How come this made the paper? - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by get real
    I'm not saying that the guy is the best leader that this department has seen, I am just saying that he has shown somebody something to keep him in his current spot. Kenny Hall and the Chief both had the opportunity at this last rotation to move him to another spot away from a lot of people AND THEY DIDN'T. That has to count for something.

    And anyone who has been here for more than a couple of years knows that he has had his probation extended as a Sgt (twice I think) and as a Lt. I say 'so what'. Is the man not entitled to a second chance?

    Truth is, I cannot think of any Sgt who could step up to the plate and do the job that DR is doing. Think about it, he isn't doing that bad of a job. A few guys are pissed at him, but look at who are the ones who really don't like him... they are all Sgts and none of them have really done anything here at all. I think it is all envy.

    At any rate, if a guy like Kenny Hall has enough faith in his ability to lead to not rotate him, then we should give him a fair shake and believe in him.
    You should really lay off the bong and the Old No. 7 before you post here.

  2. #22
    Are you F-ing kidding me???

    You think this clown deserves any credit at all? I think u must be smoking some good s--t. You need to get off the crack pipe my brother, come back to reality. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    "all Sgts and none of them have really done anything here at all."

    You have got to be sh--ting me! Even our newest sargent has done more than this idiot will ever do. And I am pretty sure that EVERY sargent dislikes this clown, but the ones that I am aware who REALLY dislike him have done quite a bit in there careers. MG and JG (2 that have stood up to his BS) have some pretty impressive resumes and DR can't hold a candel to either of them even with his bought law degree.

    Listen up new guy, before you become DR only friend here, think before you act. Look around, even the other comand staff cant stand this guy. That should tell you something right there. Open your eyes brother - he is not what you think he is.

  3. #23
    if this isnt DR posting these positive comments about himself, then who is it? Even the ones who pretend to like him to his face would never say anything like this about him. Has to be DR himself posting this stuff.
    What a tard. He needs to GO!!!

  4. #24
    Dan Rakofsky is the best cop on your lousy police department. How many of you have true police experience working in Pembroke Pines. Get real! Come to Miami and see if you can hang with the predators. We only hunt big game. At one time so did Dan and he was good at it.

  5. #25
    "At one time" or for one day..... I'm a little confused!

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Dan Rakofsky is the best cop on your lousy police department. How many of you have true police experience working in Pembroke Pines. Get real! Come to Miami and see if you can hang with the predators. We only hunt big game. At one time so did Dan and he was good at it.
    Thats why Dade has such a control of the crime problem. I know that people are flocking there because they feel safe and trust their police. You even have a civilian review board just to help you out and tell you what a great job your doing hunting the "big game". I also love the professionalism and command of the english language that the Miami police have. You guys even get issued throw downs just in case you shoot the wrong person.
    Oh ya, tell your chief that the car he was using to the hunt the "big game" is considered gratuity in Broward

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Dan Rakofsky is the best cop on your lousy police department. How many of you have true police experience working in Pembroke Pines. Get real! Come to Miami and see if you can hang with the predators. We only hunt big game. At one time so did Dan and he was good at it.
    The only big game that dude hunts is "poon tang" from some big fat tard with no self esteem. I hear he's real successful.

  8. #28


    Why is that everytime something is posted on DR and LD it is removed by the Moderator AKA DR/LD?

  9. #29
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Sure seems to me like there is plenty on here that LD or DR would like removed, but I have not removed it because it doesn't violate the terms and conditions.

    MOD 461

  10. #30

    Re: How come this made the paper?

    Thanks Dan/Larry AKA Mod

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