Your Opinion / Sheriff 2008
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  1. #1

    Your Opinion / Sheriff 2008

    I would like to solicit your candid comments on running for Sheriff in 2008. If you would like to communicate privately with me, my E-Mail address is If you wish to speak with me in peson I will be more then glad to provide my phone number to you.

  2. #2
    You mean you are going to run???

  3. #3
    In my opinion you could make things better with an outside view of the department. You have been in areas of Law Enforcement that no others in the rumor mill have qualified themselves in. You have knowledge of the union through FDLE so that is a plus with all the members that belong. The officers that you worked with at the department for the majority have retired or moved on so there is really no "click" other than friendship that you have retained through out the years... I respect you not bad mouthing the Sheriff. There are many things that will come to light on this board and through out the communications with you that will make you understand why we need someone from the outside to right some of the wrongs. There is money being wasted in areas that should be directed toward the LEO side of the department and we are losing good people due to heavy ended positions. Best of Luck, you can count on this vote!

  4. #4
    John, I don't know you but am impressed with what I've read.

    I think Susan can be beat because there's widespread dissatisfaction among the rank-and-file, there's been a bit of turbulence even in the top tiers, and she has apparently deservedly acquired a reputation for being unable to contain her temper. I've heard of several unbelievable outbursts, including laying a major-league cussing on Steve Houchin of the State Attorney's Office, in front of lots of other folks who were utterly stunned at her conduct. And I have to say I'm embarrassed for HCSO and the citizens of Highlands County that our top LEO acts like that. Even though she IS the first elected female sheriff, which is arguably "progressive", that sort of behavior makes us sound like some sort of podunk hickville or something.

    There's also the episode when a hotshot was imported from Sarasota County with great fanfare to be among the top brass, then abruptly left with some tongue-in-cheek explanation. If The Lakeland Ledger and one of their mud-slinging reporters like Rick Rousos were to take an interest in all this, I'm sure they'd generate all sorts of scandal.

    I'm NOT asking you to comment on any of this. To the contrary, my primary point, other than saying I think Susan can be beat, is to caution you to be very careful what you say here (or anywhere, for that matter). Anything you say can be twisted or taken out of context and could easily come back to haunt you later.

    I like your upbeat, positive approach. Keep it up and I bet you'll either be our next sheriff, or at the least give Susan a major run for her money!

  5. #5
    Since you want candid, here it is. The fact that you give this forum any credence shows me a little about you. The same 15 people account for 80 plus percent of the posts. You might want to wage a campaign somewhere else if you want to garner more than 3 votes. While it is everybody's right to run for a political office, what are your qualifications? College Degree? Multi-million dollar budget preparations? The list goes on and on. Let me save you the time, the answers to both are "no" and so are the answers to on and on. You were and probably still are a very good investigator. Thats all you are and thats not a bad thing. The boss has recently hired people right into the D-Bureau so how about it? You'll get credit for your experience and your next step will be more than the $1000 raise FDLE got this year. Don't hate, appreciate! I hope you didn't retire to run for sheriff. Viva Armstead in 08.

  6. #6
    Candid is one of the ones who post anytime he/she feels threatened. The Sheriff had no experience with a budget before she was elected either. Thats why Ms. Kissa Lisa is there. As far as experience Howie had none before he was elected and neither did Susan only working here and not getting anywhere so find another reason.Candid are your hands getting hot from the fire, sooner or later things willchange. Just knowing someone else might run makes the wolves come out. Posting on here shows John wants to know what everybody thinks not just the ones that will kiss up after the fire gets hot. I smell the smolering already starting....

  7. #7

    Tnak You

    "I got candid" Thanks for your comments and observations. I truly like to hear what everyone thinks. Good and bad. To answer your question about my retirement, I did not retire to run for Sheriff. I have been approached by several people from within and outside the agency and asked to give it some consideration. That is what I am doing. I may be using this medium to get some opinions, but I assure you it is not the ONLY counsel I am seeking.

    As to my qualifications, I will respond when and if the time is appropriate. I do believe in Higher education, but I tend to judge the worth of a person by their actions, and by what’s in their head and heart. Having a degree does not make one more competent.

    I'm not sure I understand part of your last sentence, "Don't hate, appreciate". Care to explain what you mean, and if you want to be truly candid, use your name, or call me, I am more open minded then you give me credit for.

    I am sincere when I say thank you for sharing your poit of view.

  8. #8
    Hey Fire Walker, Big Flames, Flamer, whatever your CB handle is, the question still burns.........Who's Bubb? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

  9. #9
    John: You handle yourself well. Keep it up.

  10. #10
    This is not what this thread is about anyways...
    If you are with the Fire Marshall's office then you know who Bubb is. He is one of the Good Ones that left. :wink: Those that know him know why he left. Take your inquiry to another thread..

    John, I am glad to hear you are talking with outside sources along with inside. You will hear good but the bad will be hard to come by. As you know you may obtain a listing of salaries and positions as a part of public records. It is not that the department is "top heavy" so to say but alot of unneccassary civilian employees that are costing the county a slew of money that could be put to use in the LEO areas of the department. Check the list well and the positions. Being as everything is done by computer it should take only half the staff to do the work! :?

    Morale is not dead but it surely is not what it was 2 years ago. There is a definate division amongst the troops and some do not trust this board to protect them and that is the reason you may not get much response here.
    Best of luck and if you run! 8)

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