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01-11-2007, 01:41 AM
I just saw a Hialeah police car. What were you guys thinking.

Miami PD

01-11-2007, 03:03 AM
We were probably thinking what a chinless twit Timoney is. Now go back to the City and decide which protesters you thugs want to beat up during the Super Bowl, unless you plan to picket like a bunch of whining *****es of course. Working in Hialeah is like serving hard time. Unless you do it and survive, you got nothing to say.

01-11-2007, 03:06 AM
I just saw a Hialeah police car. What were you guys thinking.

Miami PD

As if we had any say on the matter!

01-11-2007, 05:53 AM
I am pretty sure that the decion maker in charge of that color scheme on those cars does not read this site. City of Miami cars have not had a make over for who knows how long. Any change is a good one.

01-11-2007, 03:54 PM
we were thinkng change is good.......it definately got your attention didn't it....don't hate!

01-11-2007, 11:29 PM
They are kinda looking like Pine Crest vehicles except a little lighter. I personally like the new colors since it’s better than off-white. Maybe HOT PINK would satisfy some of your manly man tendencies. Also perhaps you can change the lettering to say “POLIS DE HAYALIA” and put a big pic of raul in the roof saying, “vengo en dos mil ocho”.

01-12-2007, 12:01 AM
TundraX you are now starting some chit. Here’s one for ya;

Q1- What’s the difference between choose and select.

Select is when you make out your mind a pick something.
Choose is what hialeah cops wear on their feet.

01-12-2007, 11:12 PM

You can come back with smart comments all you want. The bottom line is that you guys have now the worst looking cars in the US. Not Dade County, US BABY. Who in the hell came up with those colors. Please umask the offender, thats a 28 to a vehicle. Its bad enough you guys have to work in that Department, and not take home the cars, but now be seen in them.

De Madre

01-12-2007, 11:20 PM
[quote="Anonymous"]We were probably thinking what a chinless twit Timoney is. Now go back to the City and decide which protesters you thugs want to beat up during the Super Bowl, unless you plan to picket like a bunch of whining *****es of course. Working in Hialeah is like serving hard time. Unless you do it and survive, you got nothing to say.[/quote

Since you started, in a week or two you will see why we protested, its going to be a 20 to 30 % reason why. You guys have never seen anything like we in MPD have done, Maybe you should had protested too, but instead the more manly fireman did. you started, you want to continue this, have more

01-13-2007, 12:41 AM
We were probably thinking what a chinless twit Timoney is. Now go back to the City and decide which protesters you thugs want to beat up during the Super Bowl, unless you plan to picket like a bunch of whining *****es of course. Working in Hialeah is like serving hard time. Unless you do it and survive, you got nothing to say.[/quote

Since you started, in a week or two you will see why we protested, its going to be a 20 to 30 % reason why. You guys have never seen anything like we in MPD have done, Maybe you should had protested too, but instead the more manly fireman did. you started, you want to continue this, have more

20 to 30 %? In your GED mind!

There was a time when most cops -- not the County's -- looked up to the City of Miami. Today, with you drunk clown chief leading the "comparsa" at Sancho Panza, you are but a sorry excuse of what you once were.

We don't demonstrate because, for some of us, that is beneath the dignity of dedicated police officers. Besides, we belong to a kick a$$ union that does the demonstration for us; not the wimps you got.

Take home cars? We could have them, if we were to bent over and forgo future raises like you B itches did to get them. Now you've got to pay for the oil changes; how pathetic is that?

Don't go away mad, just go and wait to get drafted or held over because you don't have enough cops to provide even for officer safety. Hialeah might be hard, but it beats being force to work double shifts because your command staff is so inept that it cannot keep its officers from leaving to places like Miami Gardens an elsewhere.

You know what? We'll take our ugly cars, all our warts and you can keep your "world class city!"


01-13-2007, 04:42 AM
After all that, your still a Hialeah Cop !

01-13-2007, 05:06 AM
We do have the worst cars ever. and this place sucks.

You do see us Hialeah guys going to Miami, Not Miami to hialeah.

Sorry, Hialeah does suck, we can no longer do police work here, with all the details and the kids we keep hiring, god help us.

And the cars, they were painted that way on purpose by Julio our great Mayor. They want to make sure they can see us a mile away.

01-13-2007, 07:05 AM

01-14-2007, 05:30 AM

Who is the offender that made that abortion on your cars?

01-15-2007, 01:33 AM
I drive one of the New units. It might look like an ice cream sandwich by the sides but at night blacked out you do not see it coming. If you really don't like it call the Mayor & tell him to change it. Other wise Dont look at it or even better stay out of Hialeah.

01-15-2007, 01:38 AM
I drive one of the New units. It might look like an ice cream sandwich by the sides but at night blacked out you do not see it coming. If you really don't like it call the Mayor & tell him to change it. Otherwise Don't look at it or even better stay out of Hialeah.

LEO MAN LAW: Don't look at it; better yet, stay out of Hialeah!


01-15-2007, 12:27 PM
We dont like to look at them or go into Hialeah, the problem is that it comes into our COUNTY in the court house. The court house is ugly enough, and now with that car, dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

01-15-2007, 01:57 PM
We dont like to look at them or go into Hialeah, the problem is that it comes into our COUNTY in the court house. The court house is ugly enough, and now with that car, dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Well . . . in that case, as the venerable Miami Police chief told the FTAA demonstrators, PUCK YOU!

01-15-2007, 02:50 PM
Thank god those are not take homes, i would hate to see that parked near our homes.

Thanks Mayor for not giving them take homes.

01-15-2007, 04:45 PM
... Am I on the right message board? .... who gives a flaming flying flip? does it work? ... its a shame you don't find the colors pretty enough for you. As far as beautifying your county .... nevermind, I'll make the keyboard smoke.

01-15-2007, 05:12 PM
You still dont have take homes, Make it smoke on an email to your Mayor begging for take homes !

01-16-2007, 08:40 AM
Sorry, I got off that hampster wheel a long time ago... Tell me more about your department and county.

01-17-2007, 01:52 PM
:roll: at least you guys have cars to drive. be thankful for that. you could be walking your beats carrying your flashlights and gear.

01-21-2007, 06:47 PM

01-22-2007, 12:26 AM
We were probably thinking what a chinless twit Timoney is. Now go back to the City and decide which protesters you thugs want to beat up during the Super Bowl, unless you plan to picket like a bunch of whining *****es of course. Working in Hialeah is like serving hard time. Unless you do it and survive, you got nothing to say.I got some bananas for you guys. Maybe the bananas can improve your moral. Maybe the Mayor's of Miami and Hialeah will change the seals on the cars to bananas. What a great idea. Not one, but two third world cities!

01-22-2007, 12:33 AM
I am pretty sure that the decion maker in charge of that color scheme on those cars does not read this site. City of Miami cars have not had a make over for who knows how long. Any change is a good one.If it works then dont fix it!

01-22-2007, 12:45 AM
do can put all the fruits you want on the doors, but it does not change that you guys have the worst looking cars in the US, not Miami Dade. If they were take homes it would not hurt so much. If the Banana Republic has take home. I drive my low morale vehicle home.

01-22-2007, 02:17 PM
If you haven't noticed,(no one really cares), we have come to terms with that. Its like complaining about a uniform that's colored like monkey shite. Don't let me interupt your messages.

From The Soveriegn Republic Of Hialeah

01-22-2007, 11:49 PM
Yep, we have uniforms that look like shit, But my car is a take home, and it does bother 99.9 % of the hialeah PO'S. Dont even try to down play it.

01-23-2007, 02:14 AM
Who is this guy? He sounds alot like......no it couldn't be. Or could it? We once had a guy named....well you know your name. He would always lie about his 33's, and his lies about his 33's. This guy took full advantage of his new found employment to talk smack about us. How much he didn't have to do this and how much he didn't do that anymore. His only real point was one he never actually had one. He never again could say its better everywhere else. He's you, or I'm sorry your problem now. Maybe that well deserved motorola to the side of his coconut didn't have the effect Pete was looking for. Either way, we all thought and still think it was funny. Pete should have been promoted for that not reprimanded.
In closing, the fact of the matter is yeah, you're right. Hialeah sucks, its a big shit hole, full of shitheads. But imagine how bad it is that we even manage to find the same shitheads on a sight for our hard working, and ultimately humbled P.O.'s.
Your an asshole!

01-23-2007, 03:22 PM
We are being way too harsh on “guest”. Even though we may not agree with it, we need to be more understanding of his burning obsession. You see, a few years ago, an unnamed officer mistakenly took a 700 HPD marked vehicle home. “Guest”, looked out his of home to discover this rare treat… waited till dark… then ran to the HPD vehicle feverishly rubbing, licking, and suckling specifically on the door handles and hood. Just as “guest” achieved penetration in the key whole… nostalgic, criminal registry, 38’s, saw a familiar sight… became impassioned… they preceded to take turns on “guest”, leaving him with a cavernous colon. “Guest”, from that day forward, associated his gloriously unbridled night of ecstasy with our HPD marked units and fell in love with the color brown. Since that time he has sent thousands of letters to HPD, just like his many posts, telling his nasty story but fighting for our benefits. So you see, he’s our ally in a way, he knows that we really don’t care … (or at least as much as he does).

“Guest”… I know that you hope to one day recreate “that night” but in life, things change. It seems like blue and gray is the next color. We all know you’re excited about your take home vehicle that you call “Suzie” and we’re happy for you. We can’t promise you anything but we will make an effort on our next contract bid, to get take homes. If we do get them, we are now aware of you secret intentions and you will be stopped.

01-24-2007, 01:21 AM
Man, I thought O'leary was bad. That was classic. You do know of course that your just giving yourself away. Only a select few could put together a Broke Back Mountainish response like that. As far as Garrido, OOPS! He'll get over his take home once his mommy and daddy tell him its making their efficiency cluttered home look like a substation, and its driving away mom's clients.

01-24-2007, 09:52 PM
Hialeah Police Officers you are all ungreatful! I can't beleive that with everything the Mayor has giving you, I would see the comments I have read.

You people can't even clean up Palm Avenue! I have to call the Chief all the time because there are vagrants all over the place. As far as take home cars none of you deserve them. Most other police departments are a lot more professional than you Hialeah Officers. Stop asking why you do not have this or that and ask what you lack as officers.

When I was told about this website I thought it was a joke, but after reading some of the posting I might just call your Chief and have the Internal Affairs Unit look into who is posting these horrible things. Be greatful for your jobs and stop whinning! If I see another negative posting about the great City of Hialeah I will personally let the Mayor know. Remember that we can have your job at any time.

None of you ever stood up to Raul and know you have taken the new Mayor's kindness for weakness. Let me see one of you drinking coffee and not doing your job! Also as you can see unlike all the scared little police officers I am not afriad to write my name!

01-25-2007, 02:44 AM
Hialeah Police Officers you are all ungreatful! I can't beleive that with everything the Mayor has giving you, I would see the comments I have read.

You people can't even clean up Palm Avenue! I have to call the Chief all the time because there are vagrants all over the place. As far as take home cars none of you deserve them. Most other police departments are a lot more professional than you Hialeah Officers. Stop asking why you do not have this or that and ask what you lack as officers.

When I was told about this website I thought it was a joke, but after reading some of the posting I might just call your Chief and have the Internal Affairs Unit look into who is posting these horrible things. Be greatful for your jobs and stop whinning! If I see another negative posting about the great City of Hialeah I will personally let the Mayor know. Remember that we can have your job at any time.

None of you ever stood up to Raul and know you have taken the new Mayor's kindness for weakness. Let me see one of you drinking coffee and not doing your job! Also as you can see unlike all the scared little police officers I am not afriad to write my name!


01-25-2007, 02:53 AM
Hialeah Police Officers you are all ungreatful! I can't beleive that with everything the Mayor has giving you, I would see the comments I have read.

You people can't even clean up Palm Avenue! I have to call the Chief all the time because there are vagrants all over the place. As far as take home cars none of you deserve them. Most other police departments are a lot more professional than you Hialeah Officers. Stop asking why you do not have this or that and ask what you lack as officers.

When I was told about this website I thought it was a joke, but after reading some of the posting I might just call your Chief and have the Internal Affairs Unit look into who is posting these horrible things. Be greatful for your jobs and stop whinning! If I see another negative posting about the great City of Hialeah I will personally let the Mayor know. Remember that we can have your job at any time.

None of you ever stood up to Raul and know you have taken the new Mayor's kindness for weakness. Let me see one of you drinking coffee and not doing your job! Also as you can see unlike all the scared little police officers I am not afriad to write my name!

Dear David, you must be very proud of yourself? Your post speaks volumes as to why Hialeah Police Officers are so demoralized and why many of them are desperate to work elsewhere, anywhere. Do you actually think your threats will have an impact? For starters, all opinions posted in this forum are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, as courts in the State of Florida have twice affirmed.

Are you a police officer? I think not; if your were, you would not be such a chicharon. By the way, most Hialeah police officers have more pride in what they do, putting their lives on the line everyday than you will ever know.

Whether you are serious or not, your are pathetic.

01-30-2007, 05:51 PM
Hialeah Police Officers you are all ungreatful! I can't beleive that with everything the Mayor has giving you, I would see the comments I have read.

You people can't even clean up Palm Avenue! I have to call the Chief all the time because there are vagrants all over the place. As far as take home cars none of you deserve them. Most other police departments are a lot more professional than you Hialeah Officers. Stop asking why you do not have this or that and ask what you lack as officers.

When I was told about this website I thought it was a joke, but after reading some of the posting I might just call your Chief and have the Internal Affairs Unit look into who is posting these horrible things. Be greatful for your jobs and stop whinning! If I see another negative posting about the great City of Hialeah I will personally let the Mayor know. Remember that we can have your job at any time.

None of you ever stood up to Raul and know you have taken the new Mayor's kindness for weakness. Let me see one of you drinking coffee and not doing your job! Also as you can see unlike all the scared little police officers I am not afriad to write my name!

Youv'e been the Mayor's (gofer) for 10 minutes & you think you know everything. Why is Palm Ave. a problem. Because City Hall created it. Your so called vagrants are from the nearby A.L.F's. You state that other Police Dept's. are more professional than us. Please name them. Chances are whatever Dept your going to refer to has Ex-Hialeah Officers there. As for us being scared.. Nice try when your driving around listening to us responding to violent/dangerous calls where are you? We choose not to post our names because our leaders are very Malicous & Vindictive.

02-01-2007, 06:34 PM
Since you are led by such spiteful leaders, what are the chances that a welcome change might be in the offing? After all, how many years has RB been chief? Or is he copying Fidel Castro?