children protecting children from pedophiles
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    children protecting children from pedophiles

    I was given this web address the other day, because a wikipedia member and other young adults have been trying to take action into their own hands and stop pedophiles from having "freedom of speech". I never thought i would see the day where pedophiles would get the right to speak freely about their sick dark fantasies, until i read about this website. Are the police aware of their fight against this website by attempting DDos attacks in the attempt to stop pedophiles from discussing and sharing photos that are disturbing? At first glance the website appears to talk about several nonthreatening topics but reading further reveals the sinister side and its motives. The kids fighting to remove the site have nicknamed it "where the pedophiles live" . Perhaps the adults who are suppose to protect these children can help in their battle.. this site is called (meaning anonymous talk) . I will post some of the things i have found in hopes to make parents aware and the police. Perhaps the police can lend a helping hand in something that should be their top priority !!

    This is my finding which caused me to send an alert to imagine shack to report this behavior to the FBI.. Sadly it fell on deaf ears. Several have reported to the FBI, so why is this continuing? I will post the rest on a different follow up

    Topic: Yes I like young boys! Here's why.

    Anonymous A started this topic 1 day (2010-01-21 03:03:?? UTC) ago (#49,970):

    A picture says more then a thousand words.

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    Poll: Cat-havers: are you too embarrassed to masturbate while your cat is watching?

    Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:06:?? UTC) ago, 4 minutes later (#362,629):
    Those pictures tell me nothing. So please tell me, why do you like young boys? Also, how do you like young boys?

    Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:08:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 5 minutes past creation (#362,631):
    Enjoy prison, ******.

    Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:10:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 8 minutes past creation (#362,632):

    > why do you like young boys?

    Here's the answer: Because of the way his/her brain is wired. The evidence (s)he is trying to provide is through his/her eyes and (s)he (and you) fail(s) to realize that it is subjective, so it is worthless and meaningless to discuss.

    Anonymous B replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:12:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 9 minutes past creation (#362,633):

    I'm sorry, but I asked the question of the OP, not you. Since you are not the OP, your answer is neither helpful nor needed.

    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:13:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 11 minutes past creation (#362,635):
    Think of the most beautiful woman you have ever set you eyes upon, or imagined. (man, if you are that way inclined) My feelings regarding young boys are of the same nature as your feelings regarding a beautiful woman.

    Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:14:?? UTC) ago, 19 seconds later, 11 minutes past creation (#362,636):
    I'm more confused why you would like blue pantyhose. That's horrible.

    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:15:?? UTC) ago, 1 minute later, 12 minutes past creation (#362,637):
    I am male, and under the age of 20.

    Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:17:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 15 minutes past creation (#362,639):
    Why not, "To each his own" I enjoy looking at boys wearing tight clothing, be it tights, lycra or speedos.

    Anonymous F joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:29:?? UTC) ago, 12 minutes later, 27 minutes past creation (#362,646):
    The first picture was hot, but the second… That kid looked special ed.

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    Anonymous G joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:31:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 28 minutes past creation (#362,649):

    This still doesn't answer the question. Why are you attracted to young boys? Showing us pictures that most of us are not attracted to does not really answer that question.

    What is it about them that you're attracted to? Simply comparing it to the same way I feel about a beautiful woman is not sufficient, because that beautiful woman is attractive for her long hair, the shape of her eyes, the curves of her body, etc. Young boys do not have these things, so I don't see them as attractive.

    What the poster wanted to know was what details, specifically, you find as attractive in young boys.

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    Anonymous D replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:32:?? UTC) ago, 58 seconds later, 29 minutes past creation (#362,651):

    > Since you are not the OP, your answer is neither helpful nor needed.

    That's a red herring in the form of an ad hominem, because the person I am has no bearing on whether or not I can provide a useful answer to the question, which is objective.

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    Anonymous F replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:35:?? UTC) ago, 3 minutes later, 32 minutes past creation (#362,652):

    I find them attractive in general. The boyish face, chest, stomach, back, etc. Their innocence and sincerity is a nice change from all the ****-headed adults that corrupt this world.

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    Anonymous H joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:40:?? UTC) ago, 5 minutes later, 38 minutes past creation (#362,656):

    I understand your point; mostly because I am not a moron. Attraction is highly individualized, and the plain truth is that no two people will agree on many specific points, however, we can find common ground for rational understanding. It's the same as music interests or artistic preferences; I like country and hate hip-hop, and yet many of my friends like hip-hop and hate country.

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    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:46:?? UTC) ago, 6 minutes later, 43 minutes past creation (#362,661):
    I am not and never have been attracted to girls or women. My first experience of sexual arousal involving another person was at the age of 11 with a boy in my class at school. Young boys are, in my opinion, the representation of physical perfection, their bodies, like their minds still unblemished and pure. Their skin smooth and soft and the awakening of their sexuality something wonderful. The water of a mountain spring or the nectar of the gods.

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    Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 03:56:?? UTC) ago, 10 minutes later, 54 minutes past creation (#362,669):

    > #362,652
    > "I understand your point; mostly because I am not a moron. Attraction is highly individualized…"

    Indeed, I like fast Italian cars and and do not really like American "muscle" cars but I can understand why another person would. I dislike communism and socialism but I can understand both communists and socialists. I believe that one must be able to comprehend another's beliefs likes and dislikes even if one does not share the same opinion.

    Anonymous H replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:01:?? UTC) ago, 4 minutes later, 58 minutes past creation (#362,670):
    Agreed, tolerance is essential!

    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:13:?? UTC) ago, 12 minutes later, 1 hour past creation (#362,680):

    > "Agreed, tolerance…"

    I beg to differ, there are many beliefs and opinions which I can not tolerate however I can still understand the way of thinking that guides or drives the person or persons. I can understand the person who detests "Pedophiles" but there can be no rational debate unless one has an understanding of the other persons way of thinking even if one totally disagrees.

    Anonymous B replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:13:?? UTC) ago, 10 seconds later, 1 hour past creation (#362,681):

    Since when were you able to answer a personal question directed at another person? GO AWAY.

    Anonymous H replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:21:?? UTC) ago, 8 minutes later, 1 hour past creation (#362,689):

    What can you justify being intolerant about? They only thing I can't tolerate is intolerance.

  2. #2
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    Re: children protecting children from pedophiles
    Anontalk – Where the pedophiles live



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    Anonymous I joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:32:?? UTC) ago, 6 minutes later, 1 hour past creation (#362,701):

    Some things, such as sexuality, need not be explained. The curves you find attractive are the same curves that others find unattractive.

    That said, I am a young man who likes boys too. The "why" is impossible to explain, and surely has to do with some biological component that I will never understand. I think it also has to do with my upbringing, since as a boy I loved being doted upon and fondled. As another poster said, it is all subjective and quite meaningless to provide reasons or "evidence" for our sexual preferences.

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    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:35:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,704):

    > #362,680
    "…The only thing I can't tolerate is intolerance."

    In that case you seem to have no real opinion or belief of your own. I would fight against communism and socialism as well as against the Muslims/Islamists. I am totally against non ethnic immigration, I support the death penalty and corporal punishment but I am capable of debating as a communist or as a muslim as one must know ones enemies as one knows ones self. (That's why I learned french!)

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    Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:39:?? UTC) ago, 5 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,708):

    > "Some things, such as sexuality…"

    I found this site by accident whilst attempting to find out what had happened to 12chan and decided to post the photos just to see what happened. I was rather surprised that anyone replied and to be able to talk about my sexual preferences under the cloak of anonymity.

    Anonymous H replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:41:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,710):

    Don't be stupid. I have principles and beliefs. I am against Communists and Islam because of their lousy economics and also because of their intolerance of persons and their innate predispositions.

    Anonymous H double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:45:?? UTC) ago, 4 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,716):

    What do you know about Communism and Islam. I was a member of the YCL for a year and the CPUSA for four years. Have you ever read Marx? Engels? Gorter? Plekhanov? Lenin? Stalin? Trotsky? Bernstein? Bax? The Fabians? I'm tired of people pretending to know about communism and popping off with stereotypical conclusions that they regurgitate from school.

    **** Islam. I will not submit. It is in the Koran that muslims need to kill all non-muslims, who refuse to submit to slavery.

    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:47:?? UTC) ago, 2 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,720):

    > #362,704
    > "Don't be stupid…"

    Egad! Thou art indeed intolerant. Tolerance and democracy are the roots of anarchy.

    Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:50:?? UTC) ago, 4 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,725):

    > #362,704
    > "What do you know about Communism and Islam…"

    I have indeed read on any subject that I debate, I have my own strong opinions and am not influenced by group reaction or the opinions of my peers.

    Anonymous H replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 04:56:?? UTC) ago, 6 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,733):
    Read: Liberalism, the Classical Tradition, by the Austrian Ludwig von Mises. Tolerance and Democracy are the antithesis of Anarchy. Anarchy is rule of the strong, there is no respect for individual rights. Anything else is a pipe dream.

    Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 05:04:?? UTC) ago, 8 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,743):

    > "Read: Liberalism…"

    Stop reading and think! By the way you are talking to a Royalist/Monarchist who is in favour of an absolute monarchy or an extreme "Right Wing" dictatorship capable of returning Europe to the Europeans and re-colonizing Africa and India.

    Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 1 day (2010-01-21 05:13:?? UTC) ago, 9 minutes later, 2 hours past creation (#362,749):
    It is 08:15 am here and I am off to bed, I will return tonight to reply.

    Anonymous J joined in and replied with this 1 day (2010-01-21 07:06:?? UTC) ago, 2 hours later, 4 hours past creation (#362,784):
    I believe in the American form of representative democracy. I swore an oath to defend the constitution. I like that I swore to defend a document of good ideals, rather than a corrupt monarch or dictator. There is nothing unconscionable therein. I like the idea of advancing our race, but not at the cost of our progress. We progressed from the abuses of monarchism, even though I come from a noble family.

    Anonymous K joined in and replied with this 12 hours (2010-01-21 19:36:?? UTC) ago, 13 hours later, 17 hours past creation (#363,203):
    As a boylover, I can't fathom why you like young boys.

    Better pictures:

    Anonymous L joined in and replied with this 10 hours (2010-01-21 21:32:?? UTC) ago, 2 hours later, 18 hours past creation (#363,342):

    > "As a boylover, I can't…"

    Strange, as you seem to like them as well! Your photos are nice but I find Vladik too plain and not slim enough. My political convictions have nothing to do with my sexual preferences.

    Anonymous L double-posted this 10 hours (2010-01-21 21:39:?? UTC) ago, 7 minutes later, 19 hours past creation (#363,352):

    > "I believe in the American form of representative democracy…"

    Democracy destroys all who adopt it,history is my witness. Democracy is merely "Government of the oiks, for the oiks and by the oiks. In the end it becomes "let do what thou wilt be the whole of the law. Morality, decency and traditional values all disappear. Anarchy reigns. End of a civilisation!

    Anonymous L triple-posted this 9 hours (2010-01-21 21:56:?? UTC) ago, 16 minutes later, 19 hours past creation (#363,378):

    Anonymous M joined in and replied with this 3 hours (2010-01-22 03:45:?? UTC) ago, 6 hours later, 1 day past creation (#363,761):

    I disagree. We've had democracy in America since 1660, or sometime thereabout. We have a thriving culture, that has always been multi-racial. Our conservatives blame the communists for our decline. Our communists blame the conservatives for shooting the workers and letting them suffer from the ills of capitalism. There is no anarchy here, and we are a very moral people. We give generously to anybody in need. What you say is just hype, I'd rather have a new President every four years than Hitler, or Stalin, or the Queen.

    As for history, until the end of world war 2 there was only one democracy: the USA. England is not a real democracy, you have a sham bicameral parliament with one half hereditary, the other half half-way decent.

    What does 'oik' mean?

  3. #3

    Re: children protecting children from pedophiles

    last year a 5 year girl in my hometown went missing after her mother fell asleep on her
    front porch, watching the little girl play. within just a couple of hours the entire town was in
    engaged in a man hunt searching for the girl and possible clues to her whereabouts. after an agonizing week of search and rescue
    attempts the mother feared the worst.Her fears were validated 9 days after her daughter went missing. acting on an anonymous tip, police apprehended the pedophile who not only abducted the little girl, but did it in her front yard, with mom on the porch, and in broad daylight!
    the pedophile did not have even the SLIGHTEST trouble carrying out his sick game. the reason for this is because the pedophile was also one
    of the lead detectives on the local force and appointed himself in charge of all aspects of the case.
    in a world where police officers hide behind their badge and use it as a passport to carry out their ill desires.............
    who will protect the children from the police?!

  4. #4

    Re: children protecting children from pedophiles

    Quote Originally Posted by westpointer
    last year a 5 year girl in my hometown went missing after her mother fell asleep on her
    front porch, watching the little girl play. within just a couple of hours the entire town was in
    engaged in a man hunt searching for the girl and possible clues to her whereabouts. after an agonizing week of search and rescue
    attempts the mother feared the worst.Her fears were validated 9 days after her daughter went missing. acting on an anonymous tip, police apprehended the pedophile who not only abducted the little girl, but did it in her front yard, with mom on the porch, and in broad daylight!
    the pedophile did not have even the SLIGHTEST trouble carrying out his sick game. the reason for this is because the pedophile was also one
    of the lead detectives on the local force and appointed himself in charge of all aspects of the case.
    in a world where police officers hide behind their badge and use it as a passport to carry out their ill desires.............
    who will protect the children from the police?!
    i forgot to mention that -YES- the girl WAS murdered, but only after the cop bludgeoned, beat and raped, the 5 year old litle girl coubntless times. she was identified by blood and sperm saturated rags that used to be her clothes as well as a few jewelry trinkets found around the area of the body

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: children protecting children from pedophiles

    I'm a fairly new member here, and this article grabbed my attention because
    A) I am a mother B) I am currently in the process of changing my career....

    Wow, it never ceases to amaze me just how sick a person can be.... that is so sad ....
    but sadly the world we live in is filled with so many types of people, some of those people in all honesty should be considered "Monsters"....

    scary to think just what is lurking out there on the other side of the door our very children run through to go play, my hat goes off to those that put their life on the line to end such things...


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