View Full Version : Klein time

11-22-2006, 02:58 PM
After the latest explosion with Paul Maser, is it not time that Klein finally leavs? This guy has made a carear out of screwing people over. His righthand man Dewey needs to go as well. These two cowards do not deserve to lead the Clearwater Police Department. When will the city leaders learn that these two are running the PD into the ground. Been that wa since I was hired in 89. Too many years with lackluster leardership.

11-22-2006, 04:11 PM
In 25 years, Klein has been thru much more than what has occured at CPD lately. Lets remember when the former City Manager forced Klein to announce his intention to retire, then 6 months later it was the City Manager who was forced to leave. Dewey would trim Klein's toe nails if he thought it would get him somewhere. Dewey applied to other places, but his wife flat out told him she wasn't moving anywhere.

Management at CPD hasn't changed much since you've been there, yet patrol has. It's not the days of going out after 3-11's, and the days of good Halloween parties at the old FOP - why is that? Klein & Dewey had nothing to do with the squad parties of yester-year - but everyone sure got along better back then.

11-22-2006, 06:48 PM
True, the Chief and Dewey had nothing to do with going out yester year...but that is hardly the problem with this agency. It would be nice to have the kind of brotherhood we have had, but it's gone. The main issues are poor decision making from the Chief on down to the Captain. The complete and total ignoring of the severe manpower issue should concern each of us as well as our loved ones. To poll the citizen communites to see if it's o.k. to get rid of some community police teams, then after they reject it, you cancel all plans to try to fix a manpower issue? Flat out joke. Our department has turned into an "All for me" department. As long as I'm happy in my little wordl, who cares about the rest of you. FTO, Community Policing and D.B. for examples.....I hope someday, one of those 2 or 3 man squads don't encounter an L.A. Bank Robbery scenario. It will be intresting to see who cares after that.

11-23-2006, 02:10 AM
And he has his own TV show! If only that much time and money was spent addressing problems.

11-25-2006, 02:15 PM
If you've been here over 20 years you should know that that at this point, the Chief will leave when he is good and ready, unless something so egregious occurs that the headhunters from CITY would come after him. If the chiefs wife was still alive, he probably would have been retired right now because she was into crafts and he went with her around to festivals where she did her "thing" and he was there for her.
This is all he has right now.
I wish Tony would get the Chiefs job.

11-26-2006, 11:22 PM
Stop with the insults on the Chief, we could be St. Pete with a Chief and and City that is not behind their Officers.

11-27-2006, 01:20 AM
Don't worry, they will be talking about the chief when the one or two guys on Days West gets hurt due to no man power.

11-27-2006, 08:15 PM
If you've been here over 20 years you should know that that at this point, the Chief will leave when he is good and ready, unless something so egregious occurs that the headhunters from CITY would come after him. If the chiefs wife was still alive, he probably would have been retired right now because she was into crafts and he went with her around to festivals where she did her "thing" and he was there for her.
This is all he has right now.
I wish Tony would get the Chiefs job.

Ummmm...your forgot to finish at the end there. I will do it for you. I wish Tony would get the Chiefs job.....somewhere else!

11-30-2006, 05:55 PM
I do not want Tony would get a job somewhere else. He is the right person, at the right time, for the City of Clearwater.

12-04-2006, 06:16 PM
I do not want Tony would get a job somewhere else. He is the right person, at the right time, for the City of Clearwater.

I have a feeling you might be the only one who thinks this. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it does not make any sense. I am guessing you must not be involved in patrol in any way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to balance out the squads. Being short bodies in general is a problem, but having a squad that consistently puts out 2 or 3 officers is poor management. If you can't effectively manage a patrol division, I am guessing you can not effectively manage an entire police department. Then again, I guess that would be sticking with the status quo.

12-04-2006, 10:38 PM
Management concept has remained for years - as long as it works on paper then it will work on the street. On paper they show all these people available yet in reality they are not there.

12-04-2006, 11:51 PM
It's sad when Thugs have AH's direct line and call him when they are upset that some police are taking away their livelihoods like robbing, stealing and selling drugs.

Here's some crazy advice, tell them to get a job and stop rolling in their wannabe Scarface mantra and maybe the police will stop chasing crooks instead of You telling the police to stop chasing them.

Try and remeber what it was like to be enforcing the law instead of reasons why not too.

Tony is a nice guy but he has to distance himself from the Thugs and their stomping their feet every time they get caught. This placating is causing the dissention with the troops. Good luck and I hope it changes.

Joe Friday

12-05-2006, 12:55 AM
I've known Tony since he was working ON the North Greenwood Squad with Naumann,Mcbride and Holloway. I guess I've confused him as a person vs him as getting the job done with Patrol NOW than THEN.
You guys know better I'm sure.

12-05-2006, 03:57 PM
Yet remember when Naumann's people would call because the po-lice were harrassing them? She'd meet with that officer and tell them to back off - wouldn't matter if they were holding or not - you weren't allowed to so much as ask them to get off the sidewalk because they'd run and tell "Miss Terri" and you'd be in trouble.

I guess some people have a hard time looking down and seeing that badge on their chest and remember why that took the oath. No one comes into the job to make friends, let alone drug dealers and car thieves. I don't want someone like that as a friend, or knowing my personal phone number - unless they're about to tell me the Mother Load is coming to town -

12-05-2006, 04:55 PM
Wasnt Terri banging brothers back then? was she not seen hanging with the homey off duty then. Face it, CPD has been pussified the way SPPD has. Dont mess with blacks cuz its easier to placate them and keep them from rioting than it is to let cops do their jobs and put the criminals in jail. Remember the days of "mess with the west, die like the rest." WTF over.

12-07-2006, 01:59 AM
Well, Terri "banging brothers" as you put it, is a personal issue between Terri and whomever she's with, and does not concern us, OR YOU. There were a few instances when Terri did get too close with the criminal element for the liking of CPD staff. However, there were many times after something " went down " , on the North End, Terri would get a call from " People In The Know" maybe at work, and yes maybe at her residence, that would often end up with quick 10-15's on some cases, or at least fruitful for investigators. It often irked officers that Terri had the contacts and they were just plain jealous because they were left out of the loop. Yea Mr. Guest, so you would have someone call you at home for a good enough reason such as a "Mother Load", but nothing else? Quit being a hipocrite. There were times that OFFICERS would call Terri at home, all hours of the day to get data on someone from the North End.
It goes both ways.

02-16-2007, 08:38 PM
Four months later and its the same old, same old.

06-27-2007, 04:47 AM
Maybe they could "retire" and move to crystal river and hang out with another of Klein's special trained lieutenant to be chief's. This one works very hard to be like Kline, even has his own tv show so everyone here can enjoy how special and trained he is. Question, is being an arrogant, rude, nasty, egotistical ass part of the training, just asking because he is certainly well trained if it is. Hey, better, maybe he can come back and take over the CPD since he is having trouble here coming up with the money (Bankrupting) our small town trying to covert it into a mini CPD.