Good Ole Boy
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Thread: Good Ole Boy

  1. #1


    I disagree with you. Naming officers and their ranks is wrong. You are a snitch and coward. No one likes a tattle tale. Your really gross. Did you tell on your brother & sister all the time too? Mommy, I'm doing all the work!! Wah!! Go away snitch, Your a rotten apple who will pass by the very people you complain about with a baby " Hello" then snitch in the back.

  2. #2

    Agree you are a coward

    Must feel pretty good to sit in your ivory tower with the sniper rifle and snipe at folks who don't have the luxury or desire to sit and rip your work product apart.

    I am confident that if we try hard enough, we can find reasons to gripe about everyone...including you sniper...

    However it serves no purpose. Here is a noble concept. Come to work...Work 10 hours....Go home and live your life... This isn't rocket science. I doubt you work over too get paid for 10 hours so don't complain if you actually have to work.

    Worry less about what others are doing and concentrate on what you are doing.... I am sure you can shake your mediocre performance issues and malcontent attitude.

    Good day.....I said Good Day..

  3. #3


    Go talk to anyone you have a problem with in person, what do you do look at guy's tans? What an idiot, quit whining and evaluating everyone, go rat on your family, suppose you have already.

  4. #4

    The SPO program was a mistake

    Yeah, go talk to the person you have a problem with........Sir, all of your friends, the ones you have shared business interests with, I am having a problem with the way they.......yeah good idea.

    Do what all these mafiaoso's did when Milchan and Hempel were in charge....bide your time and when the neck is exposed..go for the jugular.

    I feel that the SPO program is a miserable failure and takes call takers out of action. Discipline is up, morale is down and incompetence is at an all time high....cancel the program and try making sergeants earn that moolah. Keep the SPO's around for when the sergeants aren't around.

  5. #5


    I don't have business with anyone, I just don't like whiners & snitches, I'm a cop, that's all. Go whine elsewhere, what happened you get a lousy eval? Go cry elsewhere, It's amazing, if I was a miserable snitching worm, I would WORK ELSEWHERE!! Unless I couldn't get hired ELSWHERE!

  6. #6
    how is it 5 supervisors can 58 together at the same time, but the officers are lucky to eat solo during their shift? People are taking advantage of the system that is being created. Before you call me names and tell me to find another job, I am very happy here and my evals are fine.

  7. #7


    You sound very happy here snitch! Stop worrying about everyone else! Mommy! Marsha had lunch with Jan!! Why can't I have lunch with Tommy? Wah Wah!!

  8. #8


    I am guessing its been a long time since you missed a meal there partner...

    Good cops don't go hungry.

    We have all had to go thru a drive through sometimes because we missed x58.

    Tell you what...You come tell me you didn't get to eat and you can have my x58 slot.

    But you won't...You are a sniper.....Easy to sit here and snipe your targets without any ramifications for your allegations.

    And before you start....I don't own real estate or a four wheeler....

  9. #9
    What is a snitch? I hear every other comment calling someone a snitch or rat, but who is getting in trouble? I thought a snitch was someone who goes to a supervisor and tells on someone, correct? Why is someone who posts on this website (which has no official authority) considered a snitch? Bringing opinions or information to the attention of others makes them a snitch or a rat? Seems the only persons namecalling on this board must be the persons getting outed on this board. Just defend your actions, but don't call people snipers and tell them to leave the agency. You tell people to "man up", but how much of a man are you when you call them names (childish) and tell them to quit the dept. Try explaining the reason you did the things you did and stop being so negative, thats not how supervisors should act.

  10. #10

    close to home

    struck a little close to home did they...

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