I read the article in today (Sunday's) paper about the officer pepper spraying passive student protesters. In Oakland last month an Iraq War veteran was seriously injured and I ask myself what has gone wrong. Why are modern day educated law enforcement officers acting like German storm-troopers under Hitler.

Do you not realize that these protesters are protesting on your behalf as well as other everyday Americans, or do you think that somehow the 1% will really look out for your well-being.

In Florida the Governor is trying to privatize all Correction Officer positions and turn the jails over to private companies for profit. (There is a court order in place to stop it for now).

Do you not see the LEO layoffs across the country, the cuts to benefits, and if you don't think there aren't private companies standing by just waiting to take over law enforcement for profit you're delusional. Blackwater & G4S (formerly Wackenhut) are salivating in the wings and paying lobbyist big bucks to get legislators to see this as a way for states to save money and for all of them to make big money.

So just keep on wacking the only people who are speaking up and soon you will be kneeling on the ground being pepper-sprayed yourself - but this time by a private security force.