Let me start off by saying that you have done amazing things for this department over the many years that you have been our chief. We went from falling into the green and white machine to being one of the better departments within the county.

Heres one of my issues. Look at your SWAT team. according to other agencies, our team is an amazing young team. This is due to one thing called, TRAINING. Your SWAT Team traines twice a month and thats why they are so 10-8.

We have hired alot of potential and have a few decent trainers working here (I.E. Wilson, Hansen, Ranger, and thats about it). I have been here for 4 years and the only training that I get is re-certifications once a year. Thats not even training. Its praying you hit the damn thing so you can go to work that night.

This city gets it all from bailouts, felony stops, pursuits, etc. The only training that I got for this was from my FTO. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to get one of the better FTOs so i actually know how to properly handle these situations.

We need training! Not just once a year. This is why officers are shooting at everything, and this is why you have cops doing the things that your cops are doing. Our FTOs arent even on the same page.

I had an FTO on alpha shift. He went over EVERYTHING with me and then got me into absoultely everything you could face out here. Then he showed me how to write it and explained what the agency looked for. He did everything per policy and per state law. Then I went to a dayshift FTO. He showed me the complete opposite and ended up telling me to quit after my probation ended.

Can you please fix your FTO program by geting rid of certain FTOs and can you please start training us!!!!!

Thanks and I wish to remain anonymous (i wonder why...lol)