Heres how we save money
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  1. #1

    Heres how we save money

    Here is a great idea to save money…………

    How about we start charging these scumbags that have constant repeat calls for service for the same BS every other night? The City doesn’t seem to have a problem charging people for false alarms, even if you have no proof the alarm is faulty, just because there is no apparent sign of a burglary when the police show up. Ever think that maybe the alarm did it’s job and scared the burglar away? They even charge you to have an alarm, EVEN IF IT NEVER GOES OFF. How is that?

    We need to start charging Ma and PA Kettle for us going to their house 10 times a month because they get drunk and want to fight. Or how about the loser parent whose 5 year old wont listen to them, so they call the police.

    When you find someone’s butt-hole kid out at 3 AM with his wanna-be gang bang friends, drop him off at home along with a bill for our services. Even blue star doesn’t give free rides.

    The lady in D2 that makes 40 calls a month because people are directing sound waves at her house that only she can hear. How much do we spend on that?

    Which brings up another 3rd fragmented thought…should someone do some checking to see what happens to the “restitution” money collected by the courts? Is it really going back to the PD to offset the cost of police services, or are we using it to build another worthless traffic circle?

    I can go on all day………………….

  2. #2
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Re: Heres how we save money

    "The lady in D2 that makes 40 calls a month because people are directing sound waves at her house that only she can hear."

    LMAO !! That gal's been a real D2 client for years!! At least she isn't complaining about Laser lights being pointed at her windows anymore !

    Suggestion: {In true JC McKinnon style}: You might suggest the sound dampening effects of styrofoam to her.
    A comfortable fashionable hat could be constructed out of a block of styrofoam. An outer coating of tin foil
    would add to the effectiveness in blocking out radio waves. :snicker:

    Fact: I was with JC when he made this particular suggestion to another CLIENT. And it worked ! No more calls about radio waves. However soon afterwards ~ someone was always sneaking into the house and stealing the tin foil !

  3. #3

    Re: Heres how we save money

    Quote Originally Posted by Picasso
    "The lady in D2 that makes 40 calls a month because people are directing sound waves at her house that only she can hear."

    LMAO !! That gal's been a real D2 client for years!! At least she isn't complaining about Laser lights being pointed at her windows anymore !

    Suggestion: {In true JC McKinnon style}: You might suggest the sound dampening effects of styrofoam to her.
    A comfortable fashionable hat could be constructed out of a block of styrofoam. An outer coating of tin foil
    would add to the effectiveness in blocking out radio waves. :snicker:

    Fact: I was with JC when he made this particular suggestion to another CLIENT. And it worked ! No more calls about radio waves. However soon afterwards ~ someone was always sneaking into the house and stealing the tin foil !
    Making fun of the less fortunate...reeeaaal professional.

  4. #4
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Florida's Suncoast

    Re: Heres how we save money

    HP my friend:
    Until you can learn how to think OUTSIDE [THE BOX]
    You will never come close to being anywhere near to the compassionate man JC was
    when dealing on the streets with people of all sorts.
    Although not thought to be POLITICALLY CORRECT ~ he was always professional.

    My advice:
    "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
    But you go ahead ..... :idea:

    DId ya know ~ we used to use our radios as LIE DETECTORS,
    We could UN-ARREST you, if you placed your hand on our Badge, and promised to be law abidding ?

  5. #5

    Re: Heres how we save money

    HP has no idea what professionalism is, nor does he have a clue what goes on out on the streets. His only idea of what police work is is what he watches on cop shows on TV.

    In this job, you have to have a sense of humor when dealing with the dregs of society, as well as the people who think they are above everyone else. If you don't, you'll either go crazy or rip their throats out.


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