SHOUT OUT - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Everybody....hold on...the earth is spinning the wrong way! ICARE that these post are not accurate. Let me correct. They have the best 7 agents in the state and the best lieutenant I have ever had the pleasure knowing. He is intelligent and dedicated and a very honest man. My hat is off to him on a great, well done job! oopps the earth just stopped, okay were are back spinning the right way. My head is now clear, I can now see and think clearly, oh my, what have I said, what have I typed, my thoughts are now clear - GET REAL.

  2. #12
    Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, to the ICARE team! Keep up the work.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Kudos
    Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, to the ICARE team! Keep up the work.
    The ICARE person in my office works had and helps the office out with details such as concerts and footall games. She stays busy but is always ready to help the office out anyway she can. Seems to me the negative comments are written by agents who put in for ICARE but weren't chosen.
    Funny thing about jealously!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Agree
    Quote Originally Posted by Kudos
    Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, to the ICARE team! Keep up the work.
    The ICARE person in my office works had and helps the office out with details such as concerts and footall games. She stays busy but is always ready to help the office out anyway she can. Seems to me the negative comments are written by agents who put in for ICARE but weren't chosen.
    Funny thing about jealously!
    I agree with you. All the shots taken at people are from people who are jealous of others and who were made to WORK! Game on!

  5. #15
    The only issue with the ICARE unit has 5 letters. Ok it begins with a "Y" and ends with an "E" and includes the letters "O""N" and "C." Now, I said it.

  6. #16
    Yeah - ICARE - you care - who cares? This unit is taking up valuable space for more slots so agents can get detached to a task force that actually works cases and not says how many they are working

  7. #17
    This place is starting to sound like a real police department with everyone whinning about the specialized units.

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