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Thread: shortages

  1. #1


    Any other dispatch centers use COPs to fill in on overtime to help with short staffing.
    My agency does and a lot of the COPs make a ton of ot money. (There under paid souther cops no union, by the way)

    Just Wanted to Know?

  2. #2

    Re: shortages

    No we dont use cops. On our schedule if they are going to be short handed they put a line below the days column and you can sign up to work the OT. We all need it to supplement our low pay. With the economy now, we are almost fully staffed, very little OT unless someone calls off.

  3. #3

    Re: shortages

    Our center used to use deputies & detectives to help man positions. This practice was discontinued over a year ago, obviously to save money.

    It's a Catch 22 deal. If they hadn't been helping us with staffing, I don't think we would have been able to accomodate all the requests for time off/vacations. Not to mention that everyone would have been mandated to work overtime a lot more than most prefer.

    Fortunately our staffing has improved but overtime will not go away until operations is allotted more positions. But that's a whole other subject aka can of worms........



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