View Full Version : Request for Show Of Solidarity

09-27-2006, 02:06 PM
Brothers and Sisters,

For those of you who are unaware, the Tampa Police Dept is currently in negotiation with the City of Tampa for our contract. It expires this week.

Our last contract was 3 years ago. Since that time, our health insurance cost has doubled, most property taxes for us have gong up 30-45% and our pension contribution rate was over 10% of our income at least one of these years.

Mayor Pam Iorio gave the administration of the department bonuses earlier this year in the $1000s. She cited a double-digit crime reduction in the city for 3 strait years.

Now that we have entered negotiations she has decided that we haven’t been doing that good a job. She has offered us less than 1/3 of what we asked for. She has basically DEMANDED that we give up one of our best benefits (our ability to shift bid based solely on seniority). If we refuse we are offered nothing. All offers thus far have been very low numerically and tied to us forfeiting this benefit.

It should also be noted that this mayor gave the Fire Dept raises of 6/6/6% over 3 years.

Our negotiations have now STOPPED. I am asking for any and all Brothers and Sisters to email, write or call the City of Tampa Mayors office and register their dissatisfaction with her lack up support to the Police Officers that have provided her the foundation (3 years of double-digit crime reduction) for her re-election in a few months.

Please contact her on our behalf. If and when you face the same situation PLEASE let us know via our board and your brothers and sisters at TPD will do the same.

TPD Officer
Let Them Never Be Forgotten!

09-28-2006, 02:08 AM
Sure buddy, you get paid way more thanus now, your benefits are better, your pension is better, and I'm gonna run out and picket for you.

I'm sure your cause is just and you deserve recognition, but you can't come here and expect sympathy when we're worse off than you by a longshot. :roll:

09-28-2006, 05:05 PM
Think about this brother, when WE stand together we ALL get stronger.

Your benefits can and will go up now that you have the union. As agencies around you pay goes up you are more justified to get your pay up. When they have benefits you dont you are justified to ask for them.

The reason TPD gets what they get is the union and the collective bargaining process. You are new to it. Trust me every contract you will "Get" something. Once you get it,....its yours. You dont lose it unless you give it back. DONT give it back without getting something better.

Thats where we are at TPD. They want our shift bid back. THen we want a raise. but the city wont even discuss anything now.

Let me add that the only reason I posted is that one of you who knows me called me and asked about this. If you dont think WE (TPD) officers have ever stood with you....ask some of YOUR senior officers about a blow-out argument that occured in the old Neukoms between two counsil members and Spina vrs a TPD Officer who they asked his salary. When the officer told them he made more than the Chief of ZPD they accused him of lieing. He went home, retrieved his contract and threw it on the table for them to read. THe argument went on and this TPD Officer told them that ZPD had many great cops and that they would leave soon until they were properly compensated. This guy calls Spina was he needed to be called.

When this same guy signed up to speak at a city counsel meeting two years ago, they put his name at the bottom of the list and then told him there would not be time.

ANYTIME you need an email or letter or phone call sent on your behalf. FEEL free to post on our (TPD) board and we would always be willing to spend 5 minutes in a show of support for you.

If I can EVER do anything for you in support, get with Mark, he knows who I am!!!!

Stand Tall, Stand Safe

and Let Them Never Be Forgotten

09-28-2006, 05:17 PM
Also ask on the Temple Terrace board...I know someone there who would stand up with you!

01-26-2007, 12:52 AM
I have to too many funerals of my friends and fellow officers that I worked with in Tampa. I worked for Jim Diamond, Sgt Haynie in the old Patrol division. I will send an email to the Mayors office in your behalf. After leaving TPD, I worked for the feds and then came back to put in 25 more years behind the wire where I retired as a Sgt. Was only injured four times during that period, once was my own fault, the rest in what ever it took to assist other officers or to act on my own while backup was on the way. An interesting 25 years. PS Yes I know Mark & he knows me well, I was one of his instructors. Former Badge 136 (TPD). :P
Brothers and Sisters,

For those of you who are unaware, the Tampa Police Dept is currently in negotiation with the City of Tampa for our contract. It expires this week.

Our last contract was 3 years ago. Since that time, our health insurance cost has doubled, most property taxes for us have gong up 30-45% and our pension contribution rate was over 10% of our income at least one of these years.

Mayor Pam Iorio gave the administration of the department bonuses earlier this year in the $1000s. She cited a double-digit crime reduction in the city for 3 strait years.

Now that we have entered negotiations she has decided that we haven’t been doing that good a job. She has offered us less than 1/3 of what we asked for. She has basically DEMANDED that we give up one of our best benefits (our ability to shift bid based solely on seniority). If we refuse we are offered nothing. All offers thus far have been very low numerically and tied to us forfeiting this benefit.

It should also be noted that this mayor gave the Fire Dept raises of 6/6/6% over 3 years.

Our negotiations have now STOPPED. I am asking for any and all Brothers and Sisters to email, write or call the City of Tampa Mayors office and register their dissatisfaction with her lack up support to the Police Officers that have provided her the foundation (3 years of double-digit crime reduction) for her re-election in a few months.

Please contact her on our behalf. If and when you face the same situation PLEASE let us know via our board and your brothers and sisters at TPD will do the same.

TPD Officer
Let Them Never Be Forgotten! :P

01-27-2007, 12:44 AM

01-27-2007, 01:35 PM
I would recommned you guys give up your out of county take home cars if you need a negotiation trade off.

At least that way you will stop speeding throughout the county and calling in bogus s1 reports.

02-02-2007, 10:42 PM
I was asked by another TPD Officer to read this board because of the lack of support recieved by ZPD in reference to the previos posts. One of the replies stated TPD porblems aren't your problems. This is true but you never know when you may need something or a favor. Pls let me remind you that there are approx 1000 Officers on this PD. I'm sure that kind of support would be nice and welcome if the need were to arise. It also seems to me that a lot of the posts have been bitter and seem as if some ZPD Officers as envious. TPD is one of the highest paid PD's in the state and have some of the best benefits around. Most Officers are more than satisfied with the agency. It is not unusual for a one or two year Officer to begin work in speciality squads. Officers who leave TPD for other agencies are few and far between. Alot of applications to TPD come from smaller agencies whose supervisors don't make what patrolmen make in Tampa. I wonder how many ZPD Officers would love to for work for TPD or how many have already applied? The fact of the matter is, TPD is a great agency which is in high demand amoung people who want to get in this field and learn how to be Cops. In refernece to the post who stated TPD Officers call in bogus S1's, you must be kidding! I can't imagine a TPD Officer taking the time nor energy to make that call. One shift at TPD would probably be the same as two weeks at ZPD, so I can't imagine them wasting their time. Pls don't misunderstand this reply, I am not targeting all those a ZPD, just those few who were negative against the orginal post by the TPD Officer.

02-03-2007, 06:33 PM
I can speak for the majority of the Zephyrhills Police Department when I say that not ALL Officers feel the same as "Ace Hole". The fact of the matter is, interagency cooperation is extremely important and is a vital part of Department successes.

I strongly hope that the majority of TPD's Officers aren't as arrogant as "It's a shame"(the majority of the ones that I know aren't), but while I disagree with "It's a shame", who feels that they need to make a feeble attempt at bashing ZPD by flaunting TPD's pay and benefits, I DO support what TPD is trying to achieve here. I guess every Department has an Ace Hole.

What I don't understand is that while TPD is attempting to gain support in which to benefit YOUR lively hood, "It's a shame" manages to demonstrate what a hypocritical pompous ass he is by stating that they are not "targeting" everyone at ZPD. How else should their comments be interpreted.

TPD is NOT the only place where one can "learn to be a Cop", so I'm not sure what fantasy world you are living in.

Don't think for one second that ZPD Officers strive to be like Officers at TPD. While TPD is an excellent agency, it is NOT the goal in which all agencies should strive for by anyones stretch of imagination.

Secondly, until you've worked at ZPD, understand that you can make no determinations or assumptions as to what TPD allegedly does in one shift vs. what ZPD allegedly does in two weeks. We ALL have the same chance of geeting shot or killed, so trying to compare is ridiculous.

Simply put, you don't want to make enemies with us, nor do we want to make enemies with you.

To "TPD Officer", I am certain that you have the majority of ZPD's support. I for one will gladly contact the liberal mayor, who, like some leaders, wears a different mask once the honeymoon period is over.

Good luck and be safe.

02-03-2007, 09:46 PM
Taken from the TPD board: Waa waa I want my PBA issued sandwhich.

Yeah you guys are real professionals. Maybe you guys can keep your professional arses from making news worthy mistakes somehow.

02-04-2007, 12:41 AM
I can speak for the majority of the Zephyrhills Police Department when I say that not ALL Officers feel the same as "Ace Hole". The fact of the matter is, interagency cooperation is extremely important and is a vital part of Department successes.

I strongly hope that the majority of TPD's Officers aren't as arrogant as "It's a shame"(the majority of the ones that I know aren't), but while I disagree with "It's a shame", who feels that they need to make a feeble attempt at bashing ZPD by flaunting TPD's pay and benefits, I DO support what TPD is trying to achieve here. I guess every Department has an Ace Hole.

What I don't understand is that while TPD is attempting to gain support in which to benefit YOUR lively hood, "It's a shame" manages to demonstrate what a hypocritical pompous arse he is by stating that they are not "targeting" everyone at ZPD. How else should their comments be interpreted.

TPD is NOT the only place where one can "learn to be a Cop", so I'm not sure what fantasy world you are living in.

Don't think for one second that ZPD Officers strive to be like Officers at TPD. While TPD is an excellent agency, it is NOT the goal in which all agencies should strive for by anyones stretch of imagination.

Secondly, until you've worked at ZPD, understand that you can make no determinations or assumptions as to what TPD allegedly does in one shift vs. what ZPD allegedly does in two weeks. We ALL have the same chance of geeting shot or killed, so trying to compare is ridiculous.

Simply put, you don't want to make enemies with us, nor do we want to make enemies with you.

To "TPD Officer", I am certain that you have the majority of ZPD's support. I for one will gladly contact the liberal mayor, who, like some leaders, wears a different mask once the honeymoon period is over.

Good luck and be safe.

Hey chief, who are you to speak on our behalf! You need to worry about your own problems (personal and professional). You are certainly not the spokesperson we have in mind to do our talk'in.

Stay the **** off this site and go do your traffic stops!

You're worthless!

02-04-2007, 04:54 AM
I guess the post had the opposite effect it was supposed to. I agree we all have the same function and the dangers are there whether the dept is 10 or 1000 Officers. I wasn't trying to seem arrogant either by speaking of TPD's benefits and pay. I am however proud of the Officers I work with and will gladly defend the agency from negative posts, like the ones I read before I posted mine. I do not label ZPD Officers as all negative and any assumption in starting a war of words is ridiculous. I was asked by another Officer to read some of the negatively he recieved when he asked for support and I was shocked at some of the pathetic responses. . I responded and it offended anyone I apologize, but I do not regret anything I wrote. I personally do not know any Officer's employed by ZPD but I will tell you I respect anyone who does this job. I was offended by some of the responses from other officers to an officer, and felt obligated to reply. The orignal Officer who posted his request for assistance was met by unwarranted negatively. The fact of the matter is the contract passed and we did well, with or without assistance. I made it seem like I was talking TPD up, becuase I WAS! I personally feel TPD is one the best agencies in the bay area where you can become a well rounded Officer and gain more experience quicker than most, while being appropriately compensated. It is truthful not arrogant. As far as the reply who made refernce to a post on the TPD page, I hope your intelligent enough to know that's not the majority feeling. TPD has a few who will never be happy as with any agency. I read some of the different forums from ZPD, it's apparent that you do to. Be safe out there and thank everyone who was willing to help!

02-04-2007, 02:27 PM
Hey Zephyrhills, we may be waa waa about not getting our sandwich, but cmon at least our officers dont have sex with explorers

02-04-2007, 02:54 PM
is that officer still employed with zpd? if so, what was his disipline? remember, the public has the right to know!

02-04-2007, 09:46 PM
For more info contact 1-800-THE-LIAR. He always tells the truth. He will tell the media what's best for his image.

02-05-2007, 03:24 PM
Cmon, ZPD we want to know about the guy who was "accused" of having sex with an explorer. Please clear it up for us

02-06-2007, 02:12 AM
Hey if you really want to know just look it up. I will help you out St.Pete Times did an article on it and I think The tribune did as well and he doesnt work at ZPD anymore... See if we name names our posts get deleted because the idiot cries about it. We dont say Russ no more we just say hey idiot.

02-08-2007, 01:38 AM
I was just informed of this recent banter about my original post. I am stunned and embarassed. I am a life long Zhills boy. I went to West Zhills Elem, Z Hills Jr High and Zhills High (GO BULLDOGS!!!).

I posted that exact request on 54 different agencies boards.

The only board that reacted negatively was ZPDs. I was stunned to say the least. I have know many of you my entire life. I have known many of your fathers all my life. I have offered before to come to ANY Zhills City Counsel meeting and speak as a private citizen on your behalf. You pay is assinine. P.E.R.I.O.D.

I dont say that to be mean. I say it as complete disrespect for your city administration.

I have no confindence or respect for the moron you call Chief. I have only slightly more respect for the a$$ clown city manager who doesnt have the common sense to ask others about how Police officers should be handled and supervised. You city manager and Chief both admitted they did not know what the Policemans Bill of Rights was. UNBELIEVABLE!

Six of you came to me and asked me whether you should join the union. You did not take my advise in the first go around. However, the strength of your union is at hand with the fight they are putting for you and your shift bid. When the city looses (which they will) they should have egg on their face with the press. Gosh I only wish Berny Wicstrom was still here!!

Again, you all really let me down. 54 different agencies were asked for support and only the agency from my home town posted negative comments.

I will always be here to support you. If ever you need a "citizen" to stand up and speak support for you. JUST ASK on the TPD Page!

Let them NEVER be Forgotten!

02-08-2007, 02:55 PM
Its not everyone who doesnt support you guys, its one maybe 2 a$$ clowns that think they can speak for everyone else. If you read the comments this idiot is trying to make ZPD look bad, he did it because he gets a rise out of sounding like a big bad man. See its easy to be a jerk when you are hiding in your own home and you can post anonymously it makes them feel like a real big man, we dont want officers in zephyrhills who wont stand up for other LOE's. He states we have our own problem, WHO DOESNT! Let me ask him something "Mr. Smack Talk what have you done to try to fix the departmental problems"? What, posted stupid comments on this site? Like I said TPD he doesnt speak for everyone, he probably wouldnt speak for him self in public. Dont let it get to you this is what others have to deal with on a daily basis.

02-08-2007, 09:42 PM
"Hey TPD" thanks for the response. It's reassuring to know that someone took the original post as a request for support and not a chance to bash another Police Officer. Whether your abbreviation is TPD or ZPD we all do the same job, just on different scales. Thanks again for your positive reply.

02-10-2007, 02:51 AM