This message is actually about Betty Addazzio and the few senior folks left at "beverage". As much as I would love to leave my name, I know it is not in my best interest, so I won't(sorry Betty).

I am a northern agent, and I have been here for about 6 years. I realize not everyone likes her, but it will be a sad day to see agents of her experience retire. She knows what "beverage" is about and what it means to be an agent. There are only a handful out there like her and they will be going soon as well. This actually makes me sad, because once people like her are gone, then our knowledge base is gone.

People didn't like Brad Nelson and some might say he was a little "nervous" at times, but it was sad to see him go too. He too knew "beverage" and was also a wealth of knowledge. We need people like him to stick around. Guys like John Blair, and Pfitz, and Gatliff. There are others like them, but I don't personally know them.

These guys won't be here forever. Once they are gone, then we will just be left with a bunch of Directors, Chiefs, Major's, Captains, and Lieutenants with limited knowledge of 'beverage", some who never were even an agent. Which to me is truly sad!