FOP Contract Meltdown - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    I too don't like that Dir. Upman was "uncomfortable" with us voting at the SAB. We have done it before. But I will say Rich if you looked on SONET there was an announcement about the voting. But Rich you not been here for 21yrs so how do you know what info you received. I believe due having a union we are allowed to vote at the agency building as past president Ingold has told me before when the FOP first want the vote. I really don't care for Upman or the antics that is going on.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    Quote Originally Posted by 20 year plus deputy
    I too don't like that Dir. Upman was "uncomfortable" with us voting at the SAB. We have done it before. But I will say Rich if you looked on SONET there was an announcement about the voting. But Rich you not been here for 21yrs so how do you know what info you received. I believe due having a union we are allowed to vote at the agency building as past president Ingold has told me before when the FOP first want the vote. I really don't care for Upman or the antics that is going on.
    I've still got my 1st pay stub from early 1988 and it says $9.53 an hour. I joined the FOP right out of the academy, maybe even while still attending. If my math is right I'm in my 21st year. In those 21 years I've maybe received 5 pieces of mail from the FOP, 10 if you count the newsletters.

    And maybe there was an announcement on SONET; the point is they pick and choose what they use Auto mail for. That's not right.

  3. #13

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    Rich, you said in your earlier post that you had a PBA application sitting on your desk. How about doing us all a favor and fill it out and join the PBA. You have no clue what you are talking about half the time and I am personally sick of it. How about if I pay for the stamp if that will get you to join them quicker?

  4. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    Thanks for the stamp offer. I appreciate that. And as soon as you feel like calling or emailing me, in person, with your opinion, I'll keep listening to everyone who continues to thank me for the info I post. It's about ALL the members, not just me, not just you.

    Stay safe & happy Veterans Day!

  5. #15

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    How funny is it all. I started this post. And I have to say some of you are off track. And I apologize for saying we did not vote on a contract, I thought I clarified that we were voting on a contract issue or re-opener. But hey, some of you just see what you want. The point is this, we, the dues paying members of the FOP should have been asked what re-openers we were interested in. This year and last year they were chosen for us. When I started at PCSO, and joined the FOP, I just assumed the FOP Officers knew what they were doing. And then, they did. But then, we did not need the FOP for anything other than an attorney for an IA, shooting and so on. And I voted against the union bargaining for our contract. I voted for the Sheriff to retain that power. And back then we got raises, every year. We even got a compression relief raise of .5% for every year of completed service. It's easy to say that our lack of a raise is the Sheriff's fault during hard times. But times are tough, lay offs are happening everywhere. What I know for a fact is this, the FOP cost me money last year by dragging out the contract vote for six months. Money, in the form of a raise, that I will never get back. The FOP can blame the Sheriff for not paying us retroactively, but the FOP knew what raise we could get well before October 2007. The FOP made the first vote out to be a money and take home car issue. Then we find out that only a handfull of folks were affected by the car issue, to include FOP Vice President Judd. Then FOP Attorney Afienko files some kind of unfair labor practice law suit that he loses. Not only did he lose it, but the Judge ordered the FOP to pay PCSO approximately $30,000 in attorney fees. Thats a fact verifiable in court records. Then the FOP responds that the contract was all about managerial rights. Everyone was running around talking about managerial rights. But if you asked anyone what that meant, they had no clue. They only knew what the FOP told them. So we lost $30k and six months worth of a raise. And here again, we are waiting to vote on a re-opener that was never discussed with anyone but a few. So we are voting on if we want to vote on this issue. Does anyone else see the stupidity of this? If we all vote against this re-opener, then the FOP just wasted a re-opener for nothing. So I'm sorry if I think that the FOP is a big circus right now, but the years have jaded me. I see now that they have wasted our money, pushed their own agendas, and have expected us all to eat sh#$ and smile about it. Well, they can stuff the dry chicken and under cooked steak dinner right up their rectums. It's all a big show so that the hand picked officers can travel the country to "law enforcement memorials" and state and national conventions on our dime so they can get drunk and look like idiots. Gee thanks. The biggest crime was when the FOP showed not one gram of support for the brothers that were layed off. I call that cowardly. Golf game must have interfered with real union work.

  6. #16

    Re: FOP Contract Meltdown

    The biggest crime was when the FOP showed not one gram of support for the brothers that were layed off
    You finally got to your point! Its about time!

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