You didn't build that
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  1. #1

    You didn't build that

    Hey Harvey, you know those sergeants stripes you worked so hard to get? Well you didn't build that. Someone else made it happen.

  2. #2

    Re: You didn't build that

    “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t built that!” Are perhaps the dumbest words ever uttered by a President. What President Dumbo Ears is too stupid to understand is, the roads were built mostly by private businesses and the schools were significantly and demonstratively better before there was a Department of Education promoting and allowing unions to ruin the education system in America. The government is an impediment to business and I frankly have had it. I’m thinking of shutting my business down (which my wife and I built BTW; without help from Barry), retiring and living on my savings; essentially opting out of paying taxes so I don’t support the tyrannical state we live in anymore. I’m having a John Galt moment. The only thing stopping me is my employees. None the less, we are setting in place a plan for a few years down the road to just say screw it. At which point we will no longer support the immoral actions of mentally ill liberals.

    This country is so f#$%@* up, I don't know how you cops even do it any more


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