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Thread: shameless

  1. #1


    This place has sunk to a new spineless low. Since when do we just allow any employee to freely walk the halls of the police department. Why Why Why??????? At what point do the powers to be say Im sorry but this is a secure facility and you will require an escort throughout the building. From this point forward I will not question anyone walking thru the building or driving into the back lot I will just assume they have been granted permission. I know on occasions I may come across a newly hired CSA or Police Officer whom I may not know, and usually they will introduce themselves to put any suspicions to rest, however it is a travesty when the person who is directly responsible for trying to ruin the hard working and dedicated officers pension and benefits, is allowed to walk thru the pd with his chest puffed out. ( sorry for the run on sentence ). Imagine the surprise while your working out on your lunch hour in an attempt to stay fit to serve the great residents of the city and this guy walks into the gym. ( by the way you left your weights on the leg press machine something we have been advised could cause us officers that you hate to lose our gym privledges ). I certainly hope there is no confusion by administration why this departments moral is at the lowest it has ever been, I swear what is wrong with standing up for the officers once in awhile and showing a little loyalty to those whom you are supposed to be leading. A boss says do it, a leader says lets do it together!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: shameless

    I agree with the original poster. Even as a councilman, I wanted to, and was escorted thru the PD. It is a secured building, and it makes sense. And after reading the article (post) a couple of times, I KNOW who it is..

    What this administration has done and is doing to the PD is sad...

    Rico Petrocelli
    Former Councilman
    City of Plantation

  3. #3

    Re: shameless

    Quote Originally Posted by Rico Petrocelli
    I agree with the original poster. Even as a councilman, I wanted to, and was escorted thru the PD. It is a secured building, and it makes sense. And after reading the article (post) a couple of times, I KNOW who it is..

    What this administration has done and is doing to the PD is sad...

    Rico Petrocelli
    Former Councilman
    City of Plantation
    I know you've told us to take the high road on this one, and I know cooler heads prevail JM. But this is just too much. What a slap in the face....Does anyone with in Admin have a set to tell this individual NO admittance!!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED!!! yeah and if "YOU" are reading this.... you SIR are NOT WELCOMED in OUR HOUSE!!!!...what nerve. Hope you are able to sleep through out the night...Understand you have a job and we understand its in YOUR best interest to please your ummm boss... But you further insult us with ruining our dept by gutting it and the moral is lower than I have ever seen in many decades...We will continue to serve our public with pride and thanks, but no thanks to you good Sir.. and oh, dont trip on those weights you continuously leave behind...I can see this is going to get very very ugly very soon...

  4. #4

    Re: shameless

    I couldn't agree more with the assessment of the gym rat visitor. He walks around like his "stuff" don't skink. He is not a PD employee and has done nothing to deserve special treatment. The Mayor does not even just show up and walk without someone escorting her. I'm sure if I gave him a smirk in the hallway I would be in a boss's office trying to make nice nice. Oh that's right he has the employees of the city in his best interest. Maybe we should ask why he has unescorted access, maybe it's part of his compensation package. Keep asking tough questions Rico, his ego and air pressure needs to be deflated a few PSI. Personally I don't think he cares about anyone but himself. Shameless indeed. Oh well not much will probably happen. It my world I will just try to ignore him and pretend like he doesn't exist without getting in trouble.

  5. #5

    Re: shameless

    For clarification, anytime I speak about Administration, I am definitely talking about the Mayor and City Hall.

    What is occurring from city hall is an insult to all of the Plantation Police, and the attitude of the Mayor and HER staff reflects at the bargaining table. I was there, you could feel the tension, the cities position is punitive, in my opinion.There is no way the Mayor will be able to balance this budget, strictly by the FOP's concessions, which they have made....She (Mayor) wanted this position..

    Mayor:Be careful what you pray for you might get it.....

    your friend,

    Rico Petrocelli
    Former Councilman
    City of Plantation

  6. #6

    Re: shameless

    Quote Originally Posted by Rico Petrocelli
    For clarification, anytime I speak about Administration, I am definitely talking about the Mayor and City Hall.

    What is occurring from city hall is an insult to all of the Plantation Police, and the attitude of the Mayor and HER staff reflects at the bargaining table. I was there, you could feel the tension, the cities position is punitive, in my opinion.There is no way the Mayor will be able to balance this budget, strictly by the FOP's concessions, which they have made....She (Mayor) wanted this position..

    Mayor:Be careful what you pray for you might get it.....

    your friend,

    Simply put...they have a problem, a spending one!!!!....Mismanaged and the people of Plantation should see what their council does and how its budgeted out...(for real).
    For the size of this city, is 42 + parks that necessary? Is a horsey park which is barely used necessary? They are using the FOP as an excuse and putting the burden of balancing the budget on them. Its of course necessary to reform pensions and other things as such due to this current economy, thats a fact...I wonder how this mayor is going to look folks in the face and tell them, soon in the near future that BSO will be taking back dispatch and after that happens its only a matter of time until the men and woman here will be wearing green and white...Those quick services citizens are used to....gone.....give it another 10 to 15 years we will be just another Lauderhill...

    Rico Petrocelli
    Former Councilman
    City of Plantation

  7. #7

    Re: shameless

    FYI, I did not write that last post, which had my name attached to it, The one that starts out: Simply Put...

    That was posted by: glovesareoff.....

    Rico Petrocelli
    Former Councilman
    City of Plantation


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