View Full Version : Attorney Irvin

10-06-2006, 10:00 PM
Lets see......Irvin accused any current investigation on the shooting to be a sham conducted by a bunch of liars and good ole boys hell bent on taking justice into their on hands and murdering this black man. Sadly no black leader from the church, naacp, community, has condemned the actions of the suspect publically giving rise to the notion that the color of his skin is far more important than his actions were. Was there any doubt this would be a racial thing .......

10-06-2006, 10:21 PM
Every minority media reporter in this state will take their shot watch and see

10-06-2006, 11:21 PM
We knew this would come. The whiny liberal race-card players were already hatching their attack the moment Sheriff Judd said that God would be the judge and jury. The drive-by media (except for the Ledger, God bless you) beat its standard drum: poor black man gunned down by over-zealous cops. Sixty-eight rounds, that has to be excessive force?

No mention made about the brutality visited upon Deputy Williams and Diogi. No mention about how he was ambushed and executed. Let's not talk about his wounds. Not a word about how they suffered at the hands of that sad excuse for a human being.

They all talk about how no one expected Freeland to come out alive. Of course we didn't expect him to come out alive, he had made his choice. He was a blood-thirsty, merciless killer and no one in their right might would give him a chance to kill another. Yet, he was given a chance, no one made him hold Deputy Williams gun in his hand. No one made him hide under that tree all night waiting to ambush another fine officer. We knew the outcome because we knew the deeds of Freeland.

SWAT team members, stand proud. You did what had to be done. Its never easy to take another human life and I know it will be difficult to live with that even when the life was as worthless as that of Freeland. Bottom line is you came home to your families and Freeland will not kill another father or brother. The media thinks you should have given him a chance to take another fine officer from us, let him get off another few rounds, we all know better, we have been there and know how it goes down.

The community is behind you, you are our saviours and the vast majority of people know it. Let the ignorant rally around Freeland and his evil deeds, let them try to second guess your actions. Let them try to defend the acts of a blood-thirsty killer. They have never been there and never will. You defended yourselves valiantly in the face of pure evil. We are glad you came home and we thank you for your service.

10-07-2006, 12:02 PM
First if you wanna know how long 110 rounds took .........replay the news conference that was being held when the shooting occured.....If Mr. Irvin and freelands family only wanted answers.......Why did they all but call the Polk SAO...FDLE......SO.......liars before the investigation even done with yet.....Didnt need a news conference to ask for a independant investigation........stirring the pot and getting some face time for free was all that was about