View Full Version : Contract remove step pay increase?

10-04-2006, 11:45 PM
Aside from the pay increase which is hardly above cost of living (3.9%) the main reason to vote "no" is the removing of step pay.

Think of this senario; One month before your evaluation you and your supervisor have a run in over a call. Nothing you did meets the discipline criteria so they cant do that. Now your supervisor decides that your actions were Below Expectations and gives you the same rating on your evaluation. You could loose your MPO status and the money.

Younger officers and Senior Cpl's Det's and Sgt.'s listen up. With this type of logic, they could take a 6yr ofcr. and bump him/ her back to step 5 and you could loose that money. Or what about the master cpl./ sgt. rank. You and the Lt. have a run in and now you loose that status. While this is not proposed in the contract (wonder why?) the presidence would be set for them to do that. I have worked 12yrs of midnights, several years on fto and have earned my MPO status and the money. To have that taken away because of the arbitrary rating by a supervisor or worse yet a Lt. who is looking at my "production ratios" is not only unfair but singles out one group of people in the dept. The ones the management views as "lazy." Guess we MPO's had nothing to do with the drop in crime.

There is no reason what so ever to give this up. While the $1.00 shift bid is great and I support it (and I dont work mids) and the FTO pay is well deserved (did my years there), there is no reasion to approve the contract on this point alone. This is an attempt by the management to split our ranks.
The younger ofcrs, with less time and work nights will appreciate and deserve the increased shift differential.
The FTO's deserve that pay, the $100. was a joke for the extra work I went through
The detectives deserve the correction of the "bad time" for their call out.

So I ask that you folks support the MPO's. This is an attempt by management to squeeze more out of us by threatening to remove nearly $5k. You will all be here one day (at MPO) or if the TPD gods bless you and you do get promoted, then they could start removing the senior pay next? Why would we ever give that up? It simply must be rejected based on that alone. You never give something that you already have. We deal with enough risk and unknowns out there, I dont need to wonder if that next eval. will cost me too. :roll: