School of Hate: Uhuru Charter School
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    South St. Pete

    School of Hate: Uhuru Charter School

    Your tax dollars may once again go to work building the Uhuru Movement.

    Taxpayers have funded this violent hate group that led the demonstration last year to honor a murderer who killed 4 Oakland police officers. The city of St. Pete has provided them with staff, services and a federal block grant. They are now preparing an application for state funding to open a charter school.

    As far as I know the school board has not asked them to renounce violence as a condition of this funding.

    For too long this hate group has gone under the radar of the news media, posing as a group out to help the poor and oppressed. The only ones they help are criminals who prey on poor black residents.

    The Uhuru gang is actually a group of white communists, radicals and cult members who support a small black front group. They pretend that youth gangs who throw rocks and bottles at officers in St. Petersburg Florida are part of a revolutionary insurrection.

    No, they are not the black community in South St. Pete or anywhere else. They take advantage of sloppy reporting to create that false impression. Black people want to be safe from crime. They take advantage of friction between black residents and law enforcement to drive a wedge, push the "No Snitch" code and make friends with hoodlums.

    Accurate reporting and public scrutiny will expose this nonsense.

    Take a look at the little bit of honest reporting done on them and please spread the word. Here are some links on the Uhurus:

    It is disturbing that the killer of four Oakland police officers is deemed a “hero” by Uhuru.

    Anti-Defamation League (page 18) lists them with groups that "possess ideologies based on hate and intolerance".

    25 years of organizing in Philadelphia has built a movement of a dozen mostly white radicals with a black spokesman who justified the murder of a police officer.

    40 years of violence in their home town.

    This article describes activity at the proposed school campus possibly related to the murder of an 8-year-old child; "a local gang called the 8 Hype Boys and was involved in a gang shooting the day before Paris' death. They accused him of shooting at a Bethel Heights member at a party at Uhuru House on 18th Avenue S."

  2. #2

    Re: School of Hate: Uhuru Charter School

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    They are just exercising their constitutional rights endowed by their creator and the first obstacle in the way of over throwing a government is to take out the police. Do not take it so personal. It is not you personally, it is the uniform you wear and the white suppressive government you blindly take orders from for a pay check that has you in their sights.

    "If ballots don't work, bullets will,"
    Quote by a Racist Hate Monger Republican Joyce Kaufman

  3. #3

    Re: School of Hate: Uhuru Charter School

    Last time I checked the head man of the white government was black. Just saying that is all. So that excuse, among others, can no longer be used. Sorry. Now go back across the bridge and leave the nice folks of Tampa alone Mr. Chimichunga Waller.

  4. #4

    Re: School of Hate: Uhuru Charter School

    It will be great, crack making 101, auto burglary 101, advance robbery, and how to play the legal system. Will be a great school i'm sure.


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