Grow up
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Thread: Grow up

  1. #1

    Grow up

    So many miserable officers work for your department,they blame every one but themselves,the new chief,the new Manager how about looking in the mirror and ask what are we doing wrong or not doing at all.The manager is a great person she has brought every department and city she has worked for to a better place as long as she gets the chance to do her job,some of you losers don't even want to give her a chance,some of you are just miserable people and you want to bring the rest of the department down with you,if you don't like it leave and go work at MacDonald s.

  2. #2

    Re: Grow up

    So many? Really like 4 out of 87 just like any other organization. So when you write things like this it doesn't help FRIEND. You must be alien head from down south. You wouldn't pass FTO at NMBPD. Stick to doing park checks and bringing groceries to the residents. Didn't you get fired from every Pd you worked for? Plus the ones you did work for don't impress anyone.

    The MAJORITY of us do care and give 100%. We also don't blame the new chief or the city manager.. We blame the crooked Mayor and his puppets. Their leadership turned this agency that once was the BEST in the county into a laughing stock. Same officers as before we're shining stars and now are a joke due to the political policies put in place. No change in the PD was made as far as personnel so who the F$@k is there to blame for the spiraling crash????? They have tried several city managers and police chiefs who failed. They have directors in other areas of the city quitting by week who is to blame????? We would look into the mirror but they took those from us as well!!!!

    So to clarify we do not have a problem with the chief or city manager. Only a small percentage of officers could never be made happy, and yes people in this ENTIRE CITY not just this pd are extremely miserable!!! It has nothing to do with chief or CM. Nor the other directors in he city but it all comes down to his majesty Mayor Pendejo.

  3. #3

    Re: Grow up

    Yes park checks really? Ive been in law enforcement probably longer then you been alive and I guess i'm stuck in the older days but I remember when a supervisor told you something you did it not ***** about it.All I read is negetive about the department and you are right I should'nt put all of you in the same category.

  4. #4

    Re: Grow up

    you are so off, I've forgotten more then you will learn in your pathetic career ive been in law enforcement for over 30 yrs with the same department and getting ready to retier,so stay mad at the world and be miserable your hole life.

  5. #5

    Re: Grow up

    Your argument is not valid FRIEND. Also judging from your writing ability and poor reading comprehension it's now clear why. You put a capital S in stupid....Stupid.

  6. #6

    Re: Grow up

    you revert to name calling who’s the one that stays in a job that they don’t like and complains about it all the time, and you call me stupid.

  7. #7

    Re: Grow up

    Good luck in your miserable career ,just keep hating all that will do is give you a heart attack, well then you can get on the heart bill and be happy, now about the stupid part who's in a job that they hate and complain about it all the time. Now who's the stupid one?

  8. #8

    Re: Grow up

    Hey Stupid,
    You obviously have a problem reading and comprehending the words written. The poster "friend2" never said he or she hate anything. They in fact said that the majority of their co-workers give 100% to the job. This implies they like their job stupid. You made the blanket statement that the officers at this agency are blaming the chief and the CM. Again, you did not comprehend what was written as friend2 indicated that the chief and CM had nothing to do with the destruction of the cities workforce.

    So I would have to agree with friend2 that you are completely STUPID!!!
    Put that in your 30 year pipe and smoke it.
    Oh I forgot...STUPID. :devil:

    By the way the officers do like the CM. So be a good "friend" and stop creating additional problems for her STUPID. :cop:

  9. #9

    Re: Grow up

    unfortunately some of you are making it worse for the others,ready one of you complaining about parking,I would think safety and manpower would be a better fight to fight but what do I know.

  10. #10

    Re: Grow up

    Quote Originally Posted by friend
    unfortunately some of you are making it worse for the others,ready one of you complaining about parking,I would think safety and manpower would be a better fight to fight but what do I know.
    I agree with FRIEND, what does parking emergency vehicles on the third floor of the garage and at the furthest point from accessibility have anything to do with safety.

    Folks please stop calling friend STUPID. He is clearly the VILLAGE IDIOT, show him some compassion. ops: ops: ops:

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