FOP Endorsement - Page 3
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Thread: FOP Endorsement

  1. #21

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    Just another FOP member, I question your membership to the FOP and here is why. I pulled a list of active members from the state website to print up labels. Every member of the lodge was either mailed or had a notice of the meeting and its agenda sent to them. If you didn't get one let me know and I'll correct it but a check of our lodge mail box has not shown any returned notices. I forgot you won't use your name for fear of who knows what. But the meetings are still at the same time and place. Lodge elections are coming up, show up and run for office, it sounds as if you could help make improvements.

  2. #22

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    Guest Leo

    Well if you can't take your case to Mr. Hill, you can certainly take it to F.D.L.E. or to the Division of Elections.......No more excuses, you either got it or you don't.

  3. #23

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    JP! you really don't want to hear what I have to say. LOL! :evil:

  4. #24

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    Well...JP, there are several new members that are not on your state list because you have not paid their percapada. Why don't you do the right thing and step down and let Overson take over. Now there is a man we can count on. Wake up JP there is a whole lodge membership you need to involve in all decisions.

  5. #25

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    You make a good attempt at sounding like a member, get the terminology down and you’ll be a little closer. Here are a few loop holes in your posting. Number one, Tom can’t just decide to be the lodge president he would have to get voted in. Some thing that he didn’t do for his current position (in all fairness to Tom I don’t believe anyone else wanted to jump in front of any bullets so he did). If Tom decides to become active in the lodge than this is better for the lodge (more active members make it a better lodge). Elections are coming up stop hiding behind a curtain of anonymity and get involved. If you think I would take it personal by not getting re-elected guess again.

    Getting the lodge involved? I missed that one, at the August meeting a member made a motion to decide whether or not to support any candidate for Sheriff. That motion was seconded and voted on by those attending the meeting. It passed, this was recorded in the lodge minutes, which were made available to the lodge members prior to the September meeting and those minutes where accepted. Also an attempt was made to contact the lodge membership about that issue. While I don’t do all lodge business I will accept responsibility if you weren’t notified.

    Of those members that chose to participate in the endorsement process 82% choose to support Sheriff Benton. Please explain to me how I did what I wanted. I might mention that one of your PBA brethren confronted me prior to the September meeting and asked what I would do if the lodge chose to endorse Grimming. I told him I would type the letter and make the announcement. (This should also cover the individual that asked where I make the decision to make the announcement).

    I think you have personal issues greater than what you are attempting to lay on me but I won’t be able to change your mind.

    Tag your it!

  6. #26

    Re: FOP Endorsement your gone! :devil:

  7. #27

    Re: FOP Endorsement

    Yes, you are correct that I am gone as the chief representative of the FOP. I will not complain about the process that brought this about. I will tell you that it was at least done by a body of members of our lodge that were given the opportunity to vote their choice. Their choice was to remove me from office and I recognize that effort. If you think that I will make any apologies for any of my actions in office you will be a long time in waiting. I did the best I could for the lodge without personal thoughts in mind. If you can prove other wise please present the evidence here. I leave my post with no regrets. If by your lame anonymous post you think you will harm me or bring shame to me good luck. I will today and tomorrow support the FOP over the PBA for as long as breath comes out of my lungs.

    If there are any other personal attacks you would like to make please bring them on!

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