View Full Version : Health Insurance

10-27-2006, 09:14 PM
I am upset about the change in our insurance. My son has type one diabeties. I recently went to fill his prescriptions and found out with the new co-pays I will be spending at least $100 each month for his prescriptions.
What is really upseting is the pharmacy told me we might as well not as have insurance because it doesn't cover much. Does anyone know why we changed, or if we had a say in it?
Does anybody have any information on a possible supplemental policy that we might be able to enroll in? Thanks in advance for any information Y'all have.

mod 184
10-28-2006, 02:20 AM
What I have gathered so far from talking to Humana is the following. First, this is county wide. All county employees now have had their insurance changed. No one was asked if they would like different options, such as slightly higher premiums and keeping our copays the same, or whatever. Some departments were not even given the information that was handed out in the SO. I am not even sure everyone here got it as a friend of mine in D2 did not get the 43 I got. In regard to the copays for Rx, Humana said that they have their generic of preference which has the lowest copay. The Brand name copay of $30 is only if that brand name is the one that Humana feels is the drug of preference for treating you. If it is not, then it is a Non-formulary and that is the $50 copay. So if your MD thinks a certain drug is what you need, and Humana feels it is not the prefered drug, then $50!!! Of course, before we start throwing rocks at Humana, let me tell you this. It was OUR county administration that adopted this, Humana is merely managing it. This is not my opinion, but what Humana told me when I called for clarification. So maybe in a soon to come tuesday we should remember who just took more money out of ALL County employees pockets and act accordingly! That is my opinion!

10-28-2006, 05:33 PM
The County Health Insurance Committee is your enemy!

For the last several years they have been frantically searching for ways to shift more and more of the cost of your health care insurance from the county onto your back. Increased co-pays and deductibles are among their strategies.

HCSO has a seat on the committee. It is occupied by HR Director Michele Hamilton. If you are unhappy with the way things are going then tell her. However, don't look for much help. She doesn't have a history of exercising leadership at the meetings. In fact, she is usually late - if she shows up at all.

The sad fact is that things are going to get worse. The Committee is dedicated to reducing costs to the county and the way they see to do it is to reduce your coverage and increase your co-pays and deductibles.

Their ultimate aim is to get you to drop out of the system because once you leave you cannot return. And if you are out of the system their costs go down.

The only way to fight back is to make some noise about it. Write letters to the Sheriff and to the County Commissioners. The Commissioners actually have little insight into what the Committee is doing. Tell them!

The PBA should get involved on behalf of the PBA members. Fight for better health care insurance and reduced rates. What you win for the membership may spill over to the benefit of all county employees. And if it doesn't you may get more members simply because the members have better benefits than non-members. It's win-win for the PBA to get involved.

Or, roll over and do nothing.............................

I'm willing to bet that virtually everyone will take the "do nothing" position.

10-28-2006, 09:25 PM
The PBA should get involved on behalf of the PBA members. Fight for better health care insurance and reduced rates. What you win for the membership may spill over to the benefit of all county employees. And if it doesn't you may get more members simply because the members have better benefits than non-members. It's win-win for the PBA to get involved.

You want better health care and you want a voice on what your health care options are......then you should demand that the PBA mandate this very important benefit into your new contract. If you wait, the next contract will not be in place until at least Oct 2009. Let it be known that if you do not get the plan you want, then any contract proposal will be rejected. Let the PBA know now that you are not afraid to take the Sheriff and the County to arbitration.

Don't let the Sheriff and his staff fool you or play games with YOUR money. He can offer you 10% this year and 10% next year, but if you have no say on some issues, such as health care, all they County has to do to get back the big raise they just gave you is reduce your benefit package.

Think, don't be stupid. If you have a benefit now make sure that the benefit is protected by the contract and that you also have a say in negotiating bids for your benefits.

11-09-2006, 06:39 PM
Our new insurance, but better said Humana insurance is a joke. Humana is one of the worst insurance companies out there along side of cigna.They are the bottom feeders/ bottom of the bucket insurance plans out there. They are also known for their bonus incenitives for certain tests performed or not performed. I called the sheriff's office questioning how they make these insurance decisions. I was redirected several times and finally spoke to Michelle Hamilton which redirected me to Gloria Grady(administrator) who I may add contradicted her own statements and hung up on my because I guess she didn't like my remarks on the way they make insurance choices. According to her the insurance companies make a bid and whoever comes up with the bet bid wins. So our health choice is not a matter of what is best for the employees health benefit but what is best for the county pocket. Also the county gave humana the authority to decide which drugs are considered brand and which ones are considered on that 3rd tier ($50) charge. Now you must understand that Humana is only the underwriter according to Gloria Grady. How can an underwriter be given the authority to make a health choice like this? The insurance maybe better in some small ways but they are still sticking it to the employees with the 3rd tier choice and higher cost. How can a insurance company have the right to decide your medical welfare? Shouldn't your physician which examines you know what is best for you? I think if the doctor prescribes a 3rd tier drug like the lady with the diabetic medication or my self which I have to take the drug Nexium. By the way which I had a tube stuck down my throat so the insurance company could see that I really need to take this drug. Needless to say it was confirmed and now I have to pay $50 dollars for this drug. Gloria went on to say that this was a better insurance for everyone with better benefits but then in another sentence she contradicted herself by saying that all the retirees who are on 2 to 4 (3 tier )medications a month have to pay the new outrageous out of pocket copay. These medications use to have a copay of $20.00. Imagine that but its a better health plan for whom? Or may I add whos pocket/benefit. I will leave it up to all that read this email with their own thoughts and questions. And by the way the dental compbenefits is another joke to speak about.

11-09-2006, 10:03 PM
LB.......don't blame people like Gloria, it is your County Commission that excepts the contract. It is also your PBA that failed to get health care, any health care, issues in your contract. If the PBA messes this up again, they should all be taken to the range and used as targets :twisted:......just kidding.

But the truth is that we have voted in the PBA. The PBA should demand more in a contract than just pay, which they did this last time. HCSO PBA should be listening as to what is happening at TPD. There, they vote a big "NO" because Durkin and clan failed to include anything in the contract dealing with this vital issue.

11-10-2006, 12:27 AM
LB.......don't blame people like Gloria, it is your County Commission that excepts the contract. It is also your PBA that failed to get health care, any health care, issues in your contract. If the PBA messes this up again, they should all be taken to the range and used as targets :twisted:......just kidding.

But the truth is that we have voted in the PBA. The PBA should demand more in a contract than just pay, which they did this last time. HCSO PBA should be listening as to what is happening at TPD. There, they vote a big "NO" because Durkin and clan failed to include anything in the contract dealing with this vital issue.

You are wrong! DO blame people like Gloria. The County Commission is just a rubber stamp for whatever recommendation is brought to them by the County Health Insurance Committee. They don't have the time or the inclination to reconsider all of the things that the committee looked at in arriving at a recommendation. And that committee thinks it has just one mandate - to find the cheapest possible insurance premiums for the county to pay.

I've been to those committee meetings. All the county representatives do is talk poor mouth. There have been some AGENCY representatives who have made impassioned pleas for BETTER INSURANCE COVERAGE, but the county peoples' focus is on COST.

On one thing we do agree. The PBA is TOTALLY INCOMPETENT when it comes to negotiating health insurance issues. The PBA reps seem to (stupidly) think that everything is about pay raises. They don't get it! UNTAXED BENEFITS can be of much greater advantage to the employee than getting more cash, which may just push you into a higher income tax bracket so you get less of the money anyway.

Perhaps it's time to ask the FOP union people what they have to offer. I believe they are willing to bring in professional negotiators with experience in this area from their headquarters in Washington.

It's worth considering.

11-10-2006, 04:39 AM
To: What is Happening

No, the real problem is that the employees do not have the guts to stand up for themselves and attend a BOCC meeting and speak their mind when the BOCC is voting on these issues. They do not have the guts to pack the meeting room in mass to let the BOCC know they do not like the proposed plan(s). It was these same gutless depuites that had to vote in a PBA to do their dirty work, and then they don't even have the guts to attend a meeting to let the PBA know what direction they want to go when it comes to a contract. It is the same gutless deputies that allow a few willing deputies that have placed their heads on a chopping block in order to be PBA represenatives and then refuse to support them by attending meetings. But you know what, thats ok because one day they may very well be a gutless member of the Sheriff's staff and will only say what they think the Sheriff, any Sheriff, wants to hear.

11-10-2006, 07:20 PM
Please understand that by the time an issue as complex as health insurance is staffed through the Health Insurance Committee, the Civil Service Board and their attorneys and is brought to the County Commission for a vote it is MUCH TOO LATE to expect the Commission to fail to adopt the recommendation brought before them.

Among other things, the presentation for a vote usually is on a deadline that is so close to the scheduled time for implementation it is too late to start over in the decision making process.

I DO agree with you that too few employees are involved in the process and that they should be communicating with the BOCC members and Committee members long before the Committee decisions are made.

And there is an undeniable level of incompetence among the PBA representatives with regard to this very complicated issue. If the membership doesn't insist on better representation, perhaps they deserve what they (don't) get.

11-10-2006, 09:09 PM
Please understand that by the time an issue as complex as health insurance is staffed through the Health Insurance Committee, the Civil Service Board and their attorneys and is brought to the County Commission for a vote it is MUCH TOO LATE to expect the Commission to fail to adopt the recommendation brought before them.

Among other things, the presentation for a vote usually is on a deadline that is so close to the scheduled time for implementation it is too late to start over in the decision making process.

I DO agree with you that too few employees are involved in the process and that they should be communicating with the BOCC members and Committee members long before the Committee decisions are made.

Not true. The BOCC in the past has delayed the insurance contract as may did complain, Sheriff Henderson was one. The BOCC held workshops as they were not happy with what they were hearing.

I would like to know if Sheriff Gee ever spoke up for his employees about this issue, as I hear that our represenative who is a Col did nothing.

And there is an undeniable level of incompetence among the PBA representatives with regard to this very complicated issue. If the membership doesn't insist on better representation, perhaps they deserve what they (don't) get.

So right you are.

11-10-2006, 11:50 PM
I would like to know if Sheriff Gee ever spoke up for his employees about this issue, as I hear that our represenative who is a Col did nothing.

For years our representative has been HR Director (civilian) Michele Hamilton, who is chronically late to the meetings, never volunteers any information and seems to be in over her head with regard to insurance issues.

(At one meeting she confessed she had no idea what Tricare (military retiree) insurance covered, although many of our employees have this coverage. I would be willing to bet that she still doesn't know.)

11-11-2006, 03:47 AM
I have heard the same issues about Michelle Hamilton. I agree she is clueless and I have heard many complaints about her tardiness and lack of understanding. Ms. Grady admittingly said she was one of the personnel to make the insurance decisions and again she seemed quite clueless and agitated upon being questioned. And I also agree that the employees should attend a meeting so they can voice their opinions and concerns about the health insurance/dental insurance.

11-11-2006, 07:28 PM
What's her pay level? I believe it is Captain's pay. And her college training isn't even a regular four year degree from what I understand. Just some specialized Human Resources classes in college.

We have a Major and a Captain sitting in HR, on the offices on each side of her. Is this a position that is really justified - and at this pay level?

The position used to be filled by a LEO Sgt. Maybe a review of the need for this position is in order.....

11-11-2006, 08:22 PM
I heard Col Hawkins followed this issue very close, and had the final say..........so what we got does not surpise me.

11-12-2006, 04:04 PM
In reference to Col Hawkins response, As a leader you are ony informed as the people who report to you and subordinates who give you feedback. We should give that feedback and let our brass know about the impact that recent decisions are having. And this is not ony affecting LEO's it affects all who work for the organization. I 'm a civilian worker and in one month on prescriptions for myself and fanamily under this new plan I have spent $310.00, That in one month!!! Under the old plan I would have spent $165.00 you do the math and figure in the whole organization, that is a lot of money$$$$ Some one is reaping a benefit but it definatly is not me! As for the pay raise and COLA thank you very much. But I'll never see it, because of this additional insurance out of pocket expense.I don't know about everyone else but I plan on writing a memo to the brass and let them know how I feel, hopefully without fear of retribution. I hope It will make a difference. If not I will just have take advantage of other oppertunities that cross my path. For all you LEO's out there, I thank you for the great job you all are doing. I am proud to serve The ones that serve us so well and that is You "Hillsborough County's Greatest"[/i]

11-12-2006, 08:14 PM
In reference to Col Hawkins response, As a leader you are ony informed as the people who report to you and subordinates who give you feedback.

Pure garbage. A supervisor's job is to supervise, not to take the word of every employee who is assigned a task. It is the supervisor's job to ensure that the information that is being given is truthful and accurate. You do this by spot checking the tasks handled by the employee. Too many supervisors here take everything as gospel, as it makes their job that much easier. Other wise any person that was even remotely associated with our new Humana plan would had been fired or at least removed from that position. Too many supervisors take the money for the job title, and then fail to fulfill their obligation to that job title.

Elliot Parsowith
11-14-2006, 11:46 AM
When your next PBA contract comes up for discussion and votes, INSIST on better health insurance benefits.......especially after you retire.

I was going to have to pay $465/month (three years ago) for the county sponsored plan that I could use in N. Georgia. I went to BCBS of GA for half the cost and about the same benefits. When BCBS raised rates excessively on me after I turned 55, with no money out of their pocket for me (I am pretty healthy) I switched to my wife's plan with Verizon which is a good plan with United Health Care, and widely accepted in most of the country. Now even Verizon/UHC is raising costs and it is going to cost us $850/month for both of us. And we are both healthy! No ongoing prescriptions, chronic illnesses etc. We usually just go to the doctor once or twice a year for routine physicals.

Since I retired in June 2000, I was not eligible for the extra county stipend, but do receive $128/month from FRS for health insurance. I have retired friends from the private sector and other LE agencies and Hillsborough is way at the bottom of taking care of their employees, active and retired when it comes to health insurance.

So, forget so much about the big bucks in contract negotiations for a while, and concentrate on health insurance issues.

Be safe and healthy!


11-14-2006, 08:58 PM
Better still... don't rely on the agency or a contract to be there for you after you retire. This is mostly to the younger cowboys/girls here. Take into account that you may have to pony up the extra cash for those benefits and start saving now! Start a Roth IRA or contribute the raise you just got into you differed comp account.

Point is, start thinking about these things now instead of ending up like some have.

11-14-2006, 09:40 PM

Won't the County now pay you the stipend since you turned 55? That is when it kicks in. Then you lose it when you are eligible for medicare.

Elliot Parsowith
11-15-2006, 11:34 AM

Won't the County now pay you the stipend since you turned 55? That is when it kicks in. Then you lose it when you are eligible for medicare.

Nope, I read something about that from the alumni association about 6 months ago, and called HR at the SO. Because I retired in June, 2000, 6 months before the stipend went into effect, January 2001, I am not eligible for it. It was in the early planning stages when I decided to retire so it wasn't a factor in my decision to go when I did. "Day late and a dollar short." Seems to sum up my career!

Oh well, life is good in retirement!