Trayvon Martin was a punk thug criminal. Zimmerman no matter what he was doing getting out of a car, following someone etc ...IS NOT A CRIME! He was as free as Trayvon was to walk where they wanted ..but when Trayvon let his inner gangster take charge and take away the right of Zimmerman to walk, follow , get out of his car, etc that's when Trayvon became the criminal once again and his felony criminal actions were dealt with legally and the courts have now agreed.

Trayvon instead of calling his girlfriend perhaps should have called 911. Maybe the out come would have not met with his liking but at least he would not be dead. Perhaps if he walked up to Zimmerman and not put his hands on him ...cursed him out, gave him his piece of mind ...he would not be dead . Or maybe ....if as it is claimed ...he just walked home to his fathers girlfriends house ........there would be no one to find and we would have never of heard of him in the first place.

Your State Attourney is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE and should either be removed by the Governor or by vote as soon as possible. There is NO CREDIBILITY in that Office.

Your former Chief should SUE every member of the city counsel or what ever bunch of complete incompetent boobs bowed down to Political pressure and forced him out.