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09-29-2006, 11:49 AM
The city has plenty of it. The fire department got 5-5-5 on their last contract, our chief and majors got bonuses, and our mayor got a raise.

Stay united, VOTE NO!

We desreve a good contract.

3 hours court time
increase in shift diff.
increase in f.t.o. pay
increase in longivity awards

SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-29-2006, 12:04 PM
I think Brother got it right in his post.

They dont care about shift bid. They used it to scare us and it worked.

Now the city has moved the PBA off their initial offer and we can not receive anything more than 5/5/5.

Brother hit the nail on the head.

Now the city will offer 5/3/3 or 5/4/3. They will have the "moral" upper hand by saying, "hey we met them 1/2 way".

Again, many people have asked what the other $$ items were that were agreed to.

12th Vacation day?
3 hours court?
standy by?
shift differential?
FTO pay?
Motor Pay?
TRT Pay?
More clothing allowance?

what were the other $$ items? Why wont they say? It was asked on their board and they refused to answer.

09-29-2006, 01:50 PM
Buddy, you hit the nail on the head with your last post. People got so mind screwed over the shift bid and made such an issue about it and the city was only using it as a distraction. Now, they have the upper hand, like you said......they can say "hey, we caved to your big demand about shift bid" and then say they wont budge on the wages because they already gave us the shift bid. Some of you guys blew your wad and now the city is making you look stupid. I will vote down anything less than 5-5-5, but we are not in a good position.....When we get the 4-3-3 or go to impass I really hope it is worth it to the whiners who pitched a total fit about the shift bid.........thanks alot.

09-29-2006, 02:46 PM
I was told that these items had been tentatively agreed to

12th Vacation day? yes
3 hours court? yes
standy by? No
shift differential? Yes .80 eve 1.00 Mids
FTO pay? 230 a month
Motor Pay? No
TRT Pay? Other special pays went to $150.00
More clothing allowance? 375.00 S/Q 700/ Det.
Shift Bid 1 year

Still waiting on COLA so all the above can change

09-29-2006, 02:54 PM
And det. got on-call pay

09-29-2006, 05:27 PM
We need to vote down anything less than 5-5-5. Our Union president is starting to crumble in his negotiations and has already offered 5-5-3 to the city. We need to stand united and just vote no. The worse case scenario is that we end up with what the city is offering us now. Let it go to impass.

09-29-2006, 05:57 PM
Before you start posting false information about our contract negotiations, I suggest you read the PBA website. Kevin (Durkin) feels that we deserve nothing less than a 5/5/5 raise, with a one year shift bid. NOTHING LESS THAN THAT. If it were up to him we would get 10/10/10, but unfortunately the city and management are the ones who are playing with the low numbers.

Get your facts "scraight", and read the PBA website. Oh, it might help if you would show up to the meetings too, rather than working off the D3 rumor control hotline.

Oh, and here's a little secret. D3 is the worst for rumors during contract negotiations...I wonder why. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

09-29-2006, 06:03 PM
We are all here because until now there has been nothing substantative posted by our PBA since MONDAY!!!... thus we all come here. Sometimes we are misled by jerks like you (detective)!

09-29-2006, 09:16 PM
I guess the truth hurts when you start to listen to other officers who don't care about the PBA, or a unified agency. Relax, don't get your panties in a bundle. You will get your raise too. It's not right that the city wants to screw everyone from Sgt down to patrol man.

There's a reason why the PBA hasn't posted evey little detail. It's called, "The City and Management don't want to increase pay for the officers," plain and simple. Every meeting the PBA has had with the City has resulted in a walk out from the PBA due to low wages proposed by the city. Everything else, including the one year shift bid, is in agreement. So lets stand together, and if the current contract goes to end-pass, so be it. They will have to pay us for it later.

09-30-2006, 03:53 AM
Check again, there is a post TODAY from Kevin Durkin.