View Full Version : Today was a GOOD day!

11-21-2006, 01:28 AM
I've posted before under the name Honest Question, so I thought I would stay with it. My earlier post was a question about deployment of FHP resources because I so seldom saw them.

My particular gripe also has been about lack of enforcement on I-75 from the state line to Ocala and on I-4. I travel these roads a lot.

TODAY was a good day. I was driving south on I-75 between I-10 and Ocala and on three occasions FHP troopers caught speeders who had passed me at speeds of 90 mph or greater.

It felt GREAT to cruise by seeing those speeders pulled over to the side.

Good job! Keep it up! I appreciate it!


By the way - those new super bright light bars are outstanding. They can be seen from a long way off, but do not give off a blinding glare.

11-21-2006, 02:20 AM
And your question is?

11-21-2006, 02:47 AM
Hey IDIOT! Did you read where he was describing the name? Also, when he started a new paragraph "Today", that started his new thought; everything prior was explaination to his name.

11-21-2006, 05:40 AM
I know that the Alachua Police Department is constantly working I-75 in the northern portion of Alachua County (speed/interdiction). This also goes for the Alachua County Sheriffs Office. Both agencies due an excellent job of trying to slow people down up there on the big road. They have to. There is so much congestion at the Alachua City and Gainesville City exits, there are actually signs that state "Slow Down, Heavy Traffic Ahead". Keep up the good work, and be safe to all leo's, troopers, officer, deptuys ect.

11-22-2006, 02:24 PM
well we need them in sarasota county between mm176 and mm200 it is a royal mess with reckless driving and speed, why because it is rural with no enforcement. when i do see a cop its the scso. pls fhp can we get you all on the highway and get more units.