Any word from the latest PBA meeting - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: Think of the Future

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    First of all bonuses are NOT RAISES. What was offered by the University was an insult, there was no pay raise for veteran officers. The offer raised the starting salary to attract more people to the job, it did not address retention.

    You may not be thinking of it now, but Bonuses do not count towards your pension, it?s a quick fix form of hush money. You have the cash now, your happy, but years from now when you want to retire your pension won?t be as much as you thought. You will look back at all the money you made throughout the years but will have to deduct those bonuses from your totals and base your pension on your base pay and overtime only.
    I think everyone is aware of that. But I'll take the bonus if thats all were going to get. A $3500 dollar bonus doesn't solve our problem, but it's a band aid I'm willing to accept for now.

  2. #12
    The way I see it, on a comparison on a much smaller scale: You win the lotto, do you take payments over the next 20 years or the cash up front? People take the cash because they need it. Sure, over the long run it will pay more, but most people need the money.

    The cost of living in Florida has gone up so much, that the tax free $2500 is needed by most people.

  3. #13

    Valid points

    Theres good points looking at it from each side. I say lets see what offer comes from the next meeting. The plan that we submitted was reasonable and not a big cost to the University.

    If its not good then I say when they leave the room we all vote on what to do next.

    So lets see a PACKED ROOM. The only people who have an excuse not to be there are the ones working.

    Lets get this done

  4. #14
    I agree with The Guy. Lets see what they come back with. If it's still the same offer of $2500, lets vote on it, and get this over with. Along with the $1000 everyone will get in October, $3500 is a nice end of the year bonus.

  5. #15
    First of all it's not a $1,000 bonus. It's 600 after taxes= 3,100. Second, we are NOT going to have a better opportunity to get a raise then now. Considering everything that is in the media. If we give into the raise and the bump up to 37k (which will even further add to our compression issue) then you can kiss any future raise goodbye. USF will toss this change out in front of us, and when it comes down to negotiations in 2 or 3 years. 1. The media will be gone, and USF will be out of the spotlight.2. USF will say we gave you a bonus last time, we are not going to do that again, THEY WON'T HAVE ANY PRESSURE TO DO SO!!!. Look at the big picture people. It's now or never.

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