View Full Version : Gary and Gang

09-25-2006, 03:18 PM
You mean to tell me that this is considered ok by Gary and his gang but the "video" was scandelous?


http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f ... LBHK61.DTL (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2006/09/24/BAGD4LBHK61.DTL)

09-29-2006, 05:24 PM
www.insidethesfpd.com (http://www.insidethesfpd.com)

10-25-2006, 04:10 AM
Daly is a little skunk, just look at his district. For real laughs check out the Wall Street Journal front page today, it talks about some poor lady named Carolyn Abst who offended all of the perverts on Polk street by attempting to clean up the neighborhood and plant some trees. The little worms even put her face on a wanted poster. Her crime? She paid some homeless junkie kids $6.00 per tree to plant the trees instead of offering them computer training etc etc. Ever wonder why families are fleeing SF like rats on a sinking ship? Now you know. Thank Gav

12-14-2006, 07:03 PM
Gary has no idea what he is doing. You want to talk about unprofessional conduct, just listen to him and Kevin Martin talk. They try and sound smart, but in the end they come across as thugs. The POA leadership has always reminded me of New York City mafia unions, they think they can get their way by pushing and yelling and screaming and being insulting. In the end, if the current leadership continues these tactics, they will end up hurting the hard working men and women they claim to represent. In the end, remember this, the only people Gary and Kevin really care about are Gary and Kevin, they are looking out for their post police career opportunities. If you doubt this, just look at their predessesor, Cris Cunnie, he is jumping from one politically appointed position to another, now tell me the POA is on our side. If you want real leadership, quit listening to the current leadership and their cronies on the board who tell you how to vote, and vote for yourself, make up your own minds. Don't listen to the threats and the insults hurled against those who disagree with Gary. With Gary you are either with him or against him, he has his little dictatorship, and, make no mistake about it, you better not disagree with him. Good luck and God Bless