incredibly corrupt - especially if it's in a major city - don't act foolishy on your own. It may not devolve into a Dorner/LAPD fiasco. But there are plenty of ways for bad officers to arrange for a good one to have an "accident" in the line of duty. Ideology and staying true to your morality is VERY important - but you NEED to think about your safety and your family's safety. Majorly corrupt departments are compared to a mafia for a reason, they use mafia tactics - ALL mafia tactics, if you catch my drift. BE SMART, BE SAFE, BE JUST!!!

Now that you've seen this message, you are responsible for the information contained in it. Will you share it on forums like this and encourage good officers to join the fight and educate themselves on monitoring tyranny. Officers have great power and can use it for great good.
If you're familiar with other forums, copy and paste the messages into those. Link up this thread, spread it across the web. We have no leaders, but we meet often. You can join by simply changing your mind to act for the good of us all, not the good of a few.

Hopefully, when people know we exist, even though we operate without being seen - our presense will be felt and fellow officers will be encouraged to what the Dalia Lama has spoken of, when asked what the most important meditation a human being can do it:

"Rational thought, followed by human action."

An individual may be on later tonight if there is a question or concern. If you are concerned about privacy, search for TOR and IP Proxys and Anonymous web browsing on YouTube and follow the directions.

This is a PERFECTLY LEGAL THREAT. If you are committing crimes and violating constitutional rights of citizens, we are going to bring you to justice. What we should have been doing all along.