View Full Version : Look Around

11-15-2006, 02:59 PM
Some things just don't change. Look around...shift schedules, FTO's, couples calling out sick, computers, short staffing, more brass-less first line officers, supervisors pets that can do no wrong, bashing dispatchers, cutting each other's throats. What exactly has changed since the Chief's reign? More important, who do you blame it on these days? Remember "if only so and so was gone" how much better life would be? Well about ten of them are gone and NOTHING has changed. The constant through all of this is #1 and #2. Look the weak backed snakes in the face and get someone with integrity and the guts to do the job! Chances are if you really like your boss...he is not doing anything for you or your organization. Sometimes the answer is NO, not because it is anything about you personally but because it is not good for the organization. Take control of your department, oust the incompetents and look for a leader who will take charge and not flow with the wind or the last person who talked to him!

11-15-2006, 05:28 PM
Dear Ol Timer.......it's always nice to hear from one of you ten or so that are gone. Have a nice life....somewhere else.