Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    South St. Pete

    Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    Did Deveron Gibbons threaten to fire a St. Pete officer?

    What I heard was that he was stopped for speeding this week and told the officer "when I'm mayor I'll have you fired".

  2. #2

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    That wouldn't be a surprise he has always had Cedric Godon's personal number and used it quite frequently when he encountered officers.

  3. #3

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    I Certainly hope that if this story is true that the Officer issued the citation. All the citizens of the city complain about traffic issues. Aggressive driving and speeding are among the top issues. It's too bad this Officer can't go public with something like that......Maybe the PBA could use it in some open forum? i.e. an anonymous Officer stated that he was verbally threatened by Gibbons. Wednesday is televised by Bad News 9. I'm just saying.

  4. #4

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    No he was stopped 6 mos ago..... THEN he told the female ofc "When I'm Mayor you'll be out of a job." "Allegedly of course." He was then seen at the front desk with an IA Det discussing said stop right after and not sure if the ticket was pulled or not....thats all I got from my source...It could all be false rumor of course so........... By the way aint I.A. for complaints...so would that mean he was complaining on an officer when he knew he was running for Mayor?

  5. #5

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    man....yall need to stop trippin over my boy dev.

    he aint never done nothin like that before in his life, you just a bunch of crazy crackas who dont want a black man as mayor.

    we won with obama, next we takin over da burg.


  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    South St. Pete

    It could all be a false rumor

    Da real story says
    No he was stopped 6 mos ago..... THEN he told the female ofc "When I'm Mayor you'll be out of a job." "Allegedly of course." He was then seen at the front desk with an IA Det discussing said stop right after and not sure if the ticket was pulled or not....thats all I got from my source...It could all be false rumor of course so........... By the way aint I.A. for complaints...so would that mean he was complaining on an officer when he knew he was running for Mayor?
    If any one has first hand knowledge I invite you to post it here or contact the Times.

    I don't want to be spreading a false rumor but my source seemed certain of the facts. The voters need to know the facts. If this is true it should be made public and if its not true (or covered up so well that it can never be proven) I will drop it.

    The Times has talked a lot about Deveron's poor driving record. Other stories have more relevance on his possible role as mayor. What did he promise people to bring in all that money from lobbyists? Why is he pleased with conditions in south St. Pete? How will he pay for all his promises? Is he a "business executive" as described in the Times or a lobbyist for Amscot? Did he and mayor Baker really not know that the city made plans to send people to Amscot to pay water bills? How could he not be aware of this?

    The election is two weeks away.

  7. #7

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    Isn't it funny that he promises to use his contacts as a lobbyist to get things for the city but we hav an administration that refuses to accept things donated because they are a "gratuity".....seems like a collision course to me...or will whatever the new mayor wants to change the philosphy of the department......better change our patches because a lobbyists give and take mindset puts us on the road to becoming what New Orleans became several years ago.....

  8. #8

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    Quote Originally Posted by defenda jackson
    man....yall need to stop trippin over my boy dev.

    he aint never done nothin like that before in his life, you just a bunch of crazy crackas who dont want a black man as mayor.

    we won with obama, next we takin over da burg.

    Dev ant bein doning nofin wroonged ifin hed told dat po po he be fireen him fo riteen him dat speed cit.
    Dev goen toobe tuff on crimes in da pete so he not be gaten his houfe buglared. and when hed da may or, da po po not be harassen his peeps no mo!Day be sellen da snow on evry corner in da pete and da weed by in ever stor.
    It goen toobe a grate day in da pete!

  9. #9

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    If this was a legitimate topic, its posts like those above that turn it into a joke. Way to go

  10. #10

    Re: Did Deveron Gibbons threaten a St. Pete officer?

    IF Gibbons threatened a SPPD officer with political retaliation for doing the job he/she is paid to do, or attempted to intimidate a PD officer, that officer has an obligation to come forward and file a complaint with the PD and seek criminal charges against Gibbons with the SAO. If the charges are valid, they need to be adjudicated promptly and complaints also filed with the appropriate election boards and FDLE.

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