View Full Version : Public Perception -Work Sheets, Safety, and Accountability

01-17-2007, 11:35 PM
I found that Cherokee County Sheriff office finally emulated their official Web Page site after another Sheriff's Office web page. It's about time after four years that the sheriff's office gets a web page up and running. I applaud the sheriff's initiative for this one!

Although I have some questions of concern with regards to your department:

First, does your department have daily worksheets to make all their officers accountable for their whereabouts each day? It's my understanding your officers only fills-out a daily activity report based on a computer print-out from your 911 office, but nothing to account for an officer's down time. Maybe a GPS system would account for all down time. Are all your officers really being productive? Why not spend money on a GPS system for your vehicles instead of a helicopter. This GPS is not only a device for accountability, but a safety device for officers down, or in need of help. I was informed that your drug officers spend most of their grant money cruising around the county, shopping on-duty, going home early and lying on there daily activity reports, is this true? Many deputies instead of patrolling the back roads can be found at Commissioner ****ey's service station, "Fat Backs" at all hours of the day and night, with much down time. If they are not there, they are at the sheriff 's trailer surfing the internet, or watching TV.

Free Coffee by commissioner ****ey to Cops in return for what? Do you not have any ethical standards in the state of North Carolina for not excepting gratuities from the public?

http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/Traini ... onduct.htm (http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/Training_Resources/LE_Conduct.htm)

http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/biblio ... ethics.htm (http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/bibliographies/ethics.htm)

Police officers shall not compromise their integrity, nor that of their Department or profession, by accepting, giving or soliciting any gratuity which could be reasonably interpreted as capable of influencing their official acts or judgments, or by using their status as a police officer for personal, commercial, or political gain.

Gifts of guns (shotguns) from the local crime commission to the officers, for what? Does this officer not already have the proper weapons to protect himself. It sounds, or looks bad on the sheriff's office as if they are not properly equipped. I had the understanding that the Sheriff officers had .45 Sigs Auto for sidearms and 552 automatics weapons at $3,000.00 ea. for some officers. So, I ask myself, what is it with the free gifts? Is this more PR for the crime commission, or once again more mountain hillbilly nonsense, or maybe an ethical issue of integrity at best? Lets not forget 50% off for all officers at the Mexican restaurant.

Could not help myself reading under opportunity that your department is taking part-time deputies at this time. Question for your department, why the high turn-over there, and second, why do you not have a psychological nor polygraphs exams on applicants? Also, why are your current deputies not subjected to the same backgrounds, plus a psychological and polygraph? Why no yearly random drug testing by an independent organization for current officers?

Can someone intelligently respond to these questions without name calling, or cursing? If anything mentioned is incorrect, please tell us and we shall stand corrected. But we would like to know historically what is truth from fiction. Our tax dollars will be going up once gain, so we should be better informed in the coming future.

We respectfully ask that the Cherokee county newspaper make available all news stories accessible and available via the internet for the public to access. An informed public will bring more accountability to our publicly elected officials.

01-20-2007, 11:50 AM
What you say is so true! They will never respond intelligently to your assertions.

03-26-2007, 03:51 AM
Reason v/s Reality
I for one would like to debate you on the facts of each case that you mentioned on this post, and would like to see where you got your information? These officers mentioned in this post are in fact true heros and this can be backed up by the facts. There were several (facts) that were not stated correctley in your post and I encourage any one who is interested in the facts of each situation to contact the individual officers involved in these incidents. all officers no mater where they are from (a mountain community) put their lives on the line every day and most do this with pride. The officers that were mentioned in this post did put their lives on the line and thanks to their training and also by the grace of God they are still alive and able to protect and serve. I challenge the writer of this post (if you truly want to debate the facts of these incidents) to idintify your self and identify your factual information that you are posting about. My friend :) if you want to challange any of these officers or mentioned individuals integrity you need to know them and what they stand for, dont just mis state the facts and slander individuals in order to further your cause what ever that is and you will carry more weight in your word. Oh ya I also want to mention that I am proud of our mountain community.

03-28-2007, 11:31 AM
Reason v/s Reality
I for one would like to debate you on the facts of each case that you mentioned on this post, and would like to see where you got your information? These officers mentioned in this post are in fact true heros and this can be backed up by the facts. There were several (facts) that were not stated correctley in your post and I encourage any one who is interested in the facts of each situation to contact the individual officers involved in these incidents. all officers no mater where they are from (a mountain community) put their lives on the line every day and most do this with pride. The officers that were mentioned in this post did put their lives on the line and thanks to their training and also by the grace of God they are still alive and able to protect and serve. I challenge the writer of this post (if you truly want to debate the facts of these incidents) to idintify your self and identify your factual information that you are posting about. My friend :) if you want to challange any of these officers or mentioned individuals integrity you need to know them and what they stand for, dont just mis state the facts and slander individuals in order to further your cause what ever that is and you will carry more weight in your word. Oh ya I also want to mention that I am proud of our mountain community.

Why don't you enlighten us by stating which facts are incorrect? Please do not make such blanket statements, that the "facts are incorrect", without first stating your facts. By your post its very obvious you were not at the scene of these incidents. Also, you are not a PO, but probably a police groupie. Please do not measure a police department by its equipment, size, or its training. You measure great departments by its results. Arrests, convictions, and the integrity of their leaders. So, please break-down the incorrect facts, and explained what really happened.

03-31-2007, 04:04 AM
so i guess that you (guest) were at all of these scenes? and that is where you got all your facts....... huh or could you just be stating your opinion to further your cause. ya know im guessing that you were not at any of these scenes. you have to be truthful in you words and not so much propaganda please, just curious are you a LEO current ? and do you have a personal interest in the bashing of our LEOs? and if you do why dont you just come on out and let us know so we all know how much weight to put into your words, thanks for the reply

04-01-2007, 11:09 AM
so i guess that you (guest) were at all of these scenes? and that is where you got all your facts....... huh or could you just be stating your opinion to further your cause. ya know im guessing that you were not at any of these scenes. you have to be truthful in you words and not so much propaganda please, just curious are you a LEO current ? and do you have a personal interest in the bashing of our LEOs? and if you do why dont you just come on out and let us know so we all know how much weight to put into your words, thanks for the reply

Who I am is irrelevant. The facts are true and can be confirmed, just research through your local newspapers at the library, or ask an honest deputy. Remember this, deputies here are forbidden from posting here and try to downplay the validity of this site. I can assure you that this sheriff's department is run through intimidation and reward for loyalty. You will not get the truth at your sheriff's office, no different than what is happening with county commissioners. This county needs a complete house cleaning for progress to take place.

04-02-2007, 01:57 AM
you still did not answer my question or state the basis of your facts

04-02-2007, 11:56 AM
you still did not answer my question or state the basis of your facts

First of all, I did not post the original post, but I did go verify the facts, and found them to be true by 99.9 percent accuracy, both through written documentation, and verbal. Have you done the same?

Listen, if you want to confirm facts, I gave you the avenue, go to your local library and look it up. Its all documented. If I was there, or if I am a PO it makes no difference to you because you will still dispute the facts. Anyone who has any interest can review the old newspapers, or ask an honest deputy for the truth. What facts are you disputing? I am not about to get ostracized in revealing myself. I am only a messenger with no motives other than revealing truth, in order to bring change.

Several deputies have posted here in the past anonymously. Many deputies here play both sides of the fence politically and will not dare post their names. They lack conviction as true moral and ethical officers in the defense of those whom have been wronged unjustly. They are weak individuals seeking only self preservation, and always waiting to play up to the next player when the day comes. They are known as the modern day, "shadow warrior".

Let me tell you this, in general, most officers in this county are good people trying to do a good job, I do not dispute that. Although, many are clueless of how to really make a difference in our county with regards to crime and drug trafficking. Many if not all deputies are to afraid to speak out (even here), or attempt to bring creative ideas to the table of their own, unless its the sheriff's idea. Police work in this county is a reactive force, not a proactive force. When was the last time you heard of a large drug raid, or round-up? You simply only here about this when its election time. Many of the years past arrest-warrants are saved purposely till election time comes around and then they go rounding-up everyone for their past years work. To the average citizen they think it all hard work done within weeks.

Scenario: Let me ask you this, if you wanted a soldier to protect you as an escort into a hostile zone, would you prefer a soldier with several tours in Baghdad, or instead have a decorated West Point soldier with a dozen medals escort you, whom has never seen true combat, but has read every book and been to every school the military can offer? And, if asked of the two soldiers of the same rank and age, what would be the best course of action in a hostile situation to defend himself, who's advice would you tend to follow? My point is you have many inexperienced officers leading this agency. Many were traffic cops most of their careers and have never worked the streets where people try to kill you on weekly basis. When you live that type of hostile threat, you have to adapt and overcome to those situations by creative enforcement. I have seen no creative enforcement here to date, just the same, same stuff they are taught many times from others who were unable to cut it on the street themselves and become instructors now. Its a cycle which is ruining modern police work. The best thing that will happen is when many of our young men return from duty overseas and join our police departments. Hopefully these men will have the same courage to make a real difference in modern policing as did our past Vets who played a large role in America policing during the 1960-1990's.

I think most officers have their hearts in the right place, but lack the understanding of how to make a difference because of intimidation by commanders whom lack experience. Many are to worried of losing their jobs if they get to aggressive, or if they speak-out for change. Change to many is a fearful thing and I understand that, but to do nothing and simply follow the herd is definitely a road to no where.

04-04-2007, 03:18 PM
you still did not answer my question or state the basis of your facts

In an environment awash with tumult, uncertainty and villainy, crafty deception and trickery are indispensable survival traits!

08-26-2007, 01:20 PM
I found that Cherokee County Sheriff office finally emulated their official Web Page site after another Sheriff's Office web page. It's about time after four years that the sheriff's office gets a web page up and running. I applaud the sheriff's initiative for this one!

Although I have some questions of concern with regards to your department:

First, does your department have daily worksheets to make all their officers accountable for their whereabouts each day? It's my understanding your officers only fills-out a daily activity report based on a computer print-out from your 911 office, but nothing to account for an officer's down time. Maybe a GPS system would account for all down time. Are all your officers really being productive? Why not spend money on a GPS system for your vehicles instead of a helicopter. This GPS is not only a device for accountability, but a safety device for officers down, or in need of help. I was informed that your drug officers spend most of their grant money cruising around the county, shopping on-duty, going home early and lying on there daily activity reports, is this true? Many deputies instead of patrolling the back roads can be found at Commissioner ****ey's service station, "Fat Backs" at all hours of the day and night, with much down time. If they are not there, they are at the sheriff 's trailer surfing the internet, or watching TV.

Free Coffee by commissioner ****ey to Cops in return for what? Do you not have any ethical standards in the state of North Carolina for not excepting gratuities from the public?

http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/Traini ... onduct.htm (http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/cjst/Training_Resources/LE_Conduct.htm)

http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/biblio ... ethics.htm (http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/bibliographies/ethics.htm)

Police officers shall not compromise their integrity, nor that of their Department or profession, by accepting, giving or soliciting any gratuity which could be reasonably interpreted as capable of influencing their official acts or judgments, or by using their status as a police officer for personal, commercial, or political gain.

Gifts of guns (shotguns) from the local crime commission to the officers, for what? Was this officer not shot in the butt with a shotgun for running away at the scene? Does this officer not already have the proper weapons to protect himself. It sounds, or looks bad on the sheriff's office as if they are not properly equipped. I had the understanding that the Sheriff officers had .45 Sigs Auto for sidearms and 552 automatics weapons at $3,000.00 ea. for some officers, to include Dustin Smith. So, I ask myself, what is it with the free gifts? Is this more PR for the crime commission, or once again more mountain hillbilly nonsense, or maybe an ethical issue of integrity at best? Lets not forget 50% off for all officers at the Mexican restaurant. Even the preacher for the sheriff's office wearing his sheriff's t-shirt logo goes in on the 50% discount for food, talk about ethics! I wonder how many others are taking advantage of this, including the background investigator, civilian part-timer, Larry Dellaposta. I sometimes believe the only reason for the sheriff's shirts is for discounted food to be had by all employees.

Could not help myself reading under opportunity that your department is taking part-time deputies at this time. Question for your department, why the high turn-over there, and second, why do you not have a psychological nor polygraphs exams on applicants? Also, why are your current deputies not subjected to the same backgrounds, plus a psychological and polygraph? Why no yearly random drug testing by an independent organization for current officers?

Can someone intelligently respond to these questions without name calling, or cursing? If anything mentioned is incorrect, please tell us and we shall stand corrected. But we would like to know historically what is truth from fiction. Our tax dollars will be going up once gain, so we should be better informed in the coming future.

We respectfully ask that the Cherokee county newspaper make available all news stories accessible and available via the internet for the public to access. An informed public will bring more accountability to our publicly elected officials.

This place is no different than other corrupt places, free gifts, half price meals, you name it. The difference here is there is no one checking on law enforcement, they simply go unchecked.