Acting different - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Guest 001 misinformation

    Having been the investigator you just trashed in your "misinformation column"; what you didn't know was the entire conversation was videoed by hidden camera. Once it was played back for the Captain he soon saw that you were "mistaken." Note: I won't call it what it really was. Trouble is that so many "experts"have no idea what PRB really does and how many deputies have had serious allegations made against them that we quietly investigated and killed. Lots of folks like to bad mouth PRB and their investigators but lack the intestinal fortitude to go to the office and actually review a case file to learn what really happened. They are public records when closed you know. I guess it's easier to make up lies so your buds feel sorry for you. Every subject member gets to review the entire case against them before they make a statement...unless you are like Guest 001 who came in the office and all but demanded to give his statement first because he was too busy and didn't want to come back. The video didn't lie. The Lieutenant of PRB also approved the procedure in the case which is dictated by policy and law.
    If you aren't doing anything wrong... you don't have to fear PRB

  2. #12
    Sounds fishy to me MR. PRB! What was "mistaken" about the incident?

  3. #13


    Mr. PRB, What happened to the PRB case on the undy??? Misplaced??

  4. #14
    some prb cases are misplaced. some are just gotten rid of. some magically are turnedinto administrative reviews. they are a lot like doing the right thing --> done only when it is convenient for the sheriff and the administration and a few special high ranking individduals . hippocracy. i think i said it before, that the agency is only consistent in its inconsistency. i think I said it before also that i think it is time for a new leader and a new regime

  5. #15
    I am greatly concerned with a PRB "investigator" having a screen name like death and doom. It shows his/her pre-disposition of guilt of the member. Why couldn't you have a name like MrHappySunshine, or FairFirmandImpartial?

    I would agree that sometimes deputies make "mistakes" in re-telling the events from their internal. Heck, some just outright lie about it to make the PRB guy/girl look bad just to cover their own screw-up. However, there seems to be a pattern of many deputies that have the same recount of their experience in PRB. ie; not being allowed to read the file, having statements made to them along the lines of "oh, you don't need to read/view that, it's not important", etc.. There are also way too many occurances of deputies being sustained on something that was not in the original allegation.

    Which brings me to a question... Are PRB investigators allowed, condoned, or otherwise directed to find out, during an allegation, if there are other things the member may be doing? What I mean to say is, if a member is being investigated for a use of force, does administration want the investigator to find out if the member also pulled up a DAVID photo, ("Just because", or ran a tag just to see who it is, or looked up an address just to see who lives there, etc...) even though the initial allegation has NOTHING to do with it and there has never been an allegation of the latter?

    I have noticed a few of the closed PRB cases that have turned out like that.

    Death and Doom, could you offer any insight?

  6. #16
    Oh yeah, in a quick continuation from the above post, Guest001, could you make a copy of that hidden camera tape and distribute it to the sub-stations? I'd like to see it.

    Also, do you still have your job and was the outcome of your investigation favorable?

  7. #17
    Senior Member
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    May 2007


    The last two posts were made by me. I hope the new screen name will help in reflecting my views and opinions without seeming like just any other "guest".

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Collier County, FL
    no but it tells us you might have been a jarhead at one time. Got a joke for ya:
    Q: Why do they put marines on Navy ships?

    A: Because sheep would be too obvious...

    I got a million of 'em. I love the Dept. of the Navy's step-children. :roll:

  9. #19
    Call a marine and attend a meeting...its over

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    May 2007
    Death and Doom, is there going to be any reply? I would like to enter into an intellectual conversation with you as it relates to PRB. I think this would be a great forum for this type of conversation.

    VetRook, gimme another! I love the comedy!

    You heard about the Submarine sailors? 100 men go down, and 50 couples come up. :P

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