View Full Version : When Tasers work

09-11-2006, 06:35 PM

09-12-2006, 08:39 AM
That is the best. I saw that episode. Notice how he said he would box the police dog? He wasn't afraid of any of them or the dog. But, once he got hit, "Noooo, not again!". And our so called police comission won't issue us tasers! If my dog won't work, then I have very little options left. Baton or gun.

09-12-2006, 04:40 PM
We are faced with large criminals on an everyday basis, and we seem to handle ourselves pretty darn well, but when we are faced with AKs, then we are up against a beast of a totally different kind. If we don't get to face off with, at the very least, the same force and weaponry, then we may as well give "them" the streets. None of us should ever have to try and explain this one to our families.

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02-25-2007, 08:11 AM
All is takes is a hopped up 148 on PCP to show you why you have a Stick and wish that you had a Taser. We get injured and those morons at the Commission and in the ACLU say, oh that would not be humane to use a Taser on him. These same Weasals are the first to call 911 because their neighbor's dog took a crap in their lawn but the last to call about the Latin guys who are selling Crack from their mouths at the corner of Hyde and Golden Gate every weekday. Classic.

03-02-2007, 11:24 PM
That is the joy of working in SF. NOT! From the board of stupidvisors, to the police communist commission, down to our lack luster leaders, this department is on a downward spiral. The question is can we or the POA do anything to stop it?? If not, then we may be in for some more "dark" days ahead!