View Full Version : why

10-14-2006, 08:57 PM
:?: Why :?: is there so much hatred in here? Isn’t there enough in the world we live in? Go ahead and correct my GraemMMore. It’s embarrassing that the public has access to these unprofessional comments made on here. I saw this site a couple of years ago and decided to check it out again. If I were a citz and looked at this I would be shocked at how LEO’s act out of uniform.

This is an observation not a “put down”.

10-15-2006, 09:38 PM
Here's a thought retard, this board is open to anyone. How do you figure that every post is done by an LEO?

The LEO's that do post give their opinion of their departments ost of the time. Are they supposed to go up to the Cheif/Sheriff office and tell them exactly how they feel?

Use your brain. There are some childish comments made on here but for the most part its officers/deputies telling like it is.