Writing back and forth with so many of our Officers, and Officers from other departments, I have come to a conclusion. Working for Law Enforcement especially a prison system, can be stressful.

I remember starting with the department. I had been in the military doing hi-speed things, fought for my country, been an EMT, been a Police Officer, gone through divorce, and other things. I thought I was mister tough guy when I started way back in the day. HA! I got eaten up by Ol Dogs and Convicts.
I watched as my fellow meek Officers became strong willed foul mouthed commanders of their area. But, I have seen a lot fail under the stress of the job when combined with the stress of life. Most of my friends are dead now after or just before retiring. I have as many friends that have killed themselves as I have fingers, and yes, I have them all.
If you ask someone that has been around for a while about someone that killed themselves you will most often hear, “What a *****”. To me this is wrong! Why are we like this, yet we go to the funeral and cry like a cat’s meow.
This blog is to point out issues in the design, to give suggestions of how to relieve stress and become a better Law Enforcement Officer, and if need be to get you help.

Now, I am not a counselor, just a talker. But I do know things, am one of you, have been through it, and by GODs mercy, I want to help raise my grandchildren and not die of a heart attack in two years.