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09-24-2006, 05:42 PM
Deluge of car thefts is unforgivable
Letter to the Editor
Published September 24, 2006


Re: Auto thieves keeping police busy, Sept. 13.

Jon Wilson's article about the soaring auto theft rate once again reminds us of the failed leadership at the St. Petersburg Police Department. Having 1,898 vehicle thefts through August is unforgivable, and the city cannot blame the courts for this. Other Pinellas police departments use the same courts and have much lower vehicle theft rates. What those other areas have is a tougher attitude, better police management, and an adequate number of officers on the street. St. Petersburg police Chief Chuck Harmon's command staff blames juveniles, but has the chief personally asked prosecutors to upgrade any juvenile 16 or older to adult status for car theft? What about requiring electronic monitoring as a condition of bail and probation?

Criminals know they will not be chased in St. Petersburg because of a no-pursuit policy. The message is clear: It's a free ride in St. Petersburg for crime.

We do not have enough officers on the streets, and even when police are visible, troublemakers know that the cops wear political and procedural handcuffs from the chief.

It's a great day in St. Petersburg ... especially if you're a car thief.

Dan Spice, St. Petersburg

09-24-2006, 06:52 PM
Why are thieves still running loose?

Re: Auto thieves keeping police busy.

Excellent reporting by Jon Wilson. It is shocking to learn that 13- to 16-year-olds are stealing cars at the rate of seven cars every day in St. Petersburg. Even more shocking is that "one 16-year-old may have stolen as many as 500 vehicles in the past 18 months," or "an 18-year-old woman likes to think of herself as the 'queen of auto thefts.' " Why are these people running loose on our streets?

To let this continue is an outrage! Here is an opportunity for the St. Petersburg Times to do something good. Make this an issue with the politicians. Challenge the candidates to come up with an answer, not sit back and say, "You can't do much with a juvenile!"

W. Collins, St. Petersburg

09-24-2006, 09:23 PM
How is that shocking?

09-24-2006, 09:30 PM
I think the guest meant that it's shocking that there aren't a lot more auto thefts within city limits. The few officers working the skreets are very good at what they do, or it would be a lot higher.

Citizens: If you really are shocked about this stuff, quit re-electing incumbents. When you do that, you're simply re-hiring/rewarding the dirtbags that are at the root of the problem. Judges, mayors, all of them...... the ones we keep re-hiring obviously aren't going to do what you pay them to do. Register to vote, and go vote them all out next time, ......or just STFU and sleep with an UZI under your pillow like the crooks do.

09-25-2006, 02:28 AM
Too bad the chief's position isn't voted on by the public......

09-25-2006, 02:36 AM
Yeah, that is a major flaw isn't it? :cry: :cry: :cry:

09-26-2006, 01:54 AM
If this city has a chief who doesn't think the car theft numbers are a problem, maybe he should get fired, or moved to Child's park without an escort or as "free club" for his wheel.