People Are Talking Again!
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  1. #1

    People Are Talking Again!

    It's funny how noboby wanted to say a harsh word about the Chief or Admin. because they thought the system was going to be fair and impartial this go round. Guess what???? SAME OLD CRAP--DIFFERENT DAY. If anything, it's worse. Where is Jim, he was not so bad after all. We were warned, be careful what you wish for but nobody listened. After the initial smoke that was blown has cleared, this board has rised again. This should raise many questions about the moral. If it is so great then why are people still leaving at any alarming rate and trashing the department on this board. Things are not as they appear or as they are reported in the Gondo-liar. Jarvis should be ashamed of the dive he took by doing that interview. In uniform,calling her a Dynamo,on City time, had to have been cleared by her first. I just wonder who wrote the script. To those of you who agree with all this, keep on keepin on. To the rest, stand up and get some oxygen to your brain-the air is much clearer above ars level.

  2. #2
    i think its great everyone is leaving it shows how much people hate this place seriously we at people who didnt get hired and SSO and dont want to work for BPD anymore or dont know any better i mean with some of the people we promote all i say is wow

  3. #3
    You guys aint kiddin!! This place was bad and only seems to get worse. Im starting to look at the big picture, were never going to have take home cars, no tazers or other cool equiptment. No wonder everyone gets sick around here, we have to share all of our stuff with everyone, like computers and such. Im suprised we get to take our guns and ammo home. Im young and want to see some action, and it sucks that most everyone i work with are slugs that can get away with not doing anything or even better get promoted. That light at the end of the tunnel that has kept me here is quickly burning out. I think my time is near.

  4. #4
    yep i dont know who you are vpdyoungerster but i am looking on getting out VPD no place to put in a long haul with for sure North Port is looking real good

  5. #5
    You know I don't come on this web site often, I could count the amount of replies I've posted on one hand since I've been in Law Enforcement. I think that "IT IS BACK" has hit the nail on the head, it is the same crap different day, only its the same complaining and crying but with no solution. Mr./Mrs. IT IS BACK if your that unhappy bring forth some solutions for legitimate complaints, I would love an explanation on how you feel that Jarvis took a dive with his article, the day before he retired, your accusation just doesn't make sense. I talked to Jarvis alot before he left since we were on the same squad, and I can tell you he was sincere in his statements. As far as Jim is concerned, you're correct he is a hell of a fine officer and a good man, contrary to some of the things I heard when he first started, obviously you neglect your work e-mail because he sent a last e-mail before he left explaining his reasons for leaving. I saved it if you would like me to forward it to you, but you would have to leave your name. Just because some of choose to try and change things instead of putting some nameless post on this website does not mean that we kiss ars, a comment like that might offend me and a few others, but again unless you leave your name it rolls off like water on a ducks back. vpd youngster, if tazers and take home cars and TJ HOOKER action is what puts steam in your engine then there are plenty of agencies out there that would love to have you as an officer, no hard feelings. Now I'm sure that there are some valid complaints on this site, things that we could change, if any of you would like to sit down and talk about it then everbody knows where to find me, Day Shift B-Squad, which does not to my knowledge have any "slugs".

  6. #6


    I think they meant JH not JK.

  7. #7


    The Jim being refered to is JH. He was the previous chief, new guy. Kathman was and is a good officer and it is our loss that he left. Your so defensive though. My advice is to take a deep breath and calm down, you will have your stripes soon enough.

  8. #8
    Heres an easy 3-step solution......

  9. #9
    I did mess up which Jim that was being refered to, that was my bad, I apologise. I did not post that reply for any other reason then I thought that it needed to be said, not so I could put on sergeant stripes. I just felt that it was more important to get any problems reconciled then to let them fester and become worse. While I might have been a bit upset over how those things were written. I wans't snarling or foaming at the mouth. Which is why I prefer to talk in person and not on-line, but to each his own.

  10. #10
    Sorry Steven, just sick of seeing your name as the last post, you got your name recognition though, the chief is grateful, rock on holms


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