"Celebratory gunfire"? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    You can't just have a gun outside and then not put it down when a cop asks you to.

    That's "how to get shot by a police officer 101." It doesn't matter who he was or what kind of life he lead, the point is if he had a gun outside and didn't put it down when told, he gets shot.

    Sorry to the deceased's family, but what kind of idiot do you have to be to not put a gun down when a cop is pointing one at you? Was he showing of for his friends or something? I don't get it

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by darius
    You can't just have a gun outside and then not put it down when a cop asks you to.

    That's "how to get shot by a police officer 101." It doesn't matter who he was or what kind of life he lead, the point is if he had a gun outside and didn't put it down when told, he gets shot.

    Sorry to the deceased's family, but what kind of idiot do you have to be to not put a gun down when a cop is pointing one at you? Was he showing of for his friends or something? I don't get it
    :idea: The kid was acting as he was taught--disrespect for authority, narcissistic, lacks civility, and "...nobody is going to tell me what to do." This criminal "reacted" within his probable behavioral pattern. He caused his own death--his behavior was suicidal.
    The major concern at this point should be for the officer who, unfortunately, has to live with the appropriate decision he made in a nanosecond, and that was correct. Good Job Officer, get back on the bike quickly! :cop:
    If you do the crime, you will eventually have to pay the price--even in the Berg. :x

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