View Full Version : JOHN KERRY

11-02-2006, 05:25 AM

11-02-2006, 11:17 PM
I agree what an ass sleep at night vote repbulican

11-04-2006, 01:46 AM
Not only don't either of you know what you're talking about, but you are also both idiots. I hate nasty civilains. Vote the person, not the party first of all (proof that you are nasty civilians and not current or former servicemen). Second, you think that because you catch a glimpse of something on the news or in the paper that you are educated on the subject and you are not. I don't care for politics one way or the other. But, as a serviceman myself I know two things. One, Kerry has EARNED the right to say whatever he wants, one way or the other because he has actually served in the military and fought in combat (in a much longer and more ****ed up war then the one we are currently fighting), unlike our know-nothing waste of space President who ran away from the National Guard on American soil, not anything foreign. Simply put, Kerry knows more about combat and has more of the welfare of the troops in mind than Bush ever will. Secondly, telling the American people like it is not unpatriotic, nor is it unpatriotic to acknowledge that mistakes have been made, our servicemen (my service included) are not acting professionally nearly as often as the White House and the media would have you believe, and the military that is screwed up refers to the suits and ties and politicians, not the grunts. But, how could I expect you to know any of this when its evident that when the call of duty rang in your ears, you too both ran the other way. The same as the President that you blindly support. Supporting a power hungry mad-man who has waged a war like the President has does not make you patriotic, nor does it make-up for your cowardice when you passed up the chance to enlist.

11-04-2006, 02:35 AM
Before either of you simple minded critics jump on my grammar (since you will feel that that is your only recourse to my statement, knowing that everything I said is true) for use of the word "too" near the end of my comment, I meant to use the word too (as in "also"), referencing the way you avoided service the same as the President. I did not mean to use the word two which is what I'm sure you are thinking. My use of the word "both" would que an intelligent person as to exactly which word I intended to use. Had I said "you two both... etc etc" that would be redundant. Just so you know and don't waste your time posting something that you think will make you sound smart.

11-04-2006, 03:03 AM
what would you prefer oh might liberal? Stick our head in the sand while our enemy plots and trys to kill us? Make us "safer" like Clinton did? Please....G W has the balls to stick up for what he thinks is right...can your liberal party do the same?

Or do they still "have a plan" and just won't tell anyone what it is? LIberals are pompus a-holes!

11-04-2006, 09:23 PM
You should have just said both and left out the too. As you put it, an intelligent person would have understood your meaning and the sentence wouldn't look like a fifth grader wrote it. Oh well, you think Kerry should have been President...so that shows you are in the minority of the voting world and can do nothing else but cry that your canidate lost. Of course, any civilized person understands that the President really doesn't run things, it's in fact Congress and until we make an upper age limit, it will continue to be run by men and women who are living thirty years behind the times.

11-04-2006, 10:00 PM
Wow, two very lame replies to stated facts. Bush is a coward, he doesn't stand-up for what he believes, he just doesn't know how to back out of the mess he made. There is nothing wrong with being liberal. However, I am not. I am an American and a serviceman. I don't vote the party Captain Conservative, I vote the person, as I stated. Whether they are Democratic or Republican doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is the welfare of this country and the people who serve it. As Kerry did. And Bush did not. Bush sees dollar signs and that is all this war is about. You are ignorant civilians who believe what you see on the news and read in the paper, but I am not. I've been there, I served, and I know exactly what this is all about. The probelms is morons like you who follow the path of least resistance. Bush stole the first election and that has been proven. He won the second election because the American public is too afraid to hand the helm over to someone else. The Presidents approval rating is less than forty three percent and has been steadily declining since he took office for his second term. However, it was an easy out and like yourselves, everyone was afraid of the war getting worse. So, they threw up their hands and backed the horse that was already there, that way nothing was at risk of changing. And nothnig has changed. The President is a douche bag and a coward. We are losing the war. The Conservative public like yourself has been fooled and things continue to deteriorate in this administration. Thanks to people like you. Don't you look stupid now that you realize it is in fact the both of you that are in the majority. At least Kerry and Clinton did their job and did it right. I don't give a shit who ****ed who or where. I just care that one is a proven combat veteran qand leader, and the other did the job he swore to do. Bush can't make either claim. In fact, his biggest claim to fame is that he has officially been crowned the worst President in American history.

11-04-2006, 10:48 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think Jimmy Carter has locked up the "worst President" of all time.

Our economy has never been stronger, unemployment is way down, stocks are way up!

Clinton didn't do anything except get his knob polished by some fat college intern.

Go away liberal, you're party is a bunch of Socialists!

11-05-2006, 05:13 AM
I find it interesting that the two idiots that responded to the guest never said if they were in the military so I second the fact they dont no crap about being in any war or combat unit. Im sure if the balloon went up tommorow you would want the president impeached if he was going to start a draft a send one of your sons or daughters to war. You seem to think if your a republican that somehow makes you patriotic. Im willing to bet you two were never in the military so just do me a favor and shut up........

11-05-2006, 08:15 PM
LOL, thanks Glimmer man! It's nice to know there are plenty of people left in the world who don't have their head in their ass. I choose to call these people prior servicemen and their families. Not Democrats or Republicans. To the guest that listed Jimmi Carter, I don't know what the man did and I don't care. I have no room to comment on his job performance. However, the economy has never been weaker than it currently is, welfare distribution and unemployment rates are the same as they have been in years past, stocks are not way up, and I don't care who polished Clintons knob as long as he worked the office... and he did. It wasn't me who declared Bush the worst President in history (though I don't dispute it one bit). It was the professionals who study American politics and history that write our childrens text books and nations history books. Your theory on Carter is an opinion that has not been substantiated. The statement I made can be researched and verified if you care to take the time to do so.

11-05-2006, 10:12 PM
During his four years in the White House, he presided over the worst economic downturn since World War II, allowed a bunch of thugs to seize our embassy and our citizens, and supported Philippine dictator Fernando Marcos, Pakistani General Zia al Huq, Saudi King Faud and many other dictators. But Jimmy Carter was a much better president than he is an ex-president.

In fact, Jimmy Carter holds the hands-down record for being the worst ex-president the United States has ever known. His post-presidential meddling in foreign affairs has cost America dearly, both in terms of international credibility and international prestige.

He defied US law by visiting Cuba, even addressing the Cuban public and handing Castro a huge propaganda victory. He oversaw the elections in Haiti, against the expressed wishes of the Clinton administration. A coup followed.

The Bush White House can now boast of 18 consecutive quarters of strong economic growth surpassing that of Europe and Japan combined, 5.4 million new jobs created since 2003, the lowest unemployment rate in 40 years, steady gains in worker productivity and record levels of home ownership.

These achievements are all the more remarkable given the economic adversity they overcame: The dot.com bust at the end of the 1990s, the recession and stock market decline that Bush inherited, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, two wars and a punishing run-up of energy costs.

An economy that can thrive and prosper despite all that must be doing something right.


11-06-2006, 01:53 AM
Blah, blah, blah.... blah, blah. What are you, a Bush cabinet member?! You sound as bad as the spin doctors that sell that crap to the public. More jobs and economic growth? Ha! For the wealthy maybe. The only jobs that have boomed have been hard labor such as construction, fruit picking, land scaping, and pumping gas. Good thing he pardoned a crap load of illegal immigrants to work those jobs and keep his oil pumps operating. Nobody that needs relief has received any from this administration. The jobs created are crap, the propaganda that you bought into and tried to preach to us is crap, and this whole administration is crap. I don't know what the solution to this countries problems is, but I know the only thing exacerbating the situation is the mental midget with no spine that currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

11-06-2006, 03:48 AM
You said it, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-06-2006, 10:15 PM
There is no reason these people can't get jobs. The only ones not working are either to lazy or disabled!

The poor are poor usually because they are to lazy to get off the MGD and cig's to get there ass to work.

11-07-2006, 12:48 AM
And then sometimes the poor are poor because they are shafted ad neglected by the government. You are right, there are a lot of lazy people out there who do nothing but take up valuable space. However, there are plenty of people (like teachers) living at the poverty line. True their tax reurns and W-2's say they are doing fine, but that is just political B.S. Teacher salaries look good to anyone who isn't a teacher and buys into political propaganda. However, I was lucky enough to be enlightened since my mother is a teacher. We always struggled, we have always been at the poverty line (once taxes were taken from her pay), and their is nothing great about the money they make. Hell, there have been times when I have had to help pay her bills! My mom will retire from teaching at 65 with 38 years of experience. Her reward for her hard work at attempting to keep society from being dumber than dirt? Less than 49% of her annual salary (which at retirement for her will be just under $60,000). Wow! Less than $30,000 a year? That sounds like a fantastic retirement, well worth the 38 years she has given the system. Especially when one considers inflation and realizes that A. $30,000 isn't much of anything right now, and B. that in coming years the value of that $30,000 will continue to decrease. This is just one example. Just one profession. Just one group of people that have worked hard all of there life, both for themselves and society, that will falter until their bitter end. You can't blame everyone for poverty and laziness. Sometimes the administration just plain sucks. And as if ole G.W. isn't bad enough, to make matters worse for teachers his dumber brother runs this state! Who would've thought George was actually the smart one?

11-07-2006, 01:54 AM
Amen to you!!!!! G.W. and his brother are all for the mighty buck in their pockets................ Just look at the FCAT - the teachers are teaching what is on the FCAT just so their school can have money. Crist is going to keep the FCAT system just the way it is and that is VERY sad. At least Davis will use the FCAT tests for what they were designed for PLACEMENT WITHIN A PARTICULAR GRADE (WHAT A CONCEPT)!!!!!!!!!!! Let the teachers teach the curriculum and give them the money they deserve.

11-08-2006, 05:08 PM
Yah well America has spoken!!! We will no longer put up with this administration's corruption and arrogance!!! YIPPIE!!!!