another deputy hurt in line of duty fired - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    I want to thank everyone for the support sent my way in ALL the replies. Never thought I would go out this way, but with the current administration I didn't expect anything more. My notice of Medical dismissal was approved by the Chief "for the Sheriff". I remain under the care of my foot surgeon and expect my 10th surgery after the first of the year. At least the cost of my surgery is still covered by workers comp. I would not wish this on anyone but if you find your self in this type of situation get a lawyer, otherwise they will screw you even worse. I have nothing but love for my brothers and sisters who do the "JOB", I loved doing mine. Happy Holidays to all be safe and watch your 6. If I can be of help to anyone or just give you the name of a GREAT lawyer call me 813-363-6967. Pid # 4858 is X102.

  2. #12

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    Quote Originally Posted by EX Motor 47
    I want to thank everyone for the support sent my way in ALL the replies. Never thought I would go out this way, but with the current administration I didn't expect anything more. My notice of Medical dismissal was approved by the Chief "for the Sheriff". I remain under the care of my foot surgeon and expect my 10th surgery after the first of the year. At least the cost of my surgery is still covered by workers comp. I would not wish this on anyone but if you find your self in this type of situation get a lawyer, otherwise they will screw you even worse. I have nothing but love for my brothers and sisters who do the "JOB", I loved doing mine. Happy Holidays to all be safe and watch your 6. If I can be of help to anyone or just give you the name of a GREAT lawyer call me 813-363-6967. Pid # 4858 is X102.
    My brother, I know exactly what you are going thru and I honestly mean that, if you get my hint. They are seriously screwing a bunch of veteran Deputies who just wanted to try and finish out their careers with honor & pride. Like you, this too was taken away from me my brother.

    I know that nobody at the top, or even your Major (if you guys in Motors have one) will contact you to tell you "Thanks for all your years of service to the office and the citizens of Hillsborough County". Cause mine, who I had befriended many years ago in a different capacity never even gave me the slightest of goodbyes or thanks. Like I said my brother, I know EXACTLY what you have been put through and possibly even worse.

    Honestly though my brother, I have never been more happy since being away from the seemingly never ending drama and stress that was present almost daily at the current HCSO. Even my blood pressure has gone way down after being elevated for years while working at HCSO. I know now, that despite everything I did & gave for HCSO, which was a lot if you knew my track record, I was nothing more then a "PID" number to them.

    Yes, it's 100% wrong & disgusting how you have been treated and I wish you all the best of luck my brother. I hope you win any and every lawsuit possible against them, because that office displays total disrespect toward it's dedicated workers, as you now know so clearly. I have tried to tell some of the Dep's that I still occasionally communicate with, exactly where they will stand if injured or disabled while still employed at HCSO and I think they are finally convinced to get the heck out of there as quickly as possible. Some however, still think it could never happen to them. We and many others now know that it can and it will.

    Goodluck my brother, and by the way..."Thanks for Your Years of Dedicated Service".. :wink:

  3. #13

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    Unfortunately it is not the HCSO that I was proud to be a part of for many years. It used to be a family. There was a one armed detective for years who was an alcoholic, there is still a detective that can barely walk…but now you are not afforded the same opportunities. Darryl, you have been treated wrongly, after almost losing your life. Thank God for you there was an AF medic in that procession, that witnessed the crash, and had his bag of tricks to help you. Should we talk about the MANY veteran females officers that have been forced to quit, or take a civilian job because after 20+ years of service they are no longer deputy material because they cannot scale a 4ft wall? The people in charge should be ashamed of themselves for the way they treat those who are not "the fair haired boys." I can only hope that some day Karma will catch up to them. At some point they will have to answer for their actions. I could't sit and watch what was going on anymore, after almost 30 years, watching how they pad stats, falsify crimes, change reports and treat people unfairly, it was time for me to go. I talked to an attorney, I had a case and he was anxious to take it, but HCSO has unlimited legal resources and they know no one can afford to fight them. I was not forced out and I left on good terms, but many have not.

    For those interested in working at HCSO, take my advice, go ANYWHERE else. Best of luck to you Darryl

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sitting on my deck smoking a cigar

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    What I find utterly astounding is that after they terminated your employment due to your line of duty injury and you post the facts on here and they notify you that they are, shall we say, un-pleased with that. Who gives a rats ass that Docobo, Gee, or anyone else there is displeased with what you posted. If they wanted to control what you post on social media then I guess they should not have terminated you from under their wing.

    I guess they fail to remember is that Gee is a politically elected figure just like Obama and that Docobo is a politically appointed one, like Eric Holder, John Kerry, or any of the other idiots in D.C. With their way of thinking no one would be able to state their opinions and observations. Heaven forbid Gee is ever elected to higher state or national office. Whats he going to do? Sue Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan or Jimmy Fallon for what they say about him on late night?

    If you need me brother you have got my number and know how to get ahold of me. Next time your up this way we'll hit the Parkway on our Harleys, have a few beers, and share a nice fat cigar outside on the deck. We won't even have to bring up the subject of HCSO, we can just enjoy a day or two of retirement together.

  5. #15

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    if they wouldn't treat everyone so bad there would be no negative comments…I was against the union before because of who was trying to be in charge of it at the time, but it is desperately needed now. The unfair treatment, backstabbing, favoritism and discrimination is running rampant, very sad. I can assure you if ANY of the current administration runs for a higher office they will not have my vote! They ruined a good agency.

  6. #16

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    The stooges at the top of hcso are nothing more then a bunch of bullies, who cry if everybody does not bow down to them. They have absolutely destroyed hcso and now enjoy terminating injured employees. Talk about some "supposed" leaders who are insecure about themselves, Gee & Decobo are textbook specimens of this. They are so afraid of losing their power, that they hide behind their positions to cover up the fact that they are truly WEAK in real life. They have "little men" syndrome and are only happy in life when they feel powerful. They are in reality just becoming a laughing stock and everyone is now becoming aware of their true identities. No confidence vote is building steam and rising .. ops:

  7. #17

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    [quote="retiredalso"]Unfortunately it is not the HCSO that I was proud to be a part of for many years. It used to be a family. There was a one armed detective for years who was an alcoholic, there is still a detective that can barely walk…but now you are not afforded the same opportunities. Darryl, you have been treated wrongly, after almost losing your life. Thank God for you there was an AF medic in that procession, that witnessed the crash, and had his bag of tricks to help you. Should we talk about the MANY veteran females officers that have been forced to quit, or take a civilian job because after 20+ years of service they are no longer deputy material because they cannot scale a 4ft wall? The people in charge should be ashamed of themselves for the way they treat those who are not "the fair haired boys." I can only hope that some day Karma will catch up to them. At some point they will have to answer for their actions. I could't sit and watch what was going on anymore, after almost 30 years, watching how they pad stats, falsify crimes, change reports and treat people unfairly, it was time for me to go. I talked to an attorney, I had a case and he was anxious to take it, but HCSO has unlimited legal resources and they know no one can afford to fight them. I was not forced out and I left on good terms, but many have not.

    Well guess what, the Feds have plenty of resources and you are among the many that have started to come forward and complain that HCSO is falsifying it's crime stats via UCR reporting procedures. It is not going unnoticed by some of the right folks. All they had to do to add to this assumption is look at some of the National internet based crime watch sites, like and wonder how Hillsborough County has crime stats comparable to the well off small cities & towns nearby, while the other comparable Florida counties & cities show drastically higher crime stats? It's time that the real story got out and the truth come forward.

  8. #18

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    And all the Sworn & Non-Sworn section supervisors will also have to answer to these investigators, why they knowingly followed orders to reclassify Incident Reports to lower based crimes. Like at times putting as many as 5 or more residential burglaries all under one case number in order to make it look like only one burglary occurred. Or how about putting even a higher total of multiple auto burglaries all under one case number, to once again make it look like just one burglary occurred. These are just the tip of the iceberg, since Detectives are instructed daily to unfound cases for any possible reason, change burglaries to trespasses, robberies to simple larcenies and the list goes on & on. I don't care what anybody claims to the contrary, Hcso is altering the crime classifications big time and any Detective or certain Records Clerks will back this up. Hell, even the Patrol Supervisors are telling their Patrol Deputies to reclassify many of the Felony crimes to Misdemeanor crimes before the Incident Report ever gets sent anywhere. It's not for me to know all or list which, State & Federal Statutes might be getting violated, but the Citizens of Hillsborough County, or any County, deserve to know the exact number and what specific type of crimes are occurring in their Communities. People have a right to keep themselves and their families safe and many do so by researching crime statistics before they buy or rent, or even decide to move away from certain crime ridden areas.

  9. #19

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    As a patrol deputy I can agree with many of the comments in this thread, however, the author of the above post needs to read the UCR manual before you start making wild accusations. I do agree there is a push to classify offenses to crimes other than Part I's, but at the same time, HCSO has been classifying crimes improperly for many years and finally we are getting it right.

    The grouping of multiple burglaries into one case number is a UCR rule when those burglaries all occur in the same area, within the same time frame, likely from the same suspect. These are viewed as one incident under UCR. HCSO is not cooking the books when it comes to this type of UCR coding. Read it for yourself...

    UCR definitions do not always align with Florida Statute, which is why certain crimes are coded for UCR, but charged differently on the CRA. Burglary Conveyance in Florida Statute is Trespass in Vehicle for UCR purposes. This isn't cooking the books, it is simply following the federal guidelines as required.

    With that said, do some detectives get victims to admit their items may have been lost rather than stolen, thus unfounding the burglary and not taking a Part I crime hit? Absolutely... I would venture to say that the only possible altering of crime stats going on in HCSO would be in the retail theft category. I frequently see pressure from command staff to change thefts to frauds if there is any possible way to justify the change. This is the result of Walmart having awesome loss prevention and catching all their shoplifters. Good for them, but bad for our Part I's.

  10. #20

    Re: another deputy hurt in line of duty fired

    Mr patrol deputy; Thanks for your input and your service to the peeps of hillsborough county. I too agree with some parts of your logic behind the stats problem at hcso.

    Let me tell you this though....unless you have actually worked in the detective unit, particularly the district level units that handle 3/4 of the offices latent cases, you are seriously misinformed as to what goes on. Some of it also depends on which district as well.

    For many years most of the detectives working out of the districts have had to handle case loads so ridiculously high each month, that it was essentially impossible for them to properly investigate the vast majority of their cases. It is not exagerating one bit to say that more then 50% of their cases were not properly investigated and cleared any way possible in order to meet unrealistic pressured filled deadlines and keep number crunching supervisors off their backs. This directly causes a incredible number of felony cases to either be magically unfounded or reclassified to misdemeanors, not requiring detective follow-up.

    The white collar crimes unit is another area that takes a real beating, where identity theft, credit card fraud and numerous other types of fraud cases are not properly investigated because of the astronomical case loads and only a handful of detectives. I don't blame them, I blame poor sheriff's office leadership for not supplying enough resources & manpower to both this unit and district level units.

    In the end, all these improperly cleared and wrongly unfounded crimes not only hurt the actual crime victims themselves as well as the citizens of hillsborough county, but rather this pathetic trend of trying to make the crime rate stats look lower then they actually are, results in the county board of commissioners approving LESS new deputy positions for the street. Another factor why the deputy to citizen ratio in hillsborough county is among the lowest in the state and the nation.

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