Fellow officers,
Is it really worth all of the bad blood and heart ache to bash our brothers out there who work with us everyday in the good times and the bad? And over what? some dumb ass remark that a car was not clean. It's not...that should be the answer. How are you going to feel God forbid when you are on a call together and someone gets hurt or killed (hopefully it will never happen), and you just got done telling your brother that they are a piece of shit and that you can't stand them. Then you can never take it back. Ever.... How are you going to feel about that for the rest of your life? It has happened to me before, and I really and truely hope no one ever has to go through it. Over stupid comments about cleaning a car. You are going to go after each other's throats and air dirty laundry that might be true to a point, but the decisions that were made to remove certain people (mud flap arms/toothpick legs/bandanna boy) from task force positions were made hastfully by a cowboy sheriff who even said himself that he made a poor quick decision. I know things get heated at times, often over nothing, which this hole thing was over nothing, and for what true gratification? Brother being pitted against Brother? Come on guys, lets put all this water under the bridge and get back to meshing as one again. By the way I think Mongo would have flatened Bandana boy with one hit, but thats just my opinion.
One last thought....We should all get along with each other and not feud like the Hatfields and Mccoys, because in the end it's US AGAINST THEM. Who is them? The freaking Zombies!!!!! God Bless and Stay Safe.