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View Full Version : NEW DIVISION CHIEF

01-12-2007, 04:05 AM
Does anyone know anything about Tom Cannon coming to Miami Beach as an Asst. Chief or to replace our outgoing Patrol Division Chief? Anyone out there that confirm or deny this? And if not, then who will be our new D/C?

01-12-2007, 06:30 PM
That is a good question. Putting aside the hiring of someone from the outside, we are left with the following scenario. Majors Weschler and Dicenso are retiring. Major Allen is working for Surfside. And Major Navarro is just settling in to the new job. That leaves either Major Alamo or Major Vazquez as the likely candidates. Unless, of course, someone is brought in from the outside or a Captain is promoted straight to Div. Chief. My money is on Major Vazquez. He is in the best position to take over that job right now, but who knows, stranger things have happened around here. Does anyone else agree with me?

01-12-2007, 07:18 PM
Alamo leaves middle of this year. That leaves Sliman who should be up next. If thats the case god help us. Vazquez would be the best choice but he just left patrol. Who knows, its up in the air. If they promote Sliman they probably would not leave him in CID. Then again they probably would not move Vazquez so quickly. Navarro is doing a decent job for just recently getting promoted. I think They promote Sliman send him to Support Services, Vazquez gets CID, another Major for alamo would probably get tech services and patrol keeps Navarro (for the experience).

01-12-2007, 08:46 PM
You make some great points. I just don't think it would be good policy to promote a Captain directly to Division Chief without being a Major in another area first. Dicenso was not moved to Division Chief until Noriega was there for a while. Navarro is doing a good job, I think you may be right that it will come down to Vazquez or Navarro. Either would be a good choice.

01-12-2007, 09:05 PM


01-12-2007, 10:17 PM
All but the two retiring Captains are fair game for promotion to the open Major slot. It's anyone's guess who will get the nod. It will also be interesting to see which LT's get promoted to Captain. There should be three openings there. If Major Allen decides to go to Surfside permanently, that would create a second Major slot, a fourth Captain slot, and a fourth LT slot. Should be an interesting promotional ceremony coming up soon.

01-12-2007, 11:02 PM
I personally don't think they will replace DiCenso. Remember that the rank of "Division Cheif" was made up just to make him happy. Before the new rank, a major held that job. Instead of replacing him, they are just going to make a new Captains position.

01-12-2007, 11:17 PM
Dicenso's rank is Major (since he is Major for Patrol, they call that position "Division Chief"). I also disagree that the position was created for him. Major Noriega was the first person to hold that position when it was created. Also, Dicenso's slot as a Major has already been filled in anticipation of his retirement. It was filled by the promotion of Major Navarro. We have 11 Captains right now, I don't think they are going to add another Captain to the budget.

01-14-2007, 12:01 AM
Who is Tom Cannon? Why does he keep coming up in the posts for Miami Beach PD?

01-14-2007, 12:17 AM
Tom Cannon is the famous "CAR 70" from the FTAA Detail. He is a Captain or Major from Miami. For those of you who weren't here during FTAA, he was highly acclaimed for his excellent performance during the FTAA demonstrations. From time to time a rumor pops up that he is coming to Miami Beach, but it never pans out. Someone is starting the rumor up again, probably just to stir the pot a little.

02-10-2007, 02:00 AM
So, do we have any idea who it is going to be? Will George stay as the patrol or major or will they bring down sliman? Bambis as acting Major? Does anyone see the writing on the wall?

02-15-2007, 03:00 AM

02-15-2007, 09:55 AM
sgt's to be: vinny S.
eric G.
bobby H.
jeff C.
milly D.
not in that order....
*i believe we are way way way too top heavy when it comes to brass from sgts to ass chiefs. yes ok take what we can get from city hall approving x-amounts of promotions, but for the love of God! are we that incompetant to need so many supervisors? creating closet/newly appointed positions for sgts/lieus is wrong. everyone, especially brass, harps on man-power shortage! man-power shortage! citizens supposedly comes 1st! nro's complaining/justfying their titles(u do work hard), holding/asking every shift for extra officers to work next shift, RDA, detached SIU, etc. etc. etc. CHIEF TO BE: Butch up and tell city manager. mayor, and citizens that this is a POLICE DEPARTMENT, not a business or social club. We will not cater to your whims and petty complaints and Officers will get back to basic POLICE work of answering to CRIME! Officers will not be dispatched to the daily civil matters(tow disputes, landlord tenant, etc.) Call taker and/or supervisor will TELL caller it's a civil matter, the same the officer responding will tell them. Tell community his Officers are not here to abuse, disrespect them, etc. but also not here to take s--t from them also. We can be very professional Officers and do our JOB(if you guys remember what COP work is). Citizen contacts, busines contacts, and overlap(the way it is used) is ridiculous. non-police work, unofficial quota, opens up Officer to liabilty. NRO's i am sorry to say that you guys are buffers from us to community. And there shouldn't need to be a buffer if the community understands/told what Police Officers do. Told from Police Chief to City manager/mayor and let concerned community deal with city hall.
* want to have total man power coverage? hate to say it but: get every officer back onto road in uniforms. cut back on overloaded sgt, lt's, cpt's and bring them back to the road. 07 59's. GET RID OF RETIRED BRASS THAT ARE HIRED BACK HOLDING POSITIONS(BIG CITY SALARY)THAT LTS/CPTS CAN OCCUPY. etc.
more to come.........