Your Chief has decided that your agency will join Monitor Program. In short, your agency will appoint one or more Monitors to monitor the Message Board. Just like Moderators they will NOT have access to IP Addresses. The only thing that Monitors will be able to do, is Temporarily remove a post. Then a full Moderator will have to review it, to make sure that it is a violation of the Terms of Use before it is permanently deleted. To read more about Monitors click here

Your agency has selected Commander Yvonne Little to be the first Monitor. Her id on the Message Board will be Monitor YL. I understand Commander Little's position in your agency, and it will NOT be a conflict, as she will NOT have any access to privileged information, like IP Addresses, and any action he takes will be temporary and subject to review by a full moderator.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Mod 1