View Full Version : Request for Show of Solidarity

09-27-2006, 02:28 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

For those of you who are unaware, the Tampa Police Dept is currently in negotiation with the City of Tampa for our contract. It expires this week.

Our last contract was 3 years ago. Since that time, our health insurance cost has doubled, most property taxes for us have gong up 30-45% and our pension contribution rate was over 10% of our income at least one of these years.

Mayor Pam Iorio gave the administration of the department bonuses earlier this year in the $1000s. She cited a double-digit crime reduction in the city for 3 strait years.

Now that we have entered negotiations she has decided that we haven’t been doing that good a job. She has offered us less than 1/3 of what we asked for. She has basically DEMANDED that we give up one of our best benefits (our ability to shift bid based solely on seniority). If we refuse we are offered nothing. All offers thus far have been very low numerically and tied to us forfeiting this benefit.

It should also be noted that this mayor gave the Fire Dept raises of 6/6/6% over 3 years.

Our negotiations have now STOPPED. I am asking for any and all Brothers and Sisters to email, write or call the City of Tampa Mayors office and register their dissatisfaction with her lack up support to the Police Officers that have provided her the foundation (3 years of double-digit crime reduction) for her re-election in a few months.

Please contact her on our behalf. If and when you face the same situation PLEASE let us know via our board and your brothers and sisters at TPD will do the same.

TPD Officer
Let Them Never Be Forgotten!

09-28-2006, 12:06 AM
Sorry Brother...we have enough of our own issues to worry about. Didn't see you writing to the mayor when we were and are getting shafted. Try your own board for support we have enough problems.

09-28-2006, 03:31 PM
Good point Gilligan, but . . .

any Tampa resident reading this board ought to be fighting for their police officers just as the St Pete officers hope that the St Pete residents will fight for them.

You didn't see them writing our chief, huh? Maybe not, but how about you do the right thing first for the right reasons and stop looking for payback.

09-29-2006, 01:11 AM
Sorry Skipper, I have to agree with Gilligan on this one. Let TPD fight their own battles. We have enough problems ask the professor and Mary Ann if you don't believe me.

Thurston Howell III
09-29-2006, 01:52 AM
Sorry Skipper, I have to agree with Gilligan on this one. Let TPD fight their own battles. We have enough problems ask the professor and Mary Ann if you don't believe me.

Listen here pal....get your own user name and stop piggy backing on mine!!

09-29-2006, 10:03 AM
Thurston what do have you got a copyright on your name? We can use any name we want JACKASS!

09-29-2006, 12:28 PM

I am amazed at your responses. I am very disappointed.

You ask what have we done for you?

I am bad with names, but go ask the officer there who did his job and shot and killed a piece of Shipzu that was driving a car at him back in the day. (you migh not remember but it lead to the riots)

After they suspended that officer, ask him how much money was collected and sent to him by the officers of TPD!!!!!

You say we have never helped? Have you ever asked? Post on our board and ask us to send an email to your mayor or city manager or whomever in support of you and we would fill the email boxes!

I didn't ask you to send money or come picket with us. All I asked was if you could send an email, letter or phone call. Five minutes out of your day.

I will not allow your poor attitude about us to effect my loyalty to you. I will always be here for you and do what ever I can to help. Feel free to post on our board when you need help and I will come as will my brothers and sisters. It may only be in the form of an email or letter but I assure you I (we) will come.

Just remember your major is our Deputy Chiefs "wife" and therefore we too must be very careful.

Please keep our brothers and sisters in Polk County in your prayers and LET THEM NEVER BE FORGOTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-29-2006, 02:10 PM
Ill call for you. Please excuse the A##es we have on here. We should never have to many problems to assist another LEO. The jerk offs that responded are the reason why we have so many problems. Thats ok guys, dont get up..keep that tree safe and drink your coffee. Good luck TPD. We know how you feel.

09-30-2006, 02:26 AM
Sorry Tampa - but we have a lot of idiot posters. If you check the post we have on here concerning Polk County you will see that everybody is up in arms about not responding and helping. Then you get an agency asking for five minutes of their time to post an e-mail, which they can do in their boxers while eating a bowl of Captain Crunch, and they act like you were asking them to gouge their eyes out. Some of us will be glad to send something - unfortunately most of our gripers are just plain pathetic.

09-30-2006, 02:53 AM
Just wait a minute there TPPD...

Our Mayor is already married to a Deputy Chief.....


Wish you could have been invited to the affair ....
This marriage was made in heaven.... :oops:

09-30-2006, 03:09 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Picasso, you are a freakin' genius

10-02-2006, 01:53 AM
Sacred marriage vows never stopped him before...

right, Karen?
right, MJB (or is it drop on a knee)?
right, - - - - - -?

(you fill in the blanks)

10-07-2006, 04:56 AM
Your proposed contract puts a 10 year officer at a base pay over $68,000, by 10/2008 its right at $74,000.00 and you want a pity party...oh brother, we need your help more than you need ours.

10-08-2006, 03:57 AM
Your proposed contract puts a 10 year officer at a base pay over $68,000, by 10/2008 its right at $74,000.00 and you want a pity party

Tampa makes it easier for the City of St. Petersburg to say "NO" to all of us. We're using Tampa FD's numbers in 'our' latest proposal.

See: http://usvsthem.homestead.com/081706UnionPayProposal.html

Our Technical Rescue Teams (Hills., Tampa & St. Pete) all work together to comprise one large state team and travel to far flung places like Biloxi during hurricanes like Katrina, but we are not as deserving as them. They work fewer hours for more pay and retire earlier with a COLA.

We work for the 4th largest city in the state, yet we're 30 something in pay!

City on the cheap!

FD Bro'

Over 940 days of negotiating for competitive pay, pension and benefits!