56 Dog
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Thread: 56 Dog

  1. #1

    56 Dog

    I heard rumors that the department is currently training a 56 dog to assign to the strike team since the arrest numbers have been so high. The dog is supposed to specialize in targeting NATURAL ICE. Can anyone shed some light on this?

  2. #2


    I heard it was going to be a S/51 dog, not a s-56 dog. Rumor has it the dog can smell someone trespassing from over a mile away. It doesn't even get distracted by the loud, shrieking cries of a violent domestic in progress or another officer screaming for help, it just takes the officer right to the 51 violater.

  3. #3
    I heard that it can also bite for "57 activity" and "Signal 13" 10-31's. Beware citizens just out "walking around," your days are numbered.

  4. #4
    That's good to hear however what is K9-109's dog going to do now. Oh wait I guess is dog is on vacay cause he's always on the special operations strike force without the dog.

    Good use of that 57 dog.

  5. #5
    hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahah ahahah... finally a real funny post!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Oh Snap!


    "....can someone SHED some light...."
    I love the inadvertent pun.

  7. #7

    Sig 56 Dog

    I hate you Johnny!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Sig 56 Dog

    Strike Team member: "But we ARE helping by being 10-6 for calls and locking up the world." Hmm, maybe they're still not quite 26 yet. Ah, rookies. Still being used by brass to show that we still have enough manpower to make arrests. When will they learn? They are but pawns in the game.

    I hope being #1 in arrests in the dept keeps you warm at night, cause your 94s remember, Blue Falcon.

  9. #9
    Let me speak out for the rookies (not off probation) in ref to the strike teams. As being stuck on one many times of my shift I do not agree with it. I also cannot speak out and tell my Sgt. I rather not work the A/P for whatever reason for fear of creating issues while still on probation.

    Were expected to perform, I agree with working safe completely but I feel like my balls on the bansaw. I cannot speak out for other rookies who only work the A/P and think the penis is 3-4 inches bigger cause they are always on the A/P and they've only been a cop a whole 3-4 months longer than me, and feel that there better than everyone else.

    I agree the arrests are garbage

    Please stop kicking back my FT's and asking why they are 13...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 1600's
    Let me speak out for the rookies (not off probation) in ref to the strike teams. As being stuck on one many times of my shift I do not agree with it. I also cannot speak out and tell my Sgt. I rather not work the A/P for whatever reason for fear of creating issues while still on probation.

    Were expected to perform, I agree with working safe completely but I feel like my balls on the bansaw. I cannot speak out for other rookies who only work the A/P and think the penis is 3-4 inches bigger cause they are always on the A/P and they've only been a cop a whole 3-4 months longer than me, and feel that there better than everyone else.

    I agree the arrests are garbage

    Please stop kicking back my FT's and asking why they are 13...

    Go finish drinking your koolaid you stupid rookie, shut your mouth and learn how to do your job

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